With all this E3 talk

With all this E3 talk...

No one will notice this stealthy Senran thread...

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Sasuga shinobi desu

not a videogame fuck off

Mirai, stop shitposting on Sup Forums

>cutest Senran
>plays like shit
It ain't fair.


Post Murakumo.

I need it after that Rabbids and Mario gameplay.

That is where you are wrong, OP.

Shiki and Ryouna are best.

Fight me.

How thicc you want it senpai?


You only like this game because of your arousal addiction and because Japanese society is so pornofied, I used to like games like this until I nofapped and rebooted my brain from my porn addiction and now I'm actually attracted to real women again and find this sort of thing disgusting, I no longer suffer from anxiety anymore either. Try it for 90 days and you will see the same, I was skeptical at first and didn't think I was addicted until I realized that my anime fetish was actually an extension of my porn addiction.

i nofapped for a few months once but the desire to be stepped on by giant hibari never went away

i don't have anxiety and i have a stable job and i think the senran games are fun and enjoyable

>he doesn't jack off to both

I am glad you sorted yourself out.

Here's something for you then.

that's the good shit right there

That might be because your porn use caused you to escalate to a new fetish because of your lack of dopamine, you should refrain from this kind of media and fantasizing because it can cause you to take longer to reboot. If your imagination is pornofied than fantasizing can reactivate sensitized addiction circuits in the brain that will cause stalled recovery.

I like Murasaki and Ryoubi better.

Murasaki will enter the workforce as a productive member of society.

Godlike taste

Her puffing up her cheeks is the best part to me. She looks so adorable doing that.

Your loss, trust me, life is much better without porn or disgusting pornified and objectified Japanese "culture".

Don't do it. She's not ready for the workforce!

Hey guys, I'm about to consummate my marriage with my wife. Wish me luck!

You did good, user. You saved her from becoming some crazy cat lady.

New research suggests that addiction is not necessarily an on/off switch but in fact a spectrum that you could be anywhere on, just because you have a job does not mean you don't display the symptoms and problems of addiction. You can see many first hand accounts of people who were skeptical or thought they were not addicted but ended up reaping some benefits from abstaining regardless.

I have an unhealthy addiction to snek. Send help.


what does addiction have to do with me enjoying an anime tiddy game


did that rabbit have a name?
I want to fuck it

Perhaps you should invest in a snek daki to cuddle with then.

My video game also decreased after I stopped engaging in media like this, since video games and porn are linked addictions.


Nothing, this guy is a faggot and nofap is a stupid meme, just like this guy's life.

Denial is a sign of addiction.

> I nofapped and rebooted my brain from my porn addiction


>that sensation when you draw porn for living

but what am i addicted to then?

I'd rather be in denial than a self righteous faggot like you.

>I turned myself into a normie for no good reason.

Porn and porn substitutes. In our pornofied society it is extremely easy to become addicted to arousal and artificially arousing content, the human brain was not made to be constantly confronted by sexual material 24/7 and nothing exemplifies this problem better than Japan whos populace seems to be allergic to actual intimacy with another human being, we need to start refusing this sort of content and return to what we evolved to do rather than being caught up in the hyper stimulation of artificial stimulation of sexual appetites that only escalate and leave you anxious, depressed, alone, or even worse suffering from porn induced ED.

Will you people stop taking the goddamn bait and just post about senrans instead?

I need news about 7 Takaki.

>and leave you anxious, depressed, alone, or even worse suffering from porn induced ED.
Been happily fapping multiple times every day for 1.5 decades now. When do the symptoms begin, o smart doc?

Post Miyabi

what if the master baiter is replying to himself?

We'll probably hear something either late this year or early next.

>posting more shiki


Great taste.



No good reason? How about the tons of personal accounts of benefits and the better life you can attain with self mastery that comes from escaping PMO addiction? How about the tons of men who have cured their ED from abstaining from pornography like the founder of Reboot Nation Gabe Deem? You enjoy these materials because your sad and crave the escapism that porn provides, think of how much of a better life you could be living if you stopped wasting your dopamine like this.

You'll see, it doesn't all happen at once but when you get to the point where you can only get off to loli scat pronography and no longer even get attracted by normal human beings than you will see what I mean, don't let it come to that.

You should know how Sup Forums gets their panties in a bunch when they meet someone who doesn't live and breathe for porn.



More like you blueball yourself out so bad that you eventually become desperate enough to fall for 3DPD.

Don't confuse desensitization for having standards.

Give it to me straight is Senran Kagura shovelware low budget ironic weeb crap like Neptunia or is it actually a decent series?


No wonder she is so gassy

You know
I just want wake up, tied to the bed, to Hibari fucking the absolute shit out of me, only taking breaks to eat snacks and stuff aphrodisiac laden sweets in my mouth.

Same vein, slightly better shit though. They're mediocre but functional beat-em-ups with likeable characters and sometimes okay stories.

What do you think is more likely? That we evolved to be attracted to a mate and have children? Or that you evolved to be attracted to drawings and ejaculating into a tissue alone in front of a monitor?


A bit of both.

First games are ok in gameplay and story. It knows its a tittygirl game, but still charms you in ways that have nothing to do with the tits.

Later installments went full tits and shit story.

It a decent beat-em-up with a fun cast of characters and story.


>low budget
>ironic weeb
I'd rather not classify the product as that, that goes more on what the person who consumes it want

Overall, the series consist on mediocre but competent beat em ups with some spin offs, but the main appeal is in the characters.

Is there a PC date for Peach Beach Splash yet or is that still "lol wait 2 years after the Playstation version" like every other game?

We evolved to mate and if that's not possible we masturbate.


>This thread
It will be done my lord

It's a pleasant surprise of a series for me. Going in I expected a series of pointless smut and little quality.
Instead, I get something that actually kept my interest for the characters and a decent story.

>no Yumi posting
Good thread.

Cute piggy.
None that I know of. Do we even have an actual date for the PS4 version yet?

>you will never live in Haruka-sama's hometown

There's not even an official date for the western PS4 release other than This Summerâ„¢, so you better keep waiting. With how fast the localization was this time it's not crazy to expect a steam release not long after the console one though.

Man you are both fucking cringe

T.faps to 3DPD and 2D but prefers imgsrc

Will Takaki get asked good questions at E3? I want to know about SK7 and when VR is coming for PBS.


Sounds just like nepshit then.

Pornography is a growing epidemic in America and is causing increasing rates of ED and mental illness, I am trying to help you before you hurt yourself.

I want to eat lots of candy with Minori.

Fuck off to your NoFap Reddit or whatever hellhole you crawled out of, we are trying to have a nice SK thread here.

You'll have to share with Yomi.

>he didnt get the srcference


Ryouna is a perfect bitch

>now I'm actually attracted to real women again and find this sort of thing disgusting,
Oh, you poor little shit. You must be really desperate, aren't you? It's really sad to see someone get brainwashed this bad. I fear for your shit taste, but it's ok, we're here for you.



Nofap actually started on Sup Forums and has been embraced by /fit/ as well, the NoFap revolution has no borders. Get a grip on your life.

The more the merrier.

Your "taste" is actually just you sensitizing yourself to more and more extreme and further from reality pornography so you can chase a more intense high because you have a problem.

It's no good. The poor lad fell for the latest "do this X thing or don't do this Y thing and your life will drastically improve" sham, sacrificing one of his life qualities for make-believe. It happens with body-builders, diet people and whatever addiction-paranoid folks you can think of.


My favorite's Minori.
I wish the games didn't suck.

Just make sure you get the candy you want as soon as you can. Yomi will snatch up everything otherwise.

Is the anime of this any good? Is it just mindless fan service?

>the internet are new developments that abuse your animal brain

They said the same about music, comics, and video games. You're just sounding like a christcuck.

Nothing in life is holding back expect for yourself. Stop blaming porn for your sorry excuse of a life.