Looking online for a copy valis iii

>Looking online for a copy valis iii
>first result is this
What the fuck is wrong with people?

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Yeah for real...

That's way expensive for a Genesis game. Is it rare or something?

sex sells

$10 cheaper if you don't mind a fucked label

>buying anything from a fat person
>whore putting her vagina stained fingers on gold connectors
>collecting sega garbage
>paying more than $5USD for any Sega garbage

KYS yourself.


oh shit that label ain't great.

Clearly some chubby "gamer girl" looking for a bf with similar interests.

She has no idea what she's just opened herself up to.

Do you get to squeeze if you buy the game?

Maaaaaaybe they did it for fun?
Dude probably asked his girlfriend/wife

>isn't even cosplaying this

you clicked it, did you not?

look at her ribs/waist though she is clearly a fat slob and is either sucking it in big time or put on one of those compression suits just for this photo

She could have at least given her nails a proper coat of paint if she was going to do this.

But the tits...

you can tell if a girl is fat just by looking at her hand

Can someone contact the seller and ask this?


got your attention didn't it?
then it worked

Are you saying I can own a game that has been close to a was close to a woman's breasts and has even been TOUCHED by a woman?? And they are just GIVING it away for $35.99???

Same goes for their voice. I swear I've ran into more fat chicks with the cutesy high pitched voice than human chicks.

Using her tits to sucker you in. Then say eww men looking at me.

Not all are like that but half are.

Great parody but in her mind, this is how it works.

...and she happens to be right. Someone out there is salivating right now thinking exactly this.

>triggered over a jpg

It's obviously her husband/boyfriend selling the game. Who do you figure is holding the camera?

oh boy, I would offer her 100 bucks more if she let me suck on her tits for ten minutes :(