Powered By Intel


literally der langrisser tho fuck all you know nothing faggots

So this is the power of PC gaming.

actually looks good. too bad they also made starbound

Neat! I'm buying it on the Switch

Shut the fuck up Namefag we already get it. If you're gonna stream then fucking do it.

Wow, I have so much respect for you now that you've shown us your video gaming expertise
Can I call you aniki?

How did they get around Nintendo's C&D?

>Windows 10

The only game that has my attention so far this E3.

Not even joking.

Prepare of disappointment

You say that like I am not already attuned to the very essence of disappointment.

Regardless, nothing else even looks remotely fun.







They put it on switch.

>that nose

Same here.
Been hyped for it since one of the Nintendo directs.
The devs outright said it was inspired by Advance Wars

As long as they're honest that they are shamelessly ripping off an existing game.

>tfw only wanting to play it because of similarity to AW

it's literally the radeon software to configure your software

gonna pirate this shit so hard, i want AW in my fucking life again.

raully makes ya thonk, dont it

It's not like Nintendo is going to give us another AW game anytime soon.

>uspet by red noses
>posts samurai jack of all things

King of shitty cartoon noses

Can someone tell me what this thing is since I can't be bothered to watch e3? If it's like Advance Wars I wanna throw some shekels at it. pls no bully

Advance wars clone by chucklefish. That last word alone is excuse to pirate it

It's Tumblr Wars. Not much more to say.

What the fuck is the title you memelords.
Fuck Chucklefish with a rake though...


Stupid name, I know

AW style game with a fantasy/medival setting, with level creator.

woah.....so this is the power of a $2000 gaming pc.......

Look in the OP. You can see it in the title bar.

What's wrong with Chucklefish?

Wow I saw that and thought it was a placeholder or some shit

>literally a fucking MOBILE game

So this is the power of PC gaming...

seems like a lot of people here didint like how they managed Starbound.
I've received it as a gift and seems an ok game, so maybe it had a loooong development and/or missing features


It's still better than PAID FUCKING MODS

Nigga, it would be faster to answer what ISN'T wrong with Chucklefish.

Check out the history of the development of Starbound

>tumblr emblem

game looks good but the freaking characters look hideous

reminder that you need 4 i9 in parallel under cryogenic cooling to run those games at 720p 15fps, Sup Forums

That's already Awakening and Fates.

i'm letting slide that tumblr tier art because i'm so thirsty for aw

dude the bazooka unit isn't even edited.

It looks worse than RPG maker games with default sprites, you faggot.

>RPG maker games with default sprites
literally not true, show me moving examples

How about you move your ass out of the thread instead?

you're insane my dude if you think this looks better in motion than this chucklefuck game

>this looks inspired by Fire Emblem

More like a fucking lawsuit

>Someones making a rip off Advanced wars
I have been wanted a new Advanced wars forever, I honestly dont give a shit if Intel makes it or not at this point.

Makes me worried

They completely fucked up Starbound. They prey on small indie developers promising them promotion for a % of sales (they fucked the Risk of Rain guy and likely the Stardew Valley guys too)

intel cpu, amd gpu.
believe it or not, companies dont care about divisions that are not in direct competition with.

Starbound started out pretty lame, and the people behind it were insufferable, talking about pineapple pizza on their blog instead of content.

But eh, SV was good, not as good as Story of Seasons, but it tried. Even Starbound got decent eventually. So I no longer care enough to boycott.

More like Advanced Wars, or are you too underaged to remember that one?