in approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes the world will know the true definition of kino
how does it feel knowing that you'll be able to tell your grandkids that you were there when miyazaki created the next golden age of videogames?
In approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes the world will know the true definition of kino
I honestly doubt it when it didn't sell very well
>24 fps
stop with this meme. It's factually wrong.
>the world will know the true definition of kino
movie theatre?
ill honestly buy a ps4 if this comes out
will get one eventually for kh3 anyway
I'd rather have Demons Souls 2
Take my power
Meme Magic Meme Magic Meme Magic Meme Magic
Dont count on it. It would just be weird to release a sequel to BB
I'd rather have Kings Field V
i thought From Soft was done with soulshit
This single game would make E3 2017 good.
if we don't get SOMETHING from FromSoft tonight I will kill myself
You've never played Kings Field. Stop lying
2.7m sales is absolutely nothing in the AAA sphere. It's barely anything in the AA sphere.
They were done with 'dark souls', but not done with 'soulborne' in general, i know it's wierd.
I think they said that they are working on 3 new ips - one - something new and fresh, and 2 related to earlier releases like blooddborne or maybe demon souls.
Kino kino kino kino kino kino kino kino kino kino kino kino kino kino kino kino kino kino kino kino kino kino kino kino
2.7 million for a new IP on an exclusive console when they expected it to do nothing is fantastic, lmao. Also that figure is from September 2015
wasn't miyazaki done with the souls series?
if so, if this is real this is gonna be dark souls 2 tier at most.
I tried to beat Shadow Tower.
The controls are hell. It's just not fun to play despite the atmosphere.
Fromsoft could probably do a fucking incredibly job with a first person game using what they learned from Soulsborne and copying some modern FPS design.
It's one of the best selling consoles of all time and "new IP" is pushing it when it's basically Dark Souls 2.5. It underperformed. There's no way to argue against that.
It's not a souls game
Also something something done with dark souls only but not the game play
Any fromsoft exclusive for ps4 will asshurt Sup Forums
if this post ends in 5 bloodborne 2 will come out on pc
Blood Borne? More like Blood Bore.
m8 it hasn't even broken 3mil, even shitty indie games like playerunknown's hit 3mil in 2 months
the real reason it sold poorly is because most sonybro's are just normie faggots who play FIFA & GTA
>console has sold over 60M
4.5% is not fantastic.
BB was literally worse than DS2. BB2 would likely be Lords of the Fallen tier.
There is no "AAA and AA spheres", there's only individual games with individual budgets they want to make back and then some
Underwater Souls or Space Souls instead, please.
Our boy Chad is about to be proven right again for he 9th year in a row
Sony always wins baby
I will provide
Both shit, it should be a sequel where people start replacing their body with clockwork and oil to avoid beasthood and the more blueprints (souls) of bosses and enemies you spend the more mechanical and therefore powerful your body becomes. If you want to remain fully human you'll have to have much reduced stats.
If it even gets announced, I hope the rumors about it being Aztec themed are true. I loved BB but I feel like that story is complete by itself.
I hope BB2 either:
A. Has all the same mechanics of the original but with a completely new canon and setting (Aztec/Conquistador, Sci-fi, whatever)
B. Is telling a story of how the shit that went on in Yharnam spread and affected different areas/cultures of the world.
>underage newfags don't remember that Sony literally considered it a huge success because it was just a Dark Souls reskin
3 million copies of an extremely niche game with a medium-sized budget is fantastic sales, kids.
My digits shall predict the future.
BB2 is going to happen
its steady sales compared to other souls titles and considering it was about the only hype game on launch for a new console that did something interesting with graphics. Honestly I think souls buyers actually tend to play the game, the statistics for BB are abysmal. Most don't bother past Cleric. At the end of the day it didn't sell consoles and it's undersold compared to if it was multiplat. A sequel would sell worse.
Not gonna happen. If they announce Bloodborne II I will literally eat my own shit and upload the footage with a timestamp. Screencap this post.
>Small budget
>he just said he was done with soulsborne titles and starting something new
>hurr durr BLOODBORNE 2
i fucking hate you autists
>Sup Forums having kids
>bloodborne was good meme
Where are you going to watch it? Any link?
Your magic is weak. If singles Bloodborne 2 will never be made and your penis will shrivel.
Hey you fucking fag. A promise is a promise.
You will have to regurgitate that filthy shit.
no bloodborne 2
Frogpost all you want Fromshitter. I will hock that shit through my nose if it happens, but it won't faggot. Your hopes and dreams will be dashed, and I'll be there to get high off the ashes.
if this post ends in 48 then bloodborne 2 will never be released
God tier shit post
The covenants, chalice dungeons and replayability in bloodborne were kinda bad. Invasions and PVP sucked major ass too.
If they make a sequel they better fix that shit.
id like it for the setting and cause I'm a nostalgiafag who started with demons souls, but I honestly think bloodborne is the souls combat perfected and it would be a shame to go back to sword and shield nonsense
Guise respond pls
>tfw bloodborne 2 announced
>but it's not made by from
> made by platinum
If this post ends in 56 Bloodborne II will be released
first time on the internet? you can literally go to youtube and watch it.
>we wuz born of the blood, made by the blood, die by the blood
>tonight, we goin huntin'
bad luck. use this to end yourself, user
if this post ends in 69
none of you will ever receive bloodborne 2
physically or symbolically
>Enjoying sickdark games
>Getting hype for sickdark games
>Hoping sickdark games get sickdark sequels
>Believing sickdark games can be ludo
Fuck off, Nintenbros.
what does kino even mean sorry
I just wanted to watch it with you...
Beyond a shadow of a doubt I believe it will NOT be Bloodborne 2.
I don't even want it to be. I think From Software is always better off treading new ground.
It will be so HYPE that no one will mind.
This post will end in 28
A 2 for BB2
Kino is a cute girl who is so perfect people use her name to describe things that are as perfect as her.
If this post ends in a 11 Bloodborne 2 will come out on the PS4 only.
if they add a fuck ton of new shit, make online free, add magic classes (blood magic) add a ton of more weapons and Armour along with making it 60 fps. and it has to have more then 20 hours of game time.
sure I will be fucking hyped if this is it.
if this shit ends in a 44 we really getting bloodborne 2
Bloodborne 2 will be set in the trenches and no mans lands of WW1 (a twisted version of it obviously), weather and fog effects will play a big part of the game
Screen cap this NOW
It won't be Bloodborne 2 and you little faggots should pray that it's not. If they re-use the same setting and gameplay all it'll do is lead to another Dark Souls situation where everyone keeps arguing over which is the best game, and the story will be lacking as shit because Miyazaki is best when he's working on a new setting.
What the fuck would Bloodborne 2 even look like? Again, you want a fucking Dark Souls situation where the sequels just make the first game pointless?
Alright, everyone shut the fuck up for a second.
Now, what's the objectively best weapon in BB?
bloodborne is the worst game I've ever played
Check this 7
Ahhhhh, doubles, or some say digits . . .
Kino is a cute girl that has a magic motorcycle and has a level 99 revolver.
>It won't be Bloodborne 2 and you little faggots should pray that it's not. If they re-use the same setting and gameplay all it'll do is lead to another Dark Souls situation where everyone keeps arguing over which is the best game, and the story will be lacking as shit because Miyazaki is best when he's working on a new setting.
>What the fuck would Bloodborne 2 even look like? Again, you want a fucking Dark Souls situation where the sequels just make the first game pointless?
cant wait for you to be wrong
Finna 5
dubs and bloodborne is made except it's a platforming puzzle game
BB2 is real! We're gonna travel through dreamlands this time.
everyone said it did well, it was only on the ps4 though but sony was happy. ds is different because of it being a big with the pc crowd it sells millions
Praying for that meme magic success
Go on then, faggot, explain what they could introduce in a sequel that wouldn't tire out the setting or make the story of the first game obsolete?
you know they signed fromsoft for 3 fucking more games right? say goodbye to pc sadly.