2ch lurker here

Nintendo employees (people with Nintendo VIP nametags) were seen at the train station in Sasazuka in Tokyo

Only one studio in that area, and they were listed as a Switch Partner last year.

Picture very very related.


hope fucking not

Why's that?

>yfw it's Bloodborne 2

>9 floors of Fromsoft

Do you think B team has their own layer and everyone else bullies them? Plz no I liek B team.

3D Dot Game Heroes: Zelda Licensed Addition will be great.

Who gives a shit?

Could just be a meeting with Kadokawa about some throwaway 3DS shit. If this is even true.

I don't want to buy a switch to get a new souls game

Could you imagine the fucking reactions
Mothers across the world would have to haul their sons out onto the driveway so street cleaners could come hose their poopy pants down

>yfw it's a Metroid game

We had to buy a PS4 just for Bloodborne.

That's really the only reason why I want it to be that.

my dad works at nintendo. I just called him and he said OP is 100% correct

>3D Dot Game Heroes: Zelda Licensed Addition will be great.

I will be ok with that

stop being retarded
sony owns the bloodborne IP



I've been wanting to play 3d Dot Games Heroes since it came out on a console I didn't have actually

wait, fromsoft has 9 fucking floors now?

When I visited a bunch of years ago they only had like 2 or 3

.. and FUCK THAT

The Switch is literally less powerful than the Xbox 360 so it'll be a downgraded version of DS-DS3

Sony still owns From's ass for 2 more PS4kino ala Bloodborne

why would nintendo employees s walk around the city with their name badges on?

Souls money baby!

It's three projects bro, first was BB, second Old Hunters and third is probably some mech game

If Fromsofts next big IP is a Ninty exclusive this board is going to descend into shitposting madness the likes of which never seen

It won't just be PC bro's, it'll be SonyBro's too, all in a shitpost war against Nintendudes

>The Switch is literally less powerful than the Xbox 360
But it's literally not. Wii U was a tad weaker than 360, but Switch is at least double Wii U performance due to 1080p60 MK8.

>wii u is more powerful than 360
>switch is more powerful than wii u
>switch is somehow worse than a 360
Good bait. Have a (you)

>implying the WiiU isn't more powerful than the Switch

I just can't see Fromsoft doing anything on a Nintendo console for some reason
Best I can hope for is some 5+ year old multiplat games coming to the Switch

Yeah man BotW runs super smooth on the wii u, and man do I love me some mario kart at 720p

I may help
Train station Sasazuka is
almost right across
Kadaokawa building

Sasazuka is very unimportant
area nothing other than hotel
and office

Employee wont fear divulge
Except for this topic I guess

I working mangaka nearbye
I often visit

>the FACT

Why exactly?

Because they only care about "hardcore consoles"?

Front Mission maybe?


A new Tenchu game with motion control shit that no one will want, calling it now.

My dad works for Nintendo. Can confirm Bloodborne 2 exclusive for switch :^)

Holy fuck please be true can you imagine the nuclear butthurt?

It'll make Bayo 2 announce look like babby


You have no reason to believe this other than "that doesn't feel right to me"

Will it come back?

>Sony gets Monster Hunter
>Nintendo gets Bloodborne
Poetic Justice

Metal Wolf Chaos and Lost Kingdoms on Switch.

If they pull a bayo2 again I swear people will riot



Fuck yes!

Look, there's absolutely nothing wrong with the idea of the Switch.
There's nothing wrong with Nintendo.

What's wrong is that the Switch has no games and the hardware seems fucked. If it's all better, the console will be worth getting. Right now though it's looking very bleak with it getting no third-party support.

It's just Dark Souls 3 because we already knew that From ported it to the Switch and we're pleased with the performance. That was several months ago. You usually don't just port games for the heck of it

I know you're scared that skyrim won't sell Todd.

Post more pics of the 2chan posts and then I'll believe you.

>Soulslike Metroid

Aw hell yeah, I don't know why but I can't get enough of that shit

Hollow Knight and Dead Cells are my kinda shit and Blasphemous looks really promising (I might just be saying that because I backed it)

>souls trilogy released in september
>$30 total

Nigga I've seen E3 this year, and no one is getting quality 3rd (or even 1st)-party support.
Nintendo at least has Mario Odyssey; that's -something-, and I say that as a PC/PS4 owner; if Ninty announces even one more exclusive worth buying I'll probably end up getting myself a Switch for Christmas.

It won't be a new IP.

Nintendo has learned that the majority of the playerbase is unwilling to try new IPs from third party studios unless if it has some blatant Nintendo shit thrown in it.

Hence so many of their third-party relations games being spinoffs now. The Rabbids/Mario XCOM knockoff being the latest example.

It'll be a FromSoft take on one of their existing IPs, no doubt about it.

My bets are on a Soulslike Zelda, Fire Emblem or even a Metroid title - assuming this actually ends up being true. Which it most likely won't. If not that, then a Dark Souls collection port.

Not in this lifetime

what is splatoon and arms

>Hence so many of their third-party relations games being spinoffs now.
This is bullshit though my guy


Souls is just enough like Metroid that it could totally work

Other M 2




Arms is a media failure and Splatoon is a success thanks to enormous marketing and blatant weeb-bait loli waifus. That and those are both first-party games; not third party by any means.

holy fuck hold me

Yes.... yes, keep setting yourself for disapointment.

You're just as pathetic as DMC fags


>not: Another M

0/10 try again

Literally bring more heat than Bayo 2

Samus is one sexy b wish she was my mum





People who want this for the Souls-like combat are plebs. This should be wanted for From's skills at making interesting worlds to explore and the general quality of their enemy designs. I want to explore some grotesque alien planet designed by From as Samus. That sounds like perfection to me.

>he didn't already buy a switch
Good luck finding one now! Ahahahahaha

>interesting worlds to explore and the general quality of their enemy designs
That's all I've had on my mind though, character design especially. God, it could be legendary

if from soft says they're pleased with the performance that means it's gonna run at 10 FPS

>3D Dot Game Heroes+
>includes premade Nintendo characters with special effects/items
>new world and dungeon building mode with online sharing

Yeah I agree. I don't want a Fromsoft Metroid game that's identical mechanically to Souls. I want their world, exploration, lore, tight gameplay, item placement, secrets, ALL THE GOOD STUFF BABY

They could have done it just to get a feel for the hardware and testing.

I find this incredibly hard to believe considering From Soft is basically a Sony first party for all intents and purposes

why even get a screen protector if you're this shit at applying them

no way they're gonna pull off a Bayo 2 again
there will be riots in the streets

Not that user, but I agree. Metroid could be fucking amazing if FROM had a shot at it.

FromSoft is a third party developer.

Third parties have no loyal ties to anyone or anything, they're literal whores who'll do anything for the one that pays the most.

Keep in mind that Dark Souls wouldn't have existed if Miyazaki got pissy with Sony's treatment of Demon Souls.

Even then, he crawled right back to Sony when they paid-up big time for BloodBorne.

3D Dot Game Heroes was made by Silicon Studios, the Bravely Default guys.

I know it's a third party developer. But look at their track record, 80% of their games have been PS exclusives.

How would From even do a Metroid?
Would they make it like Souls? A third person Prime?

>it's a dark souls 1 port
>downgraded because the switch can't run dark souls 1


And why wouldn't it be able to run DS1?

Lost Kingdoms?

duck boner

Given what they've done recently third person would make the most sense.

Movement and controls are some of From's biggest strong suits, and that'd be completely lost in an FPS. Definitely has to be third person

I wonder how well From could handle making a side scroller...

because das1 was designed to run on seventh gen systems, and switch is a high 6th at most


Fromsoft has extensive experience in First Person. Fuck off with this shit. They've made like 6 First Person ARPGs.

God damn a Metroid made by From would be a dream come true that I want so badly. I want that shit to take place on a single, horrendously disgusting planet that makes my skin crawl while I explore because you know, it's fucking alien. I want that shit to be interconnected and complicated as fuck to explore. I want to get lost exploring and wind up finding some really fucking cool secret area. I want those bosses to actually be a challenge to fight, ideally taking a page from the recent Souls games with having multiple phases and them getting more challanging as the fight goes on. But fuck me Nintendo would never allow. They would never even think to have it happen.

did someone say

>and switch is a high 6th at most
And why is that?