How's that gaming channel coming a long Sup Forums?
How's that gaming channel coming a long Sup Forums?
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Internet around here is so shit that it's quite literally impossible.
TIHYDP Yooka-Laylee
try shortening your videos dude, anyways you got a like from me
>showing your face
>3 hours
yeah maybe I'm not a youngster anymore but 3 hours of straight playtime is kinda rough
Are you guys just pretending to be retarded?
Am I being baited?
Lol, you sure look different than you do in your channel icon
i just changed my like to a dislike you shit learn to take some constructive criticism
not my cup of tea but i see why people like you, how much are you getting if you don't mind me asking?
Working on a vid and want feedback on editing. I'm removing all the load times in my MGS2 run. Is this a smooth viewing experience or is the increased speed too jarring?
Just made my first countdown video Sup Forums, is it okay? What should I do to improve it? Should I just neck myself?
Guess I need to start using a tripcode if I'm going to post shit in these threads
Me and my buddies been having a great time playing games we usually wouldn't play.
And We've been making little cartoons. Not too animated because we suck.
I just hit one million subscribers. Thanks guys.
it is absolutely astonishing how bad this man is at video games.
It's going pretty slow to be honest. I had a huge peak with one video getting 5,000 views and 200 subscribers, but otherwise it's pretty slow. I review older retro games, and specifically games that few (mainstream) people have ever heard of.
How do you grow a channel dedicated to games nobody knows about or are searching for? May as well just Let's Play shooter / moba of the week
oh god you again your channel is creepy shit
Creepy shit is the best shit
So you weren't pretending, you're an actual retard
I'm sure you'll get over the loss of your precious like
I got no traction probably cause im not playing very popular games
I'm PewDiePie, AMA.
Can you do more Nazi videos?
brb, I have chores to do
Just go full Nazi and accept your role in the alt reich
If you're PewDiePie then tweet one of the videos ITT to prove it
do you legitimately believe it's him
Another successful troll, you guys just make it too easy
Of course not, I'm just trying to quickly disprove him and get the thread back on topic
Skills bro
I would happily watch an entire playthrough like that. Very smooth editing.
I don't even play videogames.
10/10 editing, the only thing I didn't like is that it was never explained how you use rations
dude that was epic, nice job
Great. I'll do the rest then. Thanks guys.
10/10 my dude, keep it up
I made a new video with a clickbait title to see how well that is gonna go. feedback would be appreciated
I'm still wondering if this is a short haired girl or just some cute trap
Going, i just record highlights, edit them and upload for no one to watch. The process of editing is quite fun, so there's that.
I like the Star Wars one
I'm doing very, very well. I'm streaming on youtube and twitch, and i've gotten 350 more subscribers over the last two weeks, and i'm having an absolute BLAST doing it.
My last youtube stream had 35 viewers concurrently throughout almost the entire thing, and i'm actually getting viewers that come back every single day, and people that are actually *sad* when they can't make it to the streams.
I'm absolutely loving this, guys.
I didn't make 1 because both are saturated markets.
some good shit right there
very nice, my dude. editing is spot on, I giggled more than once.
I subbed, man. That's some good shit.
shieet, first time i get this much praise, thanks senpai, sadly i didn't have much to edit lately
I can't tell YouTube icons are too small is there any way to enlarge them?
I don't know. Like maybe. Working on YTPs is hard.
230 subs so far. My latest vid has no views, it's two muslims trying to shit on lego games. Thumbnail is way past ironical, so that you just know, fag.
Latest video:
Other shit:
Not vidya
Damn, I though that was a girl in the thumbnail.
Are you fucking that his little boipucci?