Post you're face when Sony wins E3
Post you're face when Sony wins E3
>My face if new Infamous game
>no face since it won't happen
Microsoft basically gave the conference to them. It's 2013 all over again.
This. Just... fucking THIS. I was really hoping they'd have something interesting to show, but they're just treading the same goddamn water they always do.
But guys what about EXCLUSIVE sea of thieves?
This gif every fucking year
Nintendo wins baby WOOOOO!
Nintendo will win because the only winning move is not to play
Sony has nothing to prove this year. Nintendo isn't a direct competitor and Microsoft is Microsoft. They'll probably play it safe.
Nintendo however needs to convince people that the Switch will actually get games.
I'm a long time Xboner from the hueg days, but I hope they have some cool stuff to show. More good games is always sweet.
Cage: Sony
Grill: Nintendo
Personally, not worth buying a 499.99$ piece of hardware for that game. And I am one of the people that bought the Switch day1 for BotW.
Mah DLC of Thieves
>And I am one of the people that bought the Switch day1 for BotW.
lol cucked p hard there m8
>a third party machine will win E3 eventhough the third party shows were shit
Fuck, I just saw that movie the first time a few weeks ago. Why the Fuck did they skin her? I mean out of everything else they could have done why that
Movie was kino though
Girl = E3
Seal = Microsoft
Old Guy = Sony
>Peach - Xbox One X
>Wario - Third Party announcements
>Mario - Sony
>Luigi - 3DS still surviving
We're all going to lose
literally who
>David Cage's Movie
>Uncharted Lost Interest
>Last of Us 2
>God of Us: My Wife's Son
>Spider-Man: Please pretend I'm still relevant
Ok user.
>Luigi - 3DS still surviving
Stop pushing this meme
What movie?
>tfw you're a Monster Hunter and SMT fan and you own a PS4, 3DS and Switch
The Square Enix conference whatever is in sony conference right
Martyrs 2008
Damn the dad or whoever it was is fucking based. Jumped straight in. Now that's a man.
Take note millennial NEETs
thx senpai