>Console Exclusivity
What does it mean Sup Forums?
>Console Exclusivity
What does it mean Sup Forums?
it means its not on a PS4
Stay mad sony ponies.
It means Microsoft will always be kind to the PC gamer
It means you're going to get Windows 10 one way or another.
it means sony ponies won't be getting PUBG
It means based Microsoft is saving gaming
Why don't they just say "Microsoft Exclusive"
Same thing it means during the Sony conferences:
>*Also on PC
>Crackdown 3 and LOTR both confirmed for 30fps
It means Based Phil
lmao why buy an xbone when you can just play on PC
>shitty ports
>more expensive if you want to always play max graphics and if you don't pc has no advantage
>mouse and keyboard for gaming is aids
It doesn't mean too much of anything anymore.
>Too poor to afford a PC & controller
user pls
>mouse and keyboard for gaming is aids
>mouse and keyboard for gaming is aids
Thumbsticks are so bad for gaming that built in aimbotting is a console standard
don't forget console 'launch' exclusives
people say this means timed exclusive but if you were to hop into the game store on the xbox one it lists halo 5 and gears 4 as console launch exclusives.
>>shitty ports
Gears 4 is easily one of the best ports of the decade. The fixed FH3 and pretty much every other game has no issues.
They have the money to fund good ports and it shows.
He's not wrong. Some games are really not designed with the keyboard and mouse in mind.
Have fun playing a fighting game with a keyboard and mouse.
some games are not designed with a keyboard in mind and some games are, good thing PC can use both :O)
>turn xbox controller on
>automatically connects to my computer
>can now use it for any games that play better with gamepad
it's funny that literally none of the games they mentioned were actually exclusive. There's still no reason to buy an xbone
PC/PS4 masterace
it means that if you wanna play a dope and better version of metro before VERY assblasted and poor sonygros, you buy the x1x
when are they getting rid of monthly subs for online
it works and people are willing to throw shekels out easy so....