Itsuno and a bunch of other Capcom reps are CONFIRMED AT E3!
Now all we have to do is wait... SONY will deliver the goods... I hope.
Itsuno and a bunch of other Capcom reps are CONFIRMED AT E3!
Now all we have to do is wait... SONY will deliver the goods... I hope.
Other urls found in this thread:
>not by platinum
what's the point?
Platinum Games has never worked on a Devil May Cry title.
Why would you want that?
Except for the people who founded Platinum in the first place
>that girl to the right of dante
Because DMC3 is the best one?
>Implying it isnt one of the million SF sequels/re-releases like they did with every game
Why did you post a fucking mudslime subhuman?
Are you a libtard nigger? kys!