It's on steam for 7.50 euros, should I take it or wait for the steam sales for a better reduction...

It's on steam for 7.50 euros, should I take it or wait for the steam sales for a better reduction? I have 40 euros to spend and I want to buy Hollow Knight and Salt Sanctuary when their price will be lower

Please I just must know if I must wait to unleash my inner jew

Get it. Its a great series.

Don't be cheap, it's a linear stalker, really good

Oh I'm not doubting that, from what I heard it's seems really good. I was just wondering if I could get it even more cheaper whith the steam sales even if the actual deal is really god
pic more or less related

it's great but the redux version has some lighting problems which ruins the atmosphere

i recommend atleast pirating the original first one before buying it

Standard Metro 2033 only, Last Light Redux is fine.

Redux of the original is casualized.

I have 2033. Should i upgrade to Redux? Comparison Videos on YouTube didn't convince me.

details please?

Well shit following the advice in the thread I bought the redux bundle.
What do you mean by casualized?

Hey, just so you know Hallow Knight is currently on sale at gog's summer sale, so if you want that game DRM free and on sale go for it I personally bought it and am enjoying it

enemy AI are even dumber, armor system got simplified.

nothing too bad, but its noticeable if you played both versions

I don't think the original version is on steam anyway, I'm sure it will still be good.
Never used GOG, but thanks for the heads up, I'll wait for the summer sales to buy it on steam I think, I hope I can take it and Salt and sanctuary with my 31.51 euros remaining

Get it and play in Ranger mode only.

Don't forget the stealth mechanics are black and white in the redux, enemy armor is simplified if not removed and the HUD is consolized.

It's installing right now in 3 hours the first one is installed
Ranger mod is the highest difficulty? Does the difficulty works like stalker? It was really better than
>enemy deal more damage and have more health
>you have less health and deal less damage

That's seems bad
No way to mod this?

Ranger mode means that there's less ammo, and everything, including you, has less health.

Seems good, I'll try to make my first playthrough on ranger

No. Even if there were, it would be replacing entire mechanics and it would be pointless since you can just be smart and play the original.

Can't turn back now

Stealth system is more simplified however there are more new weapons.

also remember that everything is hidden. HUD, Ammo Count, and even QTEs

Stop trying to validate your poor decisions. Nobody said you can't pirate the original.

QTEs like Bayonetta where if you fail you are definitly dead? I can't predict where will be the qte because I never played the game, just saw a video or two

stalker collection is on sale for $5 right now,why don't you get that instead?

yes, failing QTEs lead to death. get a guide or video. all QTEs however are all just button-mashing and one button sequence.

I'm not trying to validate anything, it's just that I bought the bundle and I won't ask for a refund.
I'll pirate the original version one day I think
Because I already own them and I have finished them
fucking great game

>buying STALKER in 2017
You know the original devs get no money from it, right?

i was about to buy stalker soc and cop, are they good?

is this true, why is it?

>is this true, why is it?
theyre dead jim

yes they are good

That's only Ranger UI. You can take Ranger which is the same but doesn't half ass cut out necessary ui elements and is actually fun.

also, the outside has a better atmosphere in the original 2033 version

I didn't know that, isn't there some kind of law for developers to recieve some percentage of the earnings? Seems fucked up otherwise.

thanks, i'll play them then, what about clear sky? it's a bit cheaper than the others and i've heard some bad things about it

I got the bundle of both games for $5 and only played like 10mins. I don't understand why people like this game.

desu i never got CS to work on my pc's
it constantly crashed on both of them
but the good thing is that it's the cheapest among them

Where can i buy the original metro games?
Steam and gog both have the redux

Clear Sky is good but the faction wars element is completely broken. That said, there's a good mod called Faction Wars that removes the main story and fixes the broken AI.