It's okay when Japan does it

>It's okay when Japan does it

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yeah pretty much

of course


They don't have the same climate the West does. Apples and oranges, for the millionth time.

It is though, because they don't copy paste the same afro woman into 4 different games.

Afro Samurai is a cool design though. Too bad the story and every piece of media about it is the biggest garbage shit ever.

>made fucking years ago when we weren't so ridiculously pulverized

yes, user, it WAS okay.

Afro Samurai was from a simpler time.

Because afro-ninja is an actual, known character with his own media and series.

These are just random racial-quota fill ins

What's the best song and why is it

This is satire though

It really is. I don't know why they are magic or something.

polarized* i need some sleep lmao

afro samurai is badass


>posts one of the worst received games of all time that even weebs wouldn't defend

What did he mean by this?

Except all of Afro Samurai was comedic and didn't pretend to take black people seriously which is a pathetic joke.

samul el jacksum is GREAT

>japan makes a new series and characters for their story about black murdermachine
>west takes existing series and shoehorns in protagonist of whatever flavor the the month race it is at the time

Hmmm almost like one works better than the other....

Does this mean Shinobu is confirmed for NMH3?

It was? I remember hearing that it was just ok when it came out.

The 2009 game was decently received though, and I am pretty sure that is what the screen is from.

It's ok when the west or when Japan does it. But unlike the west Japan doesn't use things like

>black protagonist

as selling points, they make a game based around a black character and it sells on its own merits

but the difference is that afro samurai wasn't following a trend

At this rate she'll be the MC

>japs make a black character in a game
>unless it specifically meant to be a joke they're race is unimportant to anyone
>westerners make a black character
>only thing that matters about them is their race and its shoved in the player's face at every chance

This isn't Revenge of Kuma

I'm still fucking mad about how bad it was.

You do realize he was based off of an actual historical figure though, right? (although obviously very stylized)

Learn your fucking history, dork.