>game has mindblowingly good animations
>Sup Forums's resction "pixel indie game YAWN"
Why is Sup Forumsso plebe?
>game has mindblowingly good animations
>Sup Forums's resction "pixel indie game YAWN"
Why is Sup Forumsso plebe?
Isn't this made by that racist guy Notch was tweeting about?
Because it was made by a gooberganker and we're not allowed to like it.
>Pixelshit with layers and rain effects
Games made by like two guys.
Calm down lad
It looks really interesting, I am only a little wary by the "Cinematic Platformer" moniker...everytime I read "Cinematic XXX" in a game it tends to mean 5 min of gameplay, 2 hours of movies...
>Shilling this game because you think it's going to shit on sjws.
Yea he said he hates niggers and the game is about if liberals get their way.
We need to boycott this game guys
Okay I'll buy two copies since you won't be buying one
Samefag trying to start false rumors. Not falling for that shit, Sup Forums.
The dev team already back peddled like mothet fuckers. Completely caved like pussy ass bitches.
Cinematic platformer was coined for Another World, Prince of Persia and Heart of Darkness. It might be ok
>Alt right doesn't like indie pixel games
>Left wing loves them
>Make an indie pixel game but fill it with pro alt right messages
Who is this game for?
>I rape women and lynch niggers, and I'm all out of niggers
What the hell Nintendo?
It literally is a pixel indie game though.
Aesthetics are nice and definitely don't feel Retro (though there's a solid comparison to Out of this World) so the general complaint of 'they use retro aesthetics to not have to put a lot of work into it' doesn't really hold up.
Hotline Miami is also a pixel indie game and it's pretty well liked on Sup Forums. I think you're just full of shit OP.
Is this a jump n shoot game? If it is I'm pretty excited, but if this is just another "sit and watch our agenda pushing cutscenes and press a" I'm out.
I hear LORN, I'm already hyped.
I'm alt right and like pixel games.
I am getting some Flashback flashbacks from it.
Don't be ridiculous. Everyone knows SJWs shit on themselves and each other.
It looks beautiful, the designers and artists should be very proud.
>directed by
This game did look intriguing.
There is a 50 page thread on neogaf about the director being Gamer Gater and anti-feminist
>game has mindblowingly good animations
>le another pixel indie game
You mean Kiss?
>Another World
The trailer definitely made me think of this.
looks good desu
post what kind of pixelart Sup Forums likes!
I laughed. Fuck.
They removed the "universal income" part playing a hand in humanity's downfall on the Steam page.
So the mods are deleting threads now. I haven't seen this much streisand effect since the last time Quinn reared her ugly dye-colored head.
We're back baby.
Why was every ps1 jrpg about weird-ass dragons?
Poor lad
The pixelart is just as shit as 99% of every other indieshit game, it's just covered in aftereffects
Is this the 2814 of video games?
>In this game, blacks (or niggers, as I like to call them) and jews control the world, so everything is completely fucked as you might imagine
What did they mean by this?
can I get a source for the Sup Forums things the publisher said?
It was the dev, he tweeted shit back in 2014. There was a thread about it a few minutes ago with his tweets screencaps but it was pruned.
I love pixel art games and this looks good to me. Though there are some horrible examples of bad pixel art games, whenever I see limbs that are one pixel wide I'm out.
I think they mean like Flashback
Listen and believe. Would we lie to you?
Gimme your social security number first and I'll tell you.
When did Sam Raimi start working for Nintendo?
It was a different time.
It's times like these that I'm grateful that I like video games more than twitter and Sup Forums drama.
Just imagine freaking out about this of all things on the biggest news day of the year.
Makes me feel sad for sjws and Sup Forumsfags.
Pixels could use some work. The best would be like whatever the one .gif of the guy in armor and a huge cloak twirling then stabbing with a spear is. Now THAT'S some smooth shit.
Though because it's the Neo Tokyo/Shadowrun/whatever you want to call rainy neon nights I'm looking forward to it a bit.
Where's the actual gameplay?
Is this another case of Hatred part 2 where the game gets shilled everywhere for being EDGY but then in reality it's just a fucking boring game?
He's being a pussy ass bitch for apologizing for 3 year old tweets on stage. NEVER APOLOGIZE TO THESE SJW ""PEOPLE"". NEVER BACK DOWN.
I hope to god his vision for the game hasn't changed because of all of this.
Tell me about it, I was so hyped seeing Wolfenstein back. And then every social platform including Sup Forums, reddit, and twitter are bickering with each other on whether or not it's offensive, that it's shit because commie perspective, that it's automatically good because killing nazis. I just don't fucking get where society went so damn wrong.
this unfortunately. They seemed like cool guys, but they got cucked. In year 2017 cencorship is too strong.
You cant say anticommunism stuff.
This is not a social platform, neither is reddit.
>Makes me feel sad for sjws and Sup Forumsfags.
Don't, they are just having their fun at being outraged.
this is the thing that scares me the most
the fact that maybe he could have change his vision of the game because of the sjw
>social platform
hello new friend
You're either trying to be funny or you're an idiot. Sup Forums as much as reddit is social media. Read up on what "social media" actually includes before you reply.
But it's like watching someone cut themselves on a rollercoaster.
I guess they could possibly be getting some fun from cutting themselves, but now is not the time, you know?
I'm buying this because I heard he supports GamerGate and triggers SJWs.
Daily reminder to delete your Twitter account and never look back.
Fuck off nazi
Honestly if this Nazi likes capitshitism so much, we should use it against him by boycotting it.
Things like this make me believe that I should just make 2 shitty looking unity games, get someone popular on the right to endorse it and cash in the sales.
Then release the second one with an endorsement from some leftie and rake in more cash
What happened to that other game with the whole "2D billboard sprites in a 3D world" thing? The one that looked a lot like Final Fantasy Tactics.
d..diet sexists?
Children were a fucking mistake.
One inch, they take a mile
>Make a game like Pokemon Red/Blue where there's two different copies of the same game
>Instead of colors it's ideological stances
> game set in an alternate reality where the Holocaust actually happened
How the fuck is this allowed?
I don't see a game there, just nice looking graphics
>Make a game life FE Fates.
>At the decision point, choose the right wing team or the left wing team
Ending is always the same
I have two CD's of that artist. This one and Rain Temple. It's really good.
go back to tumblr
Sweet, def buying it now.
>alt right
theres a billion anti-feminism positions you can take before you get to alt right, lad
1st party thread?
People kept telling the guy on Twitter not to give these idjits any attention.
Nah. If you think women should be able to vote, you're a feminist.
>more indie pixel shit
It will have no gameplay and we all know it.
>Well what I figured I'd do is create a world where Hillary Clinton was elected president in 2016, an alternate reality set in 2017 after every conservative male on the planet was systematically executed on January 21st 2017 and white women were required by law to sleep with black people, or niggers as I like to call them
What did he mean by this?
Hope the dev enjoys this new non existent customer base that hurled Andromeda to the heights of gaming success (ie - destroyed a franchise, shuttered a studio).
>Make a game
>Advertise it as being leftist pandering
>That's only the beginning
>After the two hour mark things take a turn to the right
>mindblowingly good animations
I didn't think so. It looks like run of the mill hipster indie game shit through and through. If I wanted to play a 2D game with mindblowingly good animations I would play a fighting game from like 20 years ago lol
The dev is a fucking dumbass, but the game looks cool.
There are always a couple of dullards that think fake cynicism makes them look cool and above it all.
There is no alternate world where Clinton won. There is only the Trumpverse and the Jeb!verse.
>Mind blowing good animations
He said men and women were EQUAL. Not like in my western vidya games! Stop telling lies you frog, apologize and maybe we'll let you design your game so you can pay off your student loans.
But Jeb wins in all universes.
It just takes longer in some than others. Slow and steady wins the race.
I appreciate how feminism has gone from helping women achieve equality, to something you use to threaten men with until you get your way.
It's almost as if women are their own worst enemy.
Doesn't look rotascoped though, for better or for worse
>game has mindblowingly good animations
LAMAO. Who fucking cares?
Mind blowing my ass
Pixel indie games are just "modern" outdated games. Why would I buy outdated games?
Not any more, feminism has been completely skewed to something else now
Both of those goals are terrible and the state of modern feminism is the logical conclusion to the origins of feminism.
The self awareness lacking in this post is palpable.