what is it about nintendo that attracts kissless virgins and other mentally ill freaks
What is it about nintendo that attracts kissless virgins and other mentally ill freaks
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good games
repetitiveness and nostalgia pandering
it doesnt attract them. it makes them.
they grow up with mario and zelda and they get old with mario and zelda.
They inoffensive. People like this don't like to have their echo chamber challenged. A Nintendo game has never tried to teach anyone anything, they don't have a message, they don't challenge a world view.
I dare anyone to prove me wrong, show me one Nintendo game that has a message deeper than "your friend are important" or "your family matters"
Stop talking shit sonybro. I mean it, you wouldn't like it when we get angry!
You'll know true pain after the spotlight direct. I honestly pity you right now.
Most likely the same thing that Sony or Mixrosoft does to produce them.
More Nintenbro posting plz
I don't think it attracts them. They attract kids. Kissless virgins and mentally ill freaks are more likely than most to never stop liking what they do as kids.
>The Last of Us
>A man is sent on a journey across a post-apocalyptic landscape to escort a young girl, immune to a virus that has plagued the world. Along the way, she heals his cold and the player is left with the impossible question: would you sacrifice the one you love for the greater good?
>Mario Odyssey
>It's Mario but this time he has a new...HAT!
Why are Nintendo so juvenile and babyish?
Nintendo is literally a meme now, it attracts sonic tier autists but also "im such a nerd i played zelda xddd" normies.
They're a toy company that designs their products for children, so their "adult" customers are all people who didn't develop mentally enough to learn to use PCs.
It's funny because you're right, but Last of Us is still laughable crap.
What's the fucking appeal of mario as a character
Pretty sure that's video games in general.
>show me one Nintendo game that has a message deeper than "your friend are important" or "your family matters"
I guess Majora's Mask taught you that even if you do manage to make things right somewhere some people are going to have their lives ruined anyway and you'll just end up a ghoulish lonely monster wandering an inescapable woods for all eternity, never finding that lost friend you were searching for. Sure, you maybe set things on track for one guy who hurt others to get his life back on track (skull kid), but he'll probably also just confine himself to solitude out in the woods.
It still has that 'friends are important' message, but it's tagged with 'but you'll probably never find them again and die lonely' after thought.
South Park was right
Alright, fair enough. But we can at least agree that even games with that much of a message are like 2% of Nintendo releases at best, right?
user you know what a "game" is right? I didn't play mgs for its bloated anti war sentiment.
If you don't play games, watch movies, or read books, that challenge you at least sometimes, you don't grow as a person.
i think its fucking bullshit they took a picture of me without permission, not only is it illegal but highly invasive of my own privacy,
Why does Pokemon attract these people?
i don't want to grow as a person. I'm just trying to enjoy a game
what the heck?
Then Nintendo is the platform for you, manchild.
It's not just Nintendo famalam. Weebfags pull the same shit. Taking anything to an autistic extreme is bad for you.
holy shit a real pedo
I hope someone was recording this to show to the police. holy shit.
Thats his daughter.
dat ho did a lot despite her misfortune
i hope she do awright
video games do not fall into the same category as film and literature you fart-sniffing mongoloid.
h-hey, i'm not mentally ill just because i'm a virgin...
Have you people never played a sport or done any event with a coach thats entirely normal, what isn't normal is that fucking orgasm face she does after it.
Sup Forums your son comes to you one day wearing a [animal]ear headpiece. He also just got two piercings
Wat do
Hm, I guess if you're an immature child who only sees them as toys, that might be true, but the rest of us are adults who like our entertainment to be meaningful.
Your insult only helps to further cement you as uderage.
>video games must be mature
>because if my video games are not mature then i am not mature
>i am overly concerned with maturity
>i am a child
look it's you
>the video games i play are a reflection of the person i am
literally lolling at ur life m8
why does he always wipe his hands on his ass after touching her
Do you have any other example than this one?
is that a buttplug tail?
for you i guess
why are you comparing a movie to a game ?
Go out for a pack of smokes and never come back
If he's reached that stage it's past the point of no return.
Holy shit I wish I had that amount of confidence
His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy. He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready
Hug him while wearing my fursuit
what is it about Microsoft that attracts kissless virgins and other mentally ill freaks
what is it about Microsoft and Sony that attracts kissless virgins and other mentally ill freaks
>implying that nigga doesn't swim in pussy
try again nintenbro
You're either under 13 or never developed past 13.
Why so angry user? who hurt you?
>rich as fuck from playing vidya all day and being fat
>has a wife
what is it about PC that attracts kissless virgins and other mentally ill freaks
>tfw you will never be this much of a faggot
it's a beautiful morning gentlemen
Do games really need a message though? I see people praise old games like Doom here all the time, and the most of a message that game gives is "demons are bad".
Games have always been about fun and competition. Those are games Nintendo releases.
Now sure, video games could be art, but it's not as if they need to be. Isn't a fun experience what we should want out of media anyway? I mean, movies have always been more popular when they're fun. Same with music, even classical people like Haydn and Mozart had their fun (see Suprise Symphony and the Magic Flute, respectively). We should be focusing more on the fun, rather than the "art" aspect of it all.
His lack of personality makes him relatable
>attempts to deflect to PC users
>cant still see pokemon poster in the back
Nintenbros everyone
pick one
Because they're game are enough by themself to have fun with. They don't need to be coated by a block buster type story.
The Last of Us would be boring pretty quick if the scenario was just "Bring Ellie to this place" without any complication.
While shit like Mario platformers don't need a convoluted story because it's not whate make you want to advance in a Mario game. That's also why Mario RPG like Paper Mario need a scenario because RPG tend to get boring as fuck pretty quickly if nothing happen during the journey
he drowns actually
I'm a KHHV and I hate Nintendo.
>falseflagging this hard
You know after watching Microsoft's conference I realised that it's only really Sony that's pushing the cinematic nonsense.
What's the deal?
It's not like they're actively trying to innovate along with it either. It's just some ham fisted story with a moral that doesn't really relate.
Sure. But it's not exactly why everyone plays games.
A game with a solid and insightful message is good, but a game that's got no real depth to it can be fun. Or they can both be bad. It's really kind of up to whether the game is shit overall or not. A deep message and strong narrative can save something just as it can ruin it, and a lack of anything fun to do can similarly ruin a game or, in some instances, not matter.
If the game tries to send a message the Sup Forums autists will bash on it anyway fro trying to be deep anyway, there's no winning with you guys. Might as well stop making games with any sort of narrative that is deeper then Mario games.
If a PC owner thinks about getting a console in addition to their big glorious, they almost invariably choose Ninty though.
Justin Wong doesn't have an asian accent so I don't understand this.
Autism. They like the colorful characters
This ruined the Cisco Hold music for me.
This shit was my fucking jam.
Fuck this stupid guy.
That nigger will never find a woman with bigger breasts than him.
I agree with you.
Whats going on here
>They're a toy company that designs their products for children
It's basically this. Nintendo is the only one of the consoles that aims mainly at a younger audience, with a large selection of family friendly games and a relatively small number of mature titles compared to PS and Xbox.
The adults who choose that console are looking for that, either because they're manchildren as above, old NES/SNES gamers looking for a nostalgia rush, a filthy casual looking for a more casual platform, or probably most commonly, because they now have kids of their own that they want to game with.
>What's the fucking appeal of mario as a character
I think it's always very entertaining to watch what happens when Japanese people try to make a character based on what they think people from other countries are probably like.
are you jealous?
>tfw wrestling coach never encouraged me
If the internet and social media didn't exist they wouldn't be able to find like minded people. Even if they're online and shitpost, it's something to do.
If this was the 70's he would be in a suit and tie going to work by day, and killing women by night while mailing symbols to the newspaper.
>a filthy casual looking for a more casual platform
Most filthy casuals find Nintendo games too hard user.
you should never allow your kid to grow up with WAHOOO and DUDE MASTER SWORD LMAO, he'll become a master autismo
You have a good point.
Maybe if you only ever explore Mario and Kirby games.
>video games do not fall into the same category as film and literature
Did you just time-travel here from 1990? The great "can videogames be art" debate happened before some current gamers were even born.
I'd rather have fun playing Mario.
But maybe I'm a mentally ill autist who can't enjoy The Last of Us because I don't feel the emotional attachment the game wants me to feel for my fake daughter.
>Why are Nintendo so juvenile and babyish?
They make games for children.
Nah, agree. It's just like any media - the makers' have to know what they're trying to accomplish, and stay focused on that goal. Games can be just mindless fun, or high art, or a mixture of the two. All of them are valid.
Where it goes off the rails is when the people making the games lose track of the goal halfway through, or try to do two things that aren't compatible. Trying to shoehorn a slow-paced love story into a shmup isn't going to work. But a deep story that fits the game can be great - just watched wifey play through Rime last weekend, that's a perfect example.
>you should never allow your kid
gonna go out on a limb here and guess you probably don't have kids
>grow up playing nintendo games
>enjoy the wahoos and hiyaas
>have a wife and kid
>make 60k a year
>own a house
>fucked at least 20 girls before i married
the fuck are you fags talking about?
They have a poor grasp of reality.
post a photo of you with a time stamp
Lets add insane to that.
>a gook is a pedophile
Color me shocked.
why the ever living fuck would i ever do that
and on fucking Sup Forums of all places
i really want to see if all of thing that you have/do are real or you are just pretending
It's one thing to get someone to prove they own a console but you want this guy to post a picture of his home and family?
think what you like, fag.
In the end i still have all that shit and still enjoy nintendo games.
he is a furry first and a nintefag second.
delet furrys from leiv
Yeah, needs more belts.
Good games, I presume