Good shit from E3

>xbox one x is full backwards compatible for xbox/360 discs
>Dragonball Fighters Z
>Days Gone
>Monster Hunter World

Am I missing anything?

Other urls found in this thread:

Nope that's about it

>Days Gone
looked extremely generic, just another moviegame but this time with zombies
AAA coop game with rpg elements AGAIN. literally just a reskin of the division

Rabbids actually looking like a decent game was a surprise.

Code Vein
The Last Night
Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Deep Rock Galactic
Dragonball FighterZ
Ori and the Will of the Wisps
Sea of Thieves
Lord of the Rings: Shadow of War
Metro: Exodus
Black Desert Online
Osiris: New Dawn
Shadow of the Colossus: HD
Monster Hunter World
Marvel Spider Man

That's what I thought looked decent.

>full backwards compat
not full. It's the titles they pick and choose to touch up and make playable.
Otherwise, I would disagree with anthem, it looks like a third person destiny, and with destiny 2 around the corner, why bother?

also I'm personally pretty excited for the sotc remaster, if it's done well.

>full backwards compatible

kek nope

That was the weirdest thing ever, was it because its actually a decent game or was it because everything else was so bad that it now looks good?

Spider-Man doesn't look as good as i'd hoped but it still looks good. Hopefully it was just one of the more on-rails parts for the sake of demonstration.

The MvC demo is up tonight so i'll actually be able to form an opinion on the gameplay. I think the backlash is big enough that they should be able to course correct by simply fixing Chun Li's fucking model(really easy fix)

Days Gone looks bland as fuck though OP

Anthem was probably bullshots

I get what you mean but Anthem looks nothing like the Division you spastic


It was because it was a 95% direct knockoff of the modern xcom reboot, right down to the camera angles when firing your not-laser-rifle laser rifle. Unless they introduce something totally wild that's unique to the game (I guess the jumping?) it's pretty set in stone as an okay game, so long as there aren't lots of bugs.

>more on-rails parts for the sake of demonstration.

Nah, watching the trailer from last year and it's obviously a whole lot of scripted events and qtes

>would rather pay for another remaster.
at least you get another one.

>having to buy a $500 console with no games just to remember what it was like when Xbox did have games
>normalfag weebshit fighting game
>days gone
>westernized "monster hunter"

The only good thing that's come of this E3 is the shitposting.

It's an open world game, the side quests aren't going to be like that

>no Skull and Bones
>no Wolfenstein 2

Nobody ever has to buy an Xbone.

Thats a positive i guess.

No they're going to be fucking Assassins Creed fetch and collection quest bullshit, I expect you'll have to climb a tower to mark them on your map too.

>Soulless AAA version of Sea of Thieves where you can't leave the ship
>SJWolfenstein: Antifa Edition

No thanks.

days gone looks like it's an "open world TLOU" which is gonna sell gangbusters because it's buzzword heaven

>skull and bones
Right because For Honor really proved that Ubisoft can take asymmetric atypical multiplayer combat and make it a very balanced and enjoyable experience :)))))))))
>wolfenstein 2
Generic and disjointed fps with bonus commie rants. No thanks.

Who said anything about remasters?

Because it's still not full BC.

>Am I missing anything?
fresh OC


I had a guy in my store gushing over it yesterday based purely off the initial traier. It's just a stupider TLOU for the Walking Dead audience

>bioware ea shit

>no mgs5 so caramel has to kill himself now

>jaded faggots that didn't like Black Flag
>bitching about political shit
You people are worthless.

Beyond Good and Evil 2 right up until it was relieved it was a prequel.

Does your dad work for Insomniac? Tell us more!

Wolfenstien 2

I didn't play Black Flag because 3 was such an insane disappointment.

And yeah I'm going to bitch about political shit when its being shoved down my throat that hard. I don't want to have someone's political agenda screaming in my face while I play a game, I want to have fun playing the fucking game.

>Days Gone
>Monster Hunter World

I thought this was good things, faggot. Here, I'll give you a freebie; SotC Remake

Just don't play it

>And yeah I'm going to bitch about political shit when its being shoved down my throat that hard.
It's Wolfenstein you dumb faggot, and nothing being pushed on you. It's a fucking video game. Get a thicker skin.

>wasting any amount of time on any AssCreed past 2
You only have yourself to blame.
You're welcome to waste your money on a preorder then you utter spaz.

>It's ANOTHER remake
>sony does it again babyee!!
No point.




None of these games looked good to me. (SotC is a remake so it doesn't count). Either they were generic looking, heavily scriped cinematic experiences or 2quirky4me indie games.

Maybe I just hate modern video games...

I cant believe egypt is birthplace of assassins! How did they end up in Jurelslem?

Except Black Flag was fun. You missed out on a fun game, and Skull&Bones should be pretty fun too.

do you have any source? I'm really skeptical about all this and people seem to be assuming everything will work perfectly.

It was the ONLY good thing from Sony's conference.

Anthem is like if you combined Destiny and Xenoblade Chronicles X, but made them as generic and western approved as possible.
Day's Gone is open world TLoU
Monster Hunter World is a more casualzied western oriented game

You need to stop going to Sup Forums for a couple of weeks.

It actually helps.

Why assume i'd preoorder it? I just want to actually know a little more before deciding whether it's a lost cause

Skull and bones looked terrible. Each controlling a ship? Fuck that clunky nonsense.

I have my doubts.
Is it only naval battles or will there be land fights too?

What kind of games do you like? What were you expecting?

>everything is available on PC
Thank god. Never again do I want to play a game that's 30fps* *with drops to 5

Its fucking stupid that in a video game series about shooting Nazis that an American would ever ally with Communists.

What do they think this is,ther real world war 2[spoiler/]?

What the fuck else would it be? One guy gets to control the ship, the rest can stand there?

>Fuck that clunky nonsense.
It's a naval combat game i.e. a tactical combat game. Clearly you don't care about the genre at all.

Seems like just naval battles at this time.



>Okay slowly turn the ship
>Turn it
>Turn it
>Turn it
>Oh shit another ship, turn the other way
>Turn it
>Turn it
>Turn it
>Okay now slowly sail so our broadside is facing the enemy
>Slowly sail
>Slowly sail
>Slowly sail
>Okay fire!
>Shit I missed

>Anthem looked real neat, but I doubt the final game will look like that
>SotC remake looks amazing, but how will it play? Because those 2005 PS2 era control schemes will definitely need an update
>Nintendo, I hope



I'm more tempted than ever if I can play the complete library on one console.

PCfags cannot into emulators

Good joke.
Its going be dead within a week of release.

My personal favorites

A Way Out
Ori 2
Wolfenstein 2
God of War

I haven't watched Ubisoft yet

It is pretty sad that you think the words "tactical" and "boring" are synonymous.

>pointing out the technical genre it files under is a joke
You are one sad, strange little man.

>touch up and make playable

its literally an emulator. Someone asked Phil why the full library wasnt available and he said that the games are ready, but the publisher has to give them permission.

what are you talking about retard? it's literally the same as the 360 emulation, and the OG xbox emulation on the 360

you can't just put in any game and have it work, it has to be one that they've chosen for bc

You pretty much can buy a cheap one or slim anyway. Most sane Xbone won't fucking purchase the damn X until a price drop. BC comes on all one versions, I have a one since 2016 and it works fine so I'm set.

atleast we agree its going to be DOA

>Ni no Kuni 2
>Shadow of the Colossus
>Life is Strange: Before the Storm

Honestly keeping my hopes low for tomorrow, some Lady Layton footage or an American 3DS release date would be enough for me.