>yfw FUCKING Microsoft actually won the E3
Yfw FUCKING Microsoft actually won the E3
Naw pretty much equal in my eyes
Microsoft=Sony=Ubisoft>everyone else
Other then that All the conferences we're pretty fine saying otherwise is just bait.
No one won.
Lol they didn't. They undercut all their "exclusives" with *also on PC
Ubisoft won
What did Microsoft show? Ori and Metro got me excited and I'm being optimistic toward Crackdown but the actually gameplay looked kinda bad.
But Microsoft showed more than 2 new games.
And generally way better looking games
Mook won because there will be no new games to play, so there will be more traffic on Sup Forums
Microsoft didn't show anything worthwhile that wasn't also coming to PC and PS4. Their conference was the worst by far.
>Microsoft owns Windows 10
>Xbone based around Windows 10
>The games aren't on PS4
come on, user
>And generally way better looking games
That's cute Xboner, back to IGN you go
I own every current gen besides the Xbone and have a decent PC.
They just showed better stuff and new stuff. Sony literally showed 2 new things, and 3 if you count a remaster as new.
Don't count Nintendo out yet
that's not a bad thing in my book
they are PC you dumb console nigger
What did they show that looked good?
*also on PS4
>undercutting their console with a PC
>B-BUT they still win
Just stop
nintendo isn't doing big E3 reveals anymore, then had their big reveals months ago
now if they had gone and saved up things like Arms, Splatoon 2, new pokemon etc. for E3, yeh they could have won, but they didn't
it's called promoting tie ins to reward people with both a PC and an xbox
it's win-win
I dont care either way I dropped consoles a decade ago
besides it's not like they're releasing it for all PC's
Windows 10 exclusive and what not
>promoting their OS
>promoting their games
>still selling and making money either way
go to bed
what did MS show off? I wasnt around at the time.
Sea of Thieves
Ori 2
>Can easily pirate win 10
>Can easily pirate the games
man they sure did
>can easily emulate Wii and PS games
>I can steal games so it's bad
So everything is bad?
Cuphead, DBZ, weeb bloodborne, Sea of thieves actually getting gameplay footage, and I honestly am interested in a lot of the indie games shown especially Ori2.
Most of the other games also at least inspired mild interest, while the fewer amount sony showed had me bored
No one won E3 this year
Microsoft showed off a few cool games and some new ones, Ubisoft and EA showed off like 1 or 2 interesting games each, Bethesda at least showed Wolfenstein 2.
Sony showed off fuckall
Most of the games they showed would be coming to ps4 or something esle
Only exclusives I know that are ONLY exclusive to Xbox is
Ori 2
And that's probably it other then that Microsoft and Sony literally had the same level of conference
Sea of Thieves, Metro Exodus, and Dragon Ball FighterZ all looked pretty interesting.
Sony showed off the same lineup they had last year. Like almost exactly the same.
I dont rate on exclusives, and Sony didnt do much with exclusives either.
Rating it on exclusives I'd give their show an F-.
But I rate on the games
Nobody wins this E3, is all trash
>sony loses
>n-nobody wins
Dude no one was great. Everyone was so mediocre with Bethesda being uber shit
>here's your good games that are only for old xbox, but atleast you can play them on new system now
>xbox 360 with games that no one gives a fuck about
>new multiplatform shit
But yes, Sony really sucked
There is a lot of hidden gems on the original Xbox that, without this feature, could have possibly been lost forever, due to there being no Xbox emulator. Also OG Xboxs look assy if not hooked up to a CRT.
Yes, I know that. But isn't that fucking ridiculous: everyone is happy because of fucking old games, not new ones?
By default, which is still pretty impressive considering them.
better then sony refusing to allow backward compatibility so they can shove shitty remasters down your throat.
also there were a ton of new games. sony showed 1. which is also on xb1
>refusing to allow backward compatibility so they can shove shitty remasters down your throat
Please read what the fuck is CELL is and fuck off
Yeah, and all that new games are available for PC, what's your point?
Name 5.
Idk what to talk about anymore
I'm a fucking normie
So? If anything that makes it better.