Am i a huge faggot for loving this series?

am i a huge faggot for loving this series?

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Only if you don't want cute girls to kiss each other.

you sure are

and so am I

it's ok

This is a rhetorical question, right?

OP is always a faggot

I like it as well, even though the dialogue is terrible and the only 2 possible endings thing sucked.

I hate the series but I want to fuck Chloe.

what series?


i just finished e1
i think the school security must be a good guy cuz they try to make him look bad every chance they get
i also hope that kate isnt the whore shes rumored to be and we can scissor l8r in the game :3

Yup, but unfortunately we live in an era where being a faggot is cool and gets you special treatment.

Nah bro, I love the series too, and I'm as straight as they come, only traps for this man.

I don't get this though, wouldn't of it been easier to make this into a movie/tv show instead of making it a walking simulator with cinematic scenes? It's an interactive movie, not a video game.

OP here

i don't believe i'm a huge faggot for loving this series, #sorrynotsorry

But she has no stand out attractive traits and is very bland.

You can say what you want about Chloe, but she is not bland lol

>no stand out attractive traits
Being absolutely retarded and having daddy issues makes me want to protect her.

yes yes yes

>i think the school security must be a good guy cuz they try to make him look bad every chance they get
>i also hope that kate isnt the whore shes rumored to be
>and we can scissor l8r in the game :3

Rachel wasn't a qt based on the trailer and Chloe actually looks worse, why the fuck would anyone be interested in the game?

:) ty

Only on Sup Forums
Most people loved the game aside from the ending.

And even then Sup Forums still played the shit out of this.

I was recommended to play LiS by my casual, but well-intentioned, friend. He knew I played pretty much only Dwarf Fortress, Patrician 2, and old dungeon-crawlers like Ultima Underworld and Chaos Strikes Back, so I responded "what the hell, dude".

And I fucking loved the game. Still can't explain it, really, I just dismissed it as a cognitive aberration.

The story just seems like angsty teenagers being angsty and not very enjoyable from what I've seen. What did you find so enjoyable about the story which is presumably the only content this media provides?

I was ready to hate the shit out of it after seeing it on Sup Forums and how Chloe is the worst character in vidya

Loved it, and Chloe ended up being my favorite character of the game

No, you're a 16 year old girl.


Maybe stop looking for validation on Sup Forums of all places. You will never make the right choice anyway, so just like what you like man. What is it with you all coming here and needing to virtue signal even when you like a thing??

The only reason you get that impression is because of how its portrayed by people who hate it on Sup Forums. If it was just that, why would it have gotten so popular?

The story goes bananas and its quite the emotional rollercoaster.

>I just dismissed it as a cognitive aberration.

Congratulations on not being a literal butt slut with an 8 inch dildo up your ass.

Now stop being a fedora-tipping autist and just admit chloe is the best girl and the right choice




you think there'll be superpowers?

>chloe looks worse

How? Also far left Chloe best chloe. I do actually like girls that look like this irl:

this, chloe has abandonment issues and possibly bpd (evidenced by the guilt tripping), makes me want to hug her tbqh

They've confirmed there won't

It felt natural. I liked the soundtrack, the atmosphere, and voice acting. I think this is where it shines, those are fucking teenagers and VA fits right in. It was never about the plot for me, honestly.

I did make that choice, yes, because otherwise the whole goddamn game would make absolutely zero sense.

I killed her because if it wasn't for time travel, she would've already died like 3 times in a week. I kinda interpreted that as if it was her destiny to die.

Is it wrong to say I find this game unintentionally funny?
Also, Max is the cute one, Chloe can go to hell.

I always thought that. Will the universe keep throwing increasingly crazy shit at Chloe until the universe implodes or something?

You are a faggot whether you like it or not.

She actually looks somewhat likable without blue hair

max is my waifu but i will also take Chloe because they come as a pair

>one is for tender loving
>one is for rough dickings


Max reminds me of an old flame, one I still miss to this day, Chloe reminds of the black lagoon bitch she left me for. So yeah every chance I got, I let Chloe taste death's sweet touch.

>wouldn't of it been easier to make this into a movie/tv show
Nah, these artsy type games make worse movies than they do games.

No, not really. Shit is better then it deserves to be.

it's not a game

>the first is chloe
>the second is max
imagining this makes me diamonds

I don't care what anybody says, Life is Strange is one of the best sci-fi games ever made.

>Not knowing the difference between Sci-fi and supernatural

Just because they keep wondering if there's a sci-fi explanation doesn't make it sci-fi. The time travel is all magic voodoo bullshit.

I wanted Rachel to be the main character of the prequel, not Chloe

It literally says it's a game on the Wikipedia article.

>some random autismo user is smarter than fucking Wikipedia

HAHAHA, lmfao.

WTF man

So uh how is this going to end? Chloe going into the Bathroom sans Gunshot to make it all ambigious? Or some weird twist ending

I think having Chloe as a protagonist is a pretty dumb idea that I'm not sure how is going to work because we know that Chloe didn't know anything and didn't really do anything of importance during that time, while with Rachel you could say she was a time traveling ninja that fucked up and got killed and it wouldn't retcon anything since we know so little of her.

I like it as well user. But i don't buy it on steam because i don't want my friends to see.

Does Tyler actually like LiS?


I chuckled. Tnx user.

A tremendous one


I love it and I'm a HUGE faggot.

I hate this game but my sistard loves it, she's not even an SJW.

I'm not a robot AI CHALLENGING YOU

kate attempts sudoku

not video games

Max gets the rough dickings right?


did she fug?

You will later do some big timetravelling and see Chloe in a wheelchair because you saved her father. Also it's not nathan who's the bad guy, it's the teacher.

oh yea

>tfw Chloe prequal
>tfw LiS 2
>tfw LiS TV show

So many new feels to be felt.

>mfw this whole sequence

It was like something from three stooges

I don't care what games you like dickbag. Go enjoy whatever the fuck you want fag. I fully support your freedom to live and let live you flaming piece of shit

I'm not even sure if I liked LiS its just girls that look/dress like Chloe make my dick rock hard. Shes a little too much of a cunt though.

The series would be so much less annoying if it was set in any other modern time period.

Probably not, but you have absolutely shit taste definitely

It' s a reference to the game. Max says the same thing about that shitty Final Fantasy movie.

>guy who made video is a Steven Universe fan
>complains about memes in game - fills video with memes
>complains about self-contained time travel story


Stop shilling your videos in every fucking thread you retarded cuck.

This, that faggot doesn't actually have much to say, but it's so full of confirmation bias that it gets cited as dogma every thread. Especially the gun shit, id say the devs did quite a good job at showing these two teen girls are super over confident with it in the worst capacity and yet somehow cucks here just see it as anti gun leftie shit THE DEVS ARE SHOWING WHAT A PAIR OF YOUNG INEXPERINCED IN LIFE IDIOTS THEY ARE YOU FOOLS

>giving Ashly "Can't Act Her Way Out of a Paper Bag" Burch more VA work
>any year

We truly live in the worst timeline.

LIs had interesting premise but characters were a parody.

It is was pretty much how tumblr sees the world.

The only decent character was Chloe's dad.

Nah home skillet it's hella lit af *dabs* time to blaze it haha have u seen Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! it's hella epic haha!


I legitimately enjoy how shitty the forced teen drama is just enough to watch silent LPs though. So I guess we're both faggots in our own way.

What are you implying user?

Do you really think that or do you just hate her? Her acting seems fine to me, despite what I think of her personally.

Yes and if you care that other people think you are you should just kill yourself.

haha have you seen Donnie Darko it's hella obscure

no he quit because it's not a game in chapter 2?

>the guy in image killed himself with heroin
>she fucked a heroin addict who did the game thing.

nice choice.


WOWSER, hella true have you seen BLADE RUNNER? hella epic. its like epic scifi from 80, epic classic, get some taste. do you think Deckard was a replicant?, hella wowser