The Ubisoft Press Conference is here. Level of totally normal human being fake banter: 60% Over/Under?
Giant Bomb
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Can't wait for the South Park segment
Does anyone know who they'll have on stage?
Surely not actual developers; they've basically been banned from E3 so far.
>Giant Bomb thread
oh boy
Compare and contrast Alex and Austin's faces
Ubisoft is always a lot of fun. Perfect cringe-core kino material.
what's the appeal? these guys are insufferable and not funny at all.
2 years until Jeff's hair goes full Kasavin?
It's been like that for a decade.
The lesson here is "Don't let your drunk friend bleach your hair."
When's the stream start?
25 minutes
How long till start?
Oh, I'm dumb. I thought their countdown on the site was to when the actual press conference starts, not their stream.
Thanks, user.
Do you guys think Giant Bomb will reference The Last Night?
Ale probably will
He already mentioned it on his twitter.
Last Night looks pretty good, but now it's gonna be impossible to discuss it here without politics.
It's a lock for Hottest Mess. It can hang with the best of them.
I fucking hope he doesn't. Which probably means he will.
those periscopes were fun
wish they would stream in between the conferences
>hottest mess becomes a political award at giantbomb
I mean that already happened with Lucky Palmer, pretty sad.
This industry is so fucked. Jeff Gerstmann is a hack who no longer gives a fuck.
That is exactly the reason why I will skp the game and play Ruiner instead.
When will Alex apologize for the misogynist atrocities he's responsible for?
Never heard of Ruiner before. What's it about?
Same theme as the last night,looks similar but has nothing to do with politics.
Those fucking jean shorts
>Ben won't shut up while Dan asks stupid questions.
I'll pass and wait for the night shows.
Anyone got an e3 drinking game? i'm ready to be a lonely sack of shit and get drunk to this
I have a pair very similar to those.
broke,have nothing to drink but water
drink every time you feel disappointed
I meant the drumming to sexist rap music.
Anyone wanna take bets if they're gonna let The Last Night dev on the night show? Is the game blacklisted from Giant Bomb now?
His first game just got announced, no way they would've booked him anyway.
What's the whole deal with this dev guy? I don't keep up with twitter drama.
it was announced ages ago actually
So you want me to not stop drinking for the rest of my life?
He was pro gamer gate.
People found out
they give him grief
studio said that he was retarded please dont mind him
wow based publisher throwing him under the bus like that for having opinions that aren't aligned with SJWs
what a fucking piece of shit that guy is, fucking communist wannabe tyrant
hey thy are here to make money and not they pissed of both autistic sides.
Thats why i wont play the game
are you assuming this genderfluid individuals gender?
Flashback is cool, but there's no way to do it again now.
But this retarded outrage-
Can't wait for more Vinny's jokes falling flat, more Ben not shutting the fuck up and giggling like a spaz whenever someone acknowledges him, more Alex cracking mad jokes and doing his usual twitching right after while glancing at Jeff to see if he laughed, more Jeff being jaded as fuck and not liking anything, more Brad "mmm, hmmm" Shoemaker, and more Dan who doesn't say anything because muh anxiety.
>what remains of maya kramer
kek I wonder what the PC Gaming Show was like backstage, they were both there
is that the creature who posted the tweets? i could tell just by looking at her face that shes some crazy leftist witch
Lockdown is the only reason I watch their E3 coverage.
This but unironically
It's a lock down baby, you drive me crazy
Ain't no escaping, the love's got me doin' time
You're my attorney, my judge and jury
I'm feeling guilty so lock me up and throw away the key
what the fuck is a gamer gate?
It's like gerstmann gate but way lamer.
There won't be a stream then?
>mr caffeine
people got caught pulling nepotism and favors for promotion and good reviews of their shit games.
Other people got buthurt
>this new
does that mean neo-Sup Forums is officially oldfags now?
I think they sell video games.
why don't people seem to like them?
Tom Calancy
Sometimes the keys they sell get revoked
Thanks b, I was just about to ask.
Oh my bad, I noticed it starts in 30min
Personally I don't let the politics of a dev effect how I see a game because I'm not a sjw cuck. I like to judge games on their own merits alone.
Begging for Just Dance
>that part where Mr. Caffeine finally gave up on getting the crowd to do the noise with him
I wouldn't mind if most people forgot about Gamergate.
Was Ubisoft the one that went "OR A CEO" or was that EA?
I just really really dont like politics.
There is way to much of that shit in my everyday life.
Nigga that wasn't even gaming related.
Appreciate the art and forget the artist should be taught in schools. There is nothing wrong with expression and censorship is the destruction of a culture.
Playing some Trackmania Nations Forever until this fucker starts.
Does Jeff and kinda everyone else hate Dan?
>Dan's anxiety knife
did jeff get a haircut or what?
i'd be surprised if he even has to cut his hair at this point. that shit looks dead as fuck.
I like Ben and he's a natural fit and a good hire
Dan got good boy points when he call out Alex and Vinny not knowing shit about MassEffect.
I used to hate him a lot but at least he plays video games.
Someone get this autist a fidget spinner, he's someone who actually needs it.
What the frick he's got even more today.
Hi Ben
what are jeff's tally marks for?
What's with Dan's knife? Does he imagine killing himself and getting reincarnated every time his anxiety spikes up?
It looks like Sif´s fur effect from DS1
predictions I think
>No Aisha Tyler
So what exactly is the problem?
Is it just that females and POC believe they are so oppressed that if someone so much as even accepts or half-agrees with a sentiment from their opposition than they are literally Hitler?
I wasn't around for the whole gamergate thing I thought that was long gone.
He is very steadily improving. His fucking voice takes some real getting used to
To mark the tally.
Wow way to dis your own fucking money maker.
seriously the fuck, who actually fucking even looked into this guys game? Why would some sjw even know about it?
puns and cringe
just had lunch,the fork is next to him
elaboration: what is the top row for and what's the bottom row for?