so based
It must be amazing to say whatever the fuck you want with no repercussions.
My god I fucking love this man
Im doing it right now you cunt
Has he said anything against any of the big 3?
>those pictures
how did this happen? why did this happen? are those even real people?
>caring about gamergate in the year of our lord 2017 AD
Cool, now show us your name and face.
it's pride month for pete's sake show some respect
What kind of system do you think pie betrayal victim owns
>it's real
My god, imagine making a billion dollars off of a shitty pixel game and then spending rest of your days shitposting on twitter. Our fucking guy.
>no repercussions
Says who? Just because you can't strip him of his money for this or throw him in jail doesn't mean it isn't being kept track of by people who give enough of a shit.
an iphone
it's called progress sweetie
Do the kids that play mineycrafta follow based notch?
He could be redpilling an entire generation
Notch keeping it real
that is so top notch (heh) woman hating, this guy is a pro
Which side is she talking about by "participating in GamerGate"?
>sitting on your billions shitposting all day
Living the dream
Having fuck you money is a beatiful thing
So these are the "lets ridicule GG and pretend journalism corruption doesnt happen by calling people gooberglamper and goobergator" posters. Literal faggots. Haha wow.
reality imitates art
>Notch has literally millions of impressionable children that hang onto his every word
Gen Z is going to make Sup Forums look like a kindergarten
Imagine just stumbling into this discussion with no background on what's going on.
It must be like that scene from 12 monkey where Brad Pitt shows Bruce Willis around in the insane asylum.
This is what gaming culture is like now. People who make games actually listen to these kinds of scum. You let this happen.
looks like regression to me
those people look sickly and mentally unstable
Is this Ho quinn?
He's a billionaire, he has enough fuck you money that it doesnt matter what he does. The only thing he'd get blasted for is if he goes on twitter and says "I rape children daily and keep them in my basement. I run a child sex ring in my house."
>This is what WESTERN gaming culture is like now.
Fixed that for you pal
Fuck off, not everyone that calls bullshit on obvious shit stirrers hate women. Eat a dick you shill.
Breh, you're on Sup Forums. This whole site is based around that idea.
real Sup Forumssters joke that their dream is that their children gas them for their degeneracy
Fucked if I know, they seem to think that gamergate was a movement and not a set event.
Because anyone who talked about gamergate was part of it.
Some guy was able to present some literally who game called The Last Night at the Microsoft E3 last night and apparently he tweeted mean GG things like 3 years ago
And of course that is a BIG DEAL
Counterculture is a beautiful thing my friend
What is it with these people talking like preschool children?
imagine unironically typing in the word 'gooblerglamper' and using it as a derogatory term.
I swear are half of these autists here too.
For it.
It was some irrelevant fucking tweet with not your shield or something that NeoGaf dug up
I'm sure Neanderthals thought the same thing when they saw the first actual homo sapiens
hi tumblr
Sorry guy's I can't repect Notch beacuase of Minecraft's shittyness and his laziness.
I'm ready
That's one more reason to feels good to be an weeb in games.
or they thought they wanted to fuck that
you call THAT twitter shit posting?
And? Where are the repercussions? They could block him on twitter and he'd probably have a laugh
>I wasn't around when gamergate happened.
>look at the Twitter accounts of all these outraged twitter snowflakes
>they all have their preferred pronouns in their profiles
good I hope it does get removed and he ends up homeless
It is literally shitposting becoming reality. Remember the anti-GG shitposting threads just to get some (you)s?
Remember spamming Boxxy?
Remember MLP-Spam?
It's always the same shit
I applaud him for this, it isn't a derogatory post.
notch is such a based man
He has more money than he knows what to do with, lives in a mansion in relative isolation, and spends his time shitposting on twitter and fucking around. What the fuck can the people who give enough of a shit even do to stop him having his fun?
>Maximum money
>minimal effort
Isn't he a capitalist's wet dream?
One man speaking truth
nobody cares about you though
God I want to fuck Astolfo
Notch divorcing right before he became a billionaire must have redpilled him hard on women.
That would be that kim chick.
already forgot Tranny Link? or does that not count bc u like traps
>gooberglaber haters are Xboned.
Like pottery.
They were attracted to Xboned simply because the word sounds like cucked.
literally who cares about the political opinions of an employee
fuck off
What the fuck's a gooberglamper?
Social media in a nutshell.
Because they've always lived with the safety net of nepotism and trust funds, so they never actually matured and are stuck in a perpetual state of infantilism. Hence why they use scatological terminology all the time like "pissbaby" and "shitlord", and why many of them literally wore fucking SAFETY PINS after Trump got elected.
They talk ole children because they are children mentally.
Why did "based" get taken by permavirgins that have probably never even heard of Lil B?
Don't respect for him what he didn't do.
Respect him for what he did.
He honed down some excellent games into a mediocre game that appeals to autists. He created their perfect digital babysitter. I like to think he cut Sup Forums's population by 10% -- and an important cut that is.
It boggles my mind how they think saying it like that makes them funny or smart and not like they're saying something out of fucking Dragon Tales.
literally our guy
>complaining about people being able to say what you want
>on an anonymous imageboard
I hope you burn alive and your children are born with brain cancer.
Zoe Quin is still relevant?
You do know Sup Forums isn't really anonymous right?
I hate both frothing gamergate neckbeards AND politically correct "I'm always a victim" types. Jesus. Too bad video games turned out this way.
Is gamergate banned there like it was here or something.
She isn't
Trying real hard though
>goobergate is used even here by autists
Answer is obvious, it starts with an a.
The irony is delicious here, 100%
Are you implying that having heard lil b's shit music somehow makes you better?
This, Sup Forums is guilty of this. The tumblr raid in 2014 ruined this place and everything else.
>guy states he believes in equality of the sexes
>years later someone else comes and makes a twitlonger explaining he and no one else absolutely do not believe in equality and that they're sworn feminists instead
Oh well, maybe its a long term viral marketing campaingn.
that's pretty nice bait user
why am I not surprised you'd wish that, soooo much hate omg
GG everyone!
Yeah we all have access to the server logs that keep track of IPs.
that's called being normal, user
you aren't special
That latina on the left is a cutie though
you should have listened...
It's not my taste but they are not making it for political reasons.
If they were made under political correctness, he would not be cute.
No shit. I'm disgusted by both sides.
she looks like ted cruz
>get dumped by your trophy gf
>become a loser who has to cater to the lowest common denominator people on Taitter to feel like you have friends