Battleborn Thread

Now that it's got a "Free Trial" there are a whole lot more players.

Thoughts about the new update?

Game is pretty good tbqh familam. doesn't deserve the hate it gets. I want to play but end up playing paladins instead because it's faster to get into a match.

I tried it last night, I really enjoyed it. what I didn't enjoy was the 20 minute queue time.

Who here mains Best Tank?
>Ton of Health and Shields
>Consistent Damage with a little burst if you use the right upgrades
He's essentially immortal if you use the right gear, perfect for protecting squishies like Orendi

phoebe is best girl

shame the game flopped

It's fun. Slightly underrated, doesn't deserve all the hate it gets. The PvP is very relaxing for a moba despite the UI/screen being cluttered, you don't die that fast, and there's not that much actually going on. It's just clearing waves, grabbing crystals, and getting whatever those camps are called. Also engaging/harassing people if they're out of position.

Is that her Stand?

>goes free to play
>steamcharts pop up to 1000 players
>already declining fast
>probably dead again by a week or two
>will get to bait Randy some more

Thank god for this wonderful mess

this fucking design man

looks like doom and shadow fiend's assfaggot baby

Battleborn's a definite accomplishment so suckit!

his stand you bigot

If they launched F2P, this game might have had an actual playerbase. Much like Evolve, they went F2P too late so nobody cares anymore.

>all these anons going easy on Battleborn
Good. The threads hating on it are annoying.

>skipping leg days and dropping out as early as kindergarten

Yes, The Girl focuses on throwing boomerangs while the demon does the melee attacks and abilities.

Don't fuck with me like that, I actually started doubting myself looking at it again.

Sup randy

You can't get headshots easy if he's 95% chest.

Best part about the game, easily.

Shayne is just a flatty with chest wrappings.

>game so bad, not even Sup Forums bothers to shit on it.
Paladins is way better, get the fuck out Randy, we all know its just you sameposting.

There's literally tens of you

Funny enough, it's actually really easy to headshot him because his head is so high up.

>Shilling this hard

Shilling what man the game's free by now and not even not paying people are gonna play it.

I went and actually looked her up real quick before posting again.

Who hurt you?

Eh, he gets so much damage reduction and health from hailstorm and helix upgrades, it's hard to fight him one on one before it gets dicey.

I'm actually liking this damn thing and it's unfortunate to be linked with Randy & gearbox. The ui, character designs and visual effects don't help it either, however I'm enjoying the moba aspects and I'm not into moba.

The game itself is good. Everything else, sadly, is unsufferable trash.

I've 1v1'd Montanas as Phoebe. Preperation can silence him out of hailstorm and maybe mansformation too. True Strike helps keep you dodging around his fire. Her legendary boots give you a good amount of damage ramp as well the longer the fight goes on.

The gear grind isn't great either, should've followed mobas on that aspect aswell.

Getting gear is real easy by playing co-op.

PvE is locked out in the trial. So the only way to get gear there is to buy loot boxes with credits earned in matches.

you can only play co-op by buying the game.

Daily shill thread

>game just went free to play
>it's already completely dead on PS4 and PC

Oh yeah. Got it on sale for ps4 near launch.
I'm a "Founder"

I swear to god, the entire active player base of battleborn has to be Sup Forums. You guys are the only people faggoted enough to talk about this game every single day, while everyone else forgot about it

Well I own it and I've watched how to grind videos. But something like Paladins or smite the buyables are just there and bought throughout the match.

Both randy and his shit-eating brat are busy today, I see.

Paladins is actually shit. You clearly haven't played battleborn.

I find the game to be very enjoyable, doesn't deserve all the hate it gets.

I do it for free.