Previous Thread: >Post character name/franchises and references and keep them in a single post >Keep it vidya >The character(s) must be of vidya origin >Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests >No bumping your requests >If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it. >No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters. >Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported. >Please bump if the thread reaches page 10 >Have fun
Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them! NSFW Deliveries should also be posted in Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky Drawing Books:!2RARFaLA!VTiQb6eRXfV4V6mYQ6FJTA
Requesting my MMO character on her Eye Strap Outfit doing stuff related to magic, brewing something on a cauldron, casting some curse or spell, sitting on a circle with runes and symbols while looking at the viewer, reading an ancient looking book, hiding in the shadows of an alley at night while doing an evil smile (covered in blood optional), picking some mushrooms or eerie ingredients for potions, holding a crystal ball, riding her magic broom under then moonlight, or anything else you want that could fit that magical looking outfit.
Requesting 2B and Curly Brace doing a hi-five together!
Isaiah Richardson
Requesting Aigis with a steampunk dress.
Carson Edwards
Requesting this version of Hinoka as a succubus, drinking a strawberry smoothie.
John Sanchez
Oh look, Mishafag's waifu porn delivery is OP again.
No wonder we barely have SFW artists anymore.
Justin Scott
Requesting Rulue from Puyo Puyo standing at the foot of a bed over a tied up, panicking, young adult male. She is saying "My, my, you sure were talking tough earlier, kid. Too bad you didn't think about the consequences of losing a Puyo match to a lady like me!" Maybe she's dressed as a dominatrix or something styled like her outfit (white, blue, gold) and holding a similarly-styled whip/riding crop, take some liberties with it if you want. Please and thank you!
Ian Phillips
>strawberry smoothie Nazi scum.
Eli Fisher
Evan Jones
I don't get it.
Brandon Davis
The new Wolfenstein's trailer.
Daniel Williams
requesting art of mina in this outfit
Christian Gonzalez
fuck off
Jaxson Collins
Draw an Ooblet!
Christopher Baker
Requesting a "delet this" picture with Fate/Grand Order's Billy the Kid.
Jace Richardson
Requesting cute Brachydios.
Bentley Brooks
Requesting him with a bubble butt in those tight pants, getting groped from behind!
Benjamin Mitchell
counter requesting diaper baby version
Samuel Cox
Requesting Jam dressed up as a jiang-shi/hopping zombie
James Perry
Chie, Yukiko, Rise and Naoto morphing into Zeo Rangers.
Isaiah Richardson
So, who is Mina?
Kevin Ward
Requesting Miriam sitting in the bathtub with the sexy boss of the tub or symmetrical docking with the two of them.
Michael Hill
Improve your drawthread browsing experience with this handy and optional filter list designed to improve drawthreads for people who wish to subscribe to it and which is provided solely as a tool for people who have requested such a thing in the past.
Honoka wearing her DLC swimsuit eating the junk food from DoA Xtreme 3 and then sitting in the toilet like in the reference.
Colton Rogers
Requesting Frank West from Dead Rising and Ran Hibiki from Rival Schools taking photos/being journalists together.
Benjamin Johnson
Thanks. I was just wondering what to do with this problem.
Joseph Smith
You cant counter a mariel request user.
Michael Russell
Requesting Contra guys killing Pachinko slots enemies while shouting "You won't enslave us!", and you can see the Metal Slug gang being captive in the background. There is a Metal Slug pachinko game now.
Angel Hall
Requesting Min Min doing Akuma's Raging Demon pose, with her kanji (้บบ) intead of Akuma's kanji on her back.
Levi Carter
>There is a Metal Slug pachinko game now.
Josiah Gomez
but there is a contra pachinko machine though
Xavier Russell
user why
Jack Barnes
Requesting Lucina washing dragon Tiki like she was a truck
Julian Lee
drawfags, post your followers trying to manipulate you
Julian Evans
Well shit.
Colton Jenkins
Requesting Mion struggling to break free from the boss's grasp as it prepares any of the concept attacks on her.
Brody Butler
Xavier Adams
Requesting Sombra wearing casual clothes and fucking around in MS paint.
Ethan Powell
>autism what did he meant with this
Nathan Sullivan
Camden Collins
damn, that is some class a mishafagging
Luke Bailey
Someone draw and try to make out what the fuck Baiken uses her for her midair grab
Thomas Wright
totally believable/10
Jayden Walker
Say yes.
Carson Perez
The good ol' birthday appeal to seal the deal.
Jace Rivera
did orbmeat send this?
Aaron Moore
It's a ridicilously long whip sword wrapping around the opponent. Is there anything else to add?
Carter Young
Requesting /ourboy/ as a ISHYGDDT edit
Dylan Bell
Jaxon Clark
Who drew the op image?
Leo Fisher
Nothing wrong with cute girls doing some natural things.
Cameron Parker
Requesting Sombra lounging with a sombrero and liquor bottle like either of the cats here.
Adam Jones
>thread devolves into policefag spamming his photoshopped fake tumblr asks and samefagging responses to them really gave me a thought
Henry Rodriguez
Grayson Miller
The "trust nobody" image with Memory of Alessa pointing a gun to Heather's back.
If the artist wants to take it further, Cheryl could be pointing a gun to Memory of Alessa, while original Alessa holds a gun to Cheryl.
Hunter Gray
>lewdshit op . Kill yourself my man.
Dominic Cox
Any simple portrait requests?
Josiah Baker
I didn't saw it and I don't bother about that game.
>Pachinko The fug is that?
Jaxson Cook
Shut up, spic.
Caleb Sanchez
>Mishafag reflexively calls the tumblr begging "fake" before someone posts one of his
Anthony White
how will mishanon ever recover
oh right, by harvesting lewds in the drawthreads. of course
Daniel Perez
requesting rina partying hard, or like exhausted sleeping on a couch/hotel bed/whatever after partying all night maybe with my si OR us watching E3 together
Mason Young
Anything with Kass
Tyler Ross
Drawing wide hips and thick thighs this time.
I'll pick one of the first three requests.
Angel Torres
>>>gb2tumblr bish nobody wants to see the drawings you made before you requested them to yourself
Jacob Clark
Anything with Mila being cute would be fine.
Wyatt Hill
japanese slots. Made so the player has the tiniest amount of input as possible so they dont get considered sentirely gambling in japan and kinda try to skirt by their laws.
Mason Reed
Ethan Allen
requesting marielx giving a staff a thighjob
Oliver Adams
Five is asking for it
Charles Nguyen
Northern Water-hime
Jace Nguyen
you mean bert
Caleb Gray
You guys should just say yes but deliver shitty stick doodles.
Liam Davis
Anchor for the Xiaomu feet request that someone's working on
Nathaniel Turner
Eleanor could use some meat on her bones after lying around for years.
Aiden Evans
In light of the upcoming DBZ fighting game, requesting a character from Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite in the Yamcha death pose.
Justin Hall
Requesting an action shot of this battle.
Austin Lopez
Requesting Aqua getting hypnotized by a heartless or some other dark entity in the Realm of Darkness
Austin Brown
>get BTFO >cry cute
Jonathan Smith
>you guys It's just one dude posting his evidence. Really not helping the thread much, though, as it's just wasting the image limit and going to annoy people who don't care about the drama regardless of which side is posting.
Camden Bell
I'll forget by August 12th though.
Caleb Green
or say yes and just never deliver, constantly reassuring them you're working on it when they ask about it
Requesting blonde Terra as any one of the pictured Granblue jobs. Feel free to make the outfit more streamlined towards Terra. If you want my preference Gunslinger or Fortress would be great but any one is fine.
Nolan Green
Requesting white wizard wearing black wizard's hat
Kevin Morris
calm the fuck down mishafag
Austin Green
In honor of Koume being obtainable again in Granblue requesting Koume jabbing her staff in someone's eyes and poking them out.
Luis Anderson
oh lol i didnt even realize she was already requested there hahahaha im not him im poyo
Hunter Young
At least get to the know the thread cancers before you do something stupid like confuse poyo with mishafag.