>Sup Forums will defend this
Sup Forums will defend this
Expecting meaningful choice in a game like that is just setting yourself up for disappointment. If you go in with an open mind, it's a fantastic game.
who cares? this game was trash and is Sup Forums cancer/ptsd with the soundtrack
No I won't it's a shitty game
You only like it for the lesbians. That's literally all this game has going for it. And that's hella stupid.
Chloe the cunt was the shittiest character ever. Why would I ever care about such a gigantic cunt?
too bad only one of these applies to me.
>muh lesbian simulator
>people are gonna pay for a second one
my sides
I guess you could say that Life is truly Strange.
>Life is Strange comes out on PS Plus
>Suddenly Sup Forums hates it
This is like 90% of Sup Forums when they're pretending to be PC gamers.
choose ass
with my fucking laifu
The only thing I can relate to in that picture is that I'm still subscribed to World of Warcraft.
I can understand that by saving cloe it means that she fucked up the time in order to do it, so leaving her to die it means that nothing happened and the universe is at peace.
But my grip is: why putting the bad guy in jail didn't have the same consecuences as with cloe? In order to learn who the bad guy was, were is his victim, were his torture chamber is, etc, she needed the time-travel power so the tornado should have happened here too.
If you play kinda cliche indie music and show a bunch of stock footage it feels deep and interesting and causes an emotional response in people, me included.
life is tumblr always has been shit
>Expecting meaningful choice in a game like that is just setting yourself up for disappointment.
VNs have alternate routes all the time. The only reason these western 3D VNs don't do it is higher production values paired with incompetence. It's not impossible to make a few alternate endings with requirements other than "Push A for ending A. Push B for ending B."
>games should force in inappropriate endings just so I feel like my choices matter
End yourself.
Hello there newfriend, this isn't reddit!
Now fuck off
3 checks
Wouldn't mind breastfeeding though
I was wondering the same thing, the only explanation I can think of is that he would have gotten busted in the original timeline in the first place.
Nathan probably doesn't get away with shooting Chloe, and maybe he rats Jefferson out or at least tells the cops about his bunker. I think we needed more scenes to fill that gap
I agree with this. If you don't have to focus on gameplay or graphics, you should be able to put that focus into making a story with choices that matter and branching paths. What if a choice you made in Episode 2 of a game fractured the game and episode 3, 4 and 5 were totally different because of that choice? That would be cool.
i see shill-damage-control / projection squad has arrived early to the scene
>A magic time storm destroying everything and invalidating almost every previous event in the narrative is a appropriate and logical end.
Retards who never played it have always shitposted about it, but they're better than the fans contains in /vg/, so it's a wash.
Don't forget to buy the ending DLC for the prequel, by the way.
>Literal cuck simulator
What did they mean by this?
I disagree with the complaint that "no choices matter because in the end you only have 1 choice."
Every choice you make may not affect what two options you are given, but they do affect what choice you personally will make. If all of the choices you made allowed you to somehow sympathize and care for Chloe more than the town, then those choices you made do matter because it changes what your final decision will be. And the same vice versa. It all adds to the story you are experiencing, and in the end the choices you make change the shape of that story and then you can decide how that story ultimately ends.
Choices along the way also affect other things, like other characters dying or not, how characters feel about you, how things work out for people.
>Play life is strange
>only romance options are obnoxious dyke and beta boy
>and beta boy
He stood up to Nathan and beat the shit out of him.
It's not about the journey not the destination.
But it does show it. It shows David tackling Nathan, Nathan ratting out Jefferson, and Jefferson being arrested if you kill Chloe
>Spinoff about the biggest piece of human garbage
>Game will rail road you into being a hedonistic degenerate
Fuck off
Imagine you're David in this situation, how do you react?
But he was still an obnoxious faggot that flooded you with e-mails and creepily offered hugs
Jesus Christ NOW I understand why Sup Forums hates this game
Sup Forums (all of Sup Forums is one person btw) never got their royalty paychecks for appearing in the game
Celebrate that I don't have to deal with that blue haired cunt anymore
Ironic since you're trying to be more edgy than her
I mean he's flawed. No one denies that. But he has his good points too.
I enjoyed the ride but I agree with the pic, the ending was the most unsatisfying shit I've seen in awhile.
It's not even the fact that it all boils down to that, i just think the gimmick of it wasn't well explained and just felt extremely unsatisfying no matter which choice I went with
>for once a game this gen has an interesting story with interesting characters, an immersive setting, and dialogue that isn't completely awful
>Sup Forums hates it
really makes you think...
>>for once a game this gen has an interesting story with interesting characters, an immersive setting, and dialogue that isn't completely awful
Did you even play Life Is Strange?
weak b8, be less underage next time
>tfw can't related to any of those
Do I belong here anymore?
The problem is all of those factors revolve around a lesbian romance in which one girl is a blue haired dyke, and LiS started when the post-goobergrape anti-feminist/SJW crusade was still strong.
Naturally Sup Forums didn't like it at the time, and once there's a (more or less) status quo opinion on Sup Forums it'll never change.
Kidnapp Nathan and turn him into the daughter he took from me. Id dye his hair blue, turn him into a trap, and lock him in the attic. Hed hate me and could never leave the room, so hed be just like Chloe.
>creepily offered hugs
No bully.
>fanbase falls in love with Kate and Victoria
>dev is dumbfounded, literally says "wow we never expected that"
>literally no one liked Chloe
>resentment smolders within them so strongly that they make a Chloe focused prequel to try and force the issue
Can this fucking studio do anything right
shammy? Is that you?
It's not like it has good gameplay. Choice is the one thing you should be able to expect from a game like this.
Joke's ok you, I got free hugs because girls at my school had to hug me when they losed a bet
Friendly reminder that they're not making it. Square hired shovelware devs to make a cash-in. That'll be $16.99, plus tip ().
prequel is by a different studio
this. it has never been anything but an SJW virtue signalling game, and obviously so.
>signing your IP over to Squeenix so they can give it to scovelware peddlers
Still another fuckup
So obvious you don't even have to play it to draw that conclusion!
VN main characters aren't as defined as Max is though. Max has a lot more character depth and quirk than VN protags.
Wait so the whole time when they were telling me my choices would matter I just shouldn't have listened to game?
The choices aren't meant to affect the ending. It's meant to create a personalised adventure for people. Why don't Sup Forums get this. It's the journey not the destination and all that crap
>I played Fate once so I am an expert on VNs
The destination was not worth journeying to in the first place and invalidated the entire journey once you reached it besides.
Bought it on sale. Was really enjoyable when I got to kill that bitch Chloe off...and now they make an entire prequel out of her.
Cartagra/Kara No Shoujo series
Muv-Luv series (even that awful original one)
Bible Black/Discipline/Starless hentaishit games from Soujo
All of these are ones I have played/read, and they all have undefined main characters with little depth so that player choices can in general determine them (and even then, player choices don't make that big a difference in portrayal of personalities either.)
you didn't play Fate at all if you think the quality of any character in Life is Shit comes anywhere close to Shirou
>imagine trying to impress anonymous people on the internet so much that you'd define your tastes by what they deem acceptable
Even Black Ops 2 had fairly meaningful choices. There's no excuse for this shit in such a story driven game. And even if you have no standards and don't care if your choices matter, it's a poorly written game with braindead puzzles and a wasted time travel mechanic anyway. Whether you go in with an open mind or not, you won't enjoy this shit unless you're a desperate /u/fag or you're desperate to re-live highschool.
Trash character, irredeemable
>black ops 2
>meaningful choices
How the fuck are black ops 2 choices any different to Life is Strange
Its the journey not the destination.
This. Sacrificing Chloe was the best thing this game had to offer.
How do you get a 1080ti and be unemployed?
If you're saving neetbux then it would take ages and ages to build a PC
When a yearly cookie cutter game people only buy for the multiplayer has more meaningful decisions than a story driven game like LiS, then the developers fucked up.
The fact that I kinda resemble the drawing is bothering me way more than it should be
>when you try to change history for the better but you find Chloe paralyzed and in a wheelchair
Fucked me up lads.
I think this is an acceptable mindset in some circumstances, but both the journey and the destination in LiS are complete shit.
>comfy setting
>cool plot that resembles twin peaks/twilight zone
>hot lesbian romance
I enjoyed it
You won't see me defending it. It was reasonably entertaining, but its atmosphere and song choice carried it. The story really is quite shitty and is even worse at the end. It's also the epitome of horrible use of time travel in a narrative
This was a really nice game, at least until the bad final episode.
Sometimes that's enough, a game that feels nice.
Hopefully they True Detective up the sequel and make it about new characters and story
>until the bad final episode.
>the final episode was the most well recieved by far
Yeah too bad the journey sucked shit too
>This passes as a video game these days
Might want to play some actual good ones instead of bitching when the ones you have played aren't even that great.