This is the top trending gaming related youtube video

>This is the top trending gaming related youtube video

Post yfw a game with fucking rabbit minions and Mario won E3

Other urls found in this thread:

>mario and rabbids so children and moms buy it and enjoy it
>turn based strategy so everyone else buys it and enjoys it
This idea gets more rational and more rational as this goes on.

>fucking rabbit minions and Mario won E3

I actually thought about preordering it.

>expected trash
>it's actually decent

I'm surprised tbqh.

Freakshows draw attention. It isn't too shocking people are curious what the fuck this abomination actually is.

Paper Mario died for this garbage.

>No IS/AD you have to use nothing but toads and mario bros concepts and no partners
>oh hey ubisoft yeah you can use rabbids
>invent a bunch of shit for a terrible world design? sure

I literally dont fucking understand the world anymore

It's a complete sellout but so happy and confidant in selling out that you can't do anything but like it

I want to see more gameplay before judging but so far looks interesting. I expected a pretty shit game desu.

The world is coming to an end

>turn based strategy
Shouldn't that turn down children and normalfags though?

>people cry about Sony not having a mascot
>meanwhile the only company with a mascot still going is whoring it out this hard
>people actually find vidya mascots a good thing
>when this level of whoring is what they lead to


>expected to cringe for an hour
>game was well presented and apparently has more depth than Fire Emblem

>apparently has more depth than Fire Emblem

>Unironically the best game showed off at this year's E3

At least Sonygros have MonHun: Lite-brite Edition

Not my Xcom.

I can almost guarantee you, you will see this being demoed during treehouse.

There's only one big moment of clarity, and that's when you realize the reason Mario is in it is because Ubisoft demanded he be there using the logic that on Nintendo platforms people only buy games with Nintendo characters. And they're right.

That french manlet is a smart smart business man, he knows what's up.

To be fair, for some reason, Ubisoft games tends to do very well on Nintendo consoles. They really didn't need to add in a Mario character.

When have kids liked Rabbids? The last game was like 10 years ago.

You use words without knowing what they mean d don't you?

This and I hope he started a trend that will make nintendo loose on letting other devs use their ips and ultimately get them some strong 3rd party support.

What a slut

peach is very fuckable in this game

Good, it actually looked fun and original. It deserves the attention


It's literally Xcom with Mario.

I thought Rabbids fucking died in 2006. Who actually likes these ugly fucks?

>wanting BWAAAAAAAA mixing with your wahoo!

Just play XCOM you fags. The sound design for this game is going to be auditory waterboarding.




I can't believe that fucking Ubisoft had the best conference, and it was mediocre at best. Now Nintendo, the same company that thought that the Wii U and fucking Amiibos was a good idea, is the only company able to save us from this fucking shitshow of a conference. I couldn't have less hope even if I tried.

Nintendo babies don't play anything that's not on Nintendo systems, he probably doesn't even know what that is

You wanna fuck that face?

Mario XCOM is a great idea desu fampai.

those lifeless eyes

It isn´t. It has exploration and other stuff if the stuff they´ve shown so far is anything to go by

To be fair, Peach is easily the most fuckable vidya character of all time, only rivaled by Rosalina who looks almost like her.


>people on Sup Forums pretending to want this game

Something can still be original even if it's a game in an established genre.

How unfortunate. The more popular the game gets, the worse it becomes. NOTHING that has pandered to the normies has ever been good.

>not wanting to make love with Princess Peach


People watching a video because of how hilariously bad it is doesn't mean fucking anything you retarded marketer

This is Ubisoft we're talking about, the game is going to be the same shit all the way through and you'll be bored after about an hour.


t. SJW shill

Yiff in Hell, furfag

who are you to determine what's fun and what isn't? What if I said that Uncharted 4 was fun, and you couldn't argue against that because the metacritic unanimously agreed with me? How would you argue that your idea of fun is somehow "more valid"?

>see this in every thread

I don't get it.

I think the gameplay looks fun but I hate the Rabbids. I don't even know what to feel.



>it is still going upwards on the trending ranking
I never thought this out of all things would be popular.

there could be 10 concurrent Xcom clones and it wouldn't be enough, the best part about modern CRPGs is them all stealing nuXcom gameplay

Nothing that has happened in the world in the past year has made any damn sense.

>A turn-based strategy game with guns is unheard of, so let's compare it to this obscure alien game.

It's #3 trending now, what the fuck

>Make a Mario crossover with Rabbids aimed at babbies
>Then make the gameplay be a complicated XCOM style strategy game

The graphics are the first thing that caught my eye. Like going from 3D World to this is a pretty big difference in terms of lighting.

Hey wait a second

That's also why Skyrim has Nintendo stuff in game too.

Bayonetta, Xenoblade, and indies sell fairly well on Nintendo platforms, actually.


user are you an actual shill?

Me too user. I'd pay extra to replace the rabbids with toads and goombas

Wait, that user was telling the truth?
I'm amazed.

Xenoblade is a Nintendo game

>I'll never get paid for shilling ninty games
Why live?

Of course it is. youtube is popular with kids and thats who this game is targeted at.

It can't really be children and mothers right now, the conference recent, where are those views coming?

This game looking decent is a surprise. The main issue is that Sony was underwhelming in comparison with other years where at worst they were decent.

Xeno- isn't Nintendo. It doesn't have Nintendo characters, either. Xenoblade Chronicles and XBCX managed to sell well despite featuring entirely new casts of characters.

Rabbids were introduced to the world 11 years ago. The original demographic is that much older now.

Agreed, I'm actually pretty shocked by how good the graphics are, for a Switch game. I'm way more stoked for Odyssey but the visuals look so much cleaner here, Odyssey looks like a realistic gritty game by comparison.

But I'm guessing it will be 30 fps and Odyssey will be 60, Galaxy 1/2 and 3D World were 60 so that's probably a standard for Mario platformers now.

>modern xcom is complicated


Holy shit there actually are quite a few comparisons between the Rabbids and Minions.

Biggest one being that they were a small part of something better but became a meme and suddenly the publishers made everything about them instead of the original main character everyone liked.

>Xeno- isn't Nintendo.
Yes it is dumbfuck. Monolith Soft is a first party Nintendo studio.

I think very few people watched the Ubisoft conference so when they heard they looked up the trailer immediatly. This sudden influx of views got it up to #10, then from there mothers and children saw it which bought it up to #3.

Weird, since I didn't expect Nintendo fans to love cinematic experiences. You learn something new every day, right?

This was like the only game that held my attention for the whole reveal. It was a pretty big curveball making it a fucking tactics game.

Is there porn of #BABBY yet?


Nintendo owns Monolith soft you retard.

It'll have more views than even Odyssey because it's such a spectacle. People love rubbernecking

>It's literally Xcom with Mario.
I'm honestly okay with this.

Seeing the guy welling up over miyamoto talking about his game was one of the highlights of this E3 tbqh.

>Its literally Xcom for people too dumb to play Xcom

What was the point of jumping off Mario here?

It is for normies.

And according to Jullian Gollop himself, nuXcom is much harder than OG Xcom, which is why he is trying to make Phoenix Point more "accessible".

It was easier to walk to mario and get pushed close enough to the other guy and attack again

Fuck, I get it now
They intentionally made every character in combat wayyy over powered. The goal was the circumvent the slow, sprawling feel typical of a tactical game like this and instead make it chaotic and absurd in a way that grabs your attention. It's like XCOM Looney Tunes

That's pretty ingenious

looked kewl

Fake news, this is from sm4sh.

>And according to Jullian Gollop himself, nuXcom is much harder than OG Xcom,
Why is he telling lies?

The gameplay looks fun in an XCOM sort of way.

I'd probably get it if it wasn't for the Rabbids.

It could be that you only get a second attack if you jump on a character.

I want rub my benis In those delicious lips STOPPPP

He isn't, Jake's Xcom is far more unforgiving than Xcom, it's way easier for things to spiral out of control in Xcom EW and 2 than in OG.

There's eight characters, you can use four in a party, and there's four Mario characters

Just do all Mario characters and slaughter the fucking rabbids

>tfw in a call with dudes who try way too hard to be edgy and hate on rabbids completely for being too babby and low brow for them

>even they fucking crack up when donkey kong rabbid comes out

I think the nintendo themeing helps them a lot.

"edgy" has lost all meaning