Can we have an anthem thread?
Hopes and fears?
Personally I think it's pretty promising. It's the prime bioware dev team, it's got a relatively fresh world design, looks like there's some cool abilities for getting around and fighting too.
Also only 4 player co-op so I doubt it'll turn into the destiny shitfest of getting better loot to get better loot in a futile attempt to beat koreans who have more free time than you.
Can we have an anthem thread?
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If anybody had any doubts that what is left of bioware now is just the name, anthem cleared those doubts.
It's just another space shooter.
>pre-alpha reveal
Game won't look anything like what we saw once it hits retail. I wouldn't be surprised if it slips to Holiday 2018 / Q1 2019. "open" world looked like a series of half pipes rather than a real open world. Diving into the water was cool. Not really into the designs for the exosuits so far. Will keep an eye on it and wait to see some real hands on footage before deciding either way.
Is it though?
I mean I'm not blind, I see the similarities and influences, but I can't help but feel like flying around a jungle world in a suit of armour with some friends would make for a pretty comfy time
Would also not be surprised to see it pushed back. And yeah, the pipe thing does worry me a bit. I'd have liked to see them just fly straight out into open. Also noticed that they only flew straight ahead or down, never up. I'd just really love unrestricted movement.
its gonna be another destiny in my opinion.
im personally on the fence with this game rn, i want to see how independent journalists rate the game before i consider buying it.
Same also, I've learned my lesson with preordering and shit.
I don't see how this could be another Destiny though. I mean, it's not an mmo. How similar could they really be?
bioware made narrative driven rpgs with nice basic rpg mechanics, and they were good at it.
now they are just another generic dev that is chasing the next fashion.
as for the game itself, as pointed out, the trailer we saw was hevelily scripted and edited, and if you really thing about it, we saw no actual gameplay, just people pretending to play coop. It will be division all over again bu who cares, gamers are sheep and never learn or care anyways.
>I think it's pretty promising. It's the prime bioware dev team
I could believe this is actually what the game is meant to look like.
Usually bullshots don't show interface elements.
>mrw people think BioWare Edmonton are godtier devs
It's pretty fucking funny this narrative has cropped up just because of how shit Andromeda was.
I don't think the graphics will be that downgraded, but this was obviously a tightly scripted slice and the game
>It's the prime bioware dev team
Oh, you mean these gals?
No thanks.
the gameplay looked straight out of mass effect
except the enemies died in one shot.
Bioware are known for recycling shit, especially game mechanics... thats not surprising
looks on-rails more or less. third person shooting always sucks and feels worthless, too.
really just the division in a different setting and this is an e3 trailer so this is THE BEST they can show, even with the leeway you get making a scripted e3 trailer.
im just glad it isn't a "cover shooter" but believe me this thing looks like it will absolutely disappoint a ton of people
Destiny isn't an mmo either. They're both co-op and sometimes shared world shooters.
Is it just me or do they basically run through a canyon the entire trailer. Doesn't look very open world.
It looks promising. But let's not kid ourselves. We can't exactly pretend Mass Effect Andromeda (and DA:I for that matter) didn't happen. Also the fact the main character was a chick gives me a bad feeling about the direction of this game. Also they officially confirmed this for PS4 and Xbone. So a downgrade is inevitable.
It looks like the game will have a lot of similarities with Destiny, i noticed something that seemed similar to Destiny's elemental types but without further gameplay it's hard to tell, the general rhythm of the reveal was a mirror of Destiny's E3 reveal years back.
The guns look like they have a good impact but the shooting looked slow and the enemies looked a little too generic.
I'm hoping there will be more than 4 base armors that are "highly" customizable. the more we can work from the more variety between players the better.
My biggest hope is that the game will have a character creator.
We shazbot now?
>when Bioware's B-team is so shit it makes their A-team look good
So that's their plan.
Yep, the town they showed was one narrow stretch opening up to your mech platform. Hide a loading screen to the top of the wall. "Fly" down to your mission area and it's all half pipes.
Ever since that Firefall MMO turned into a horrible horrible dumpster fire, I've had a sci-fi exo-suit shooter itch that has just not been scratched. I'm not getting my hopes up about the graphics, and what we did see of the gunplay didn't look stellar, but I think there's potential and I'll keep it on my radar.
Looks interesting, I like the Iron Man feel it has to it.
Looks like something I'll get on sale for 20$ in a couple of years
My hope is that Anthem might get the general idea behind Destiny right. This seems highly unlikely, primarily due to it being made by fucking Bioware of all studios.
Extremely cautious, but I'll watch trailers/play the inevitable beta.
If anything else, I feel like it has a good aesthetic. A massive Untamed forest is pretty neat.
Destiny is a lot better now than it was in Y1, but the basic act of shooting shit was always good.
As long as there is some quest variety, I don't care how bad the story is, just give me good gameplay
I've been wanting another tribes game for years
Not that I want to defend Bioware but it looked like you could've branched out in a couple of directions when the big bear thing showed up about halfway through and where the scavenger guys were as well as what looked like an underwater dungeon they could've gone in.
Still not an open world but hardly pure linear.
Everything you saw was a lie. Every second of it.
So as far as I can tell you character gets this super suit so he/she/it can fly around and find gay sex.
What else is there?
Hopes - Movement is actually that fluent.
Fears - I just fucking know it won't be.
>I think it's pretty promising
>It's the prime bioware dev team
These two statements are mutually exclusive.
This. I think it looks interesting. I'm not expecting anything amazing out of it but could be fun.
But ya after firefall flopped I'm not expecting something amazing.
>those dates
I didn't notice that the last time I saw this webm. Jesus christ.
Because previews are always indicative of the final product.
Fuck off, retard
Bioshill detected.
>prime bioware dev team
Is it? I thought Biowares main team was working on Casey Hudsons project, which this isn't.
>previews indicative of final product
>thread discussing previews from the very same dev and hopes/fears for the final product
Nigga what the fuck is your point?
How dumb do you even have to be to defend that?
Just looked like long linear stretches with Dungeons"?" to me. I think people are just overhyping it right now. Barely any actual gameplay was shown.
Indeed, the Bungie 30 second loop was there in full force right from launch. The problem is/was literally everything else.
I played the base game and first DLC, but I didn't want to reward them with more money for anything past that.
On the topic, I find it funny that Bungie went out of their way to strip away one of the "fun" weapon slots for another "it works" weapon slot in D2, yet the new trailer is primarily focused around usage of the cool weapons that are now all competing for a single slot.
this was Casey Hudson's project before he left.
I have doubts on Bioware out Bungieing Bungie on a space looter shooter when Bungie is several years ahead of them.
A 3rd person Destiny. I think this will be my buy instead of Destiny.
Doesn't look anything like Bioware, looks like a Destiny clone and another generic space shooter. Bioware is truly dead now, once and for all. Mass Effect 3 was the last decent game they made.
Looks pretty generic. Also looks stupid seeing the "badass girl mechanics" when in reality they never even go near a car.
Oh I didn't even realize he quit Bioware.
Not exactly great tidings for this game if the lead quits so early in.
Another fucking online only game. Pass.
Literally none because Bioware.
Yeah, I quit playing after the first month and only came back to it a month before Rise of Iron when someone gifted me Taken King. Honestly my biggest complaints right now are having to go to orbit to go to an activity, patrol mode being kind of dead / boring, and no custom strike playlist. The new weapon system seems like it was built specifically to cater to the pvp players even though they have consistently been the smaller population.
Will it have custom characters with no voice, or something like Shepherd/Ryder? Please tell me its not just that girl
Have you played Destiny? It's the exact same thing, a co-op sci-fi game where you're in a semi-open world going around from place to place killing aliens and encountering random events so that you can get better loot for one of the classes you play as, each who have a super ability that can wipe out crowds of enemies. The only difference is Anthem is 3rd person.
>Looks pretty generic
Could go either way, I'm just of the opinion that Bioware devs are stupid and made their game look slightly more linear than it actually is by having the characters only move forwards, they might just be dungeons but I sill counted less than 5 possible branching points in a 7 minute video including the descent which might let you pick a main path assuming you can actually control your character during it.
Looks like destiny, and that shit prefab "co-op" with actors is shit and immediately makes me uninterested. I wanted to see, more than anything else in that ass trailer, what happened when they jumped into that storm. I can only imagine it's a fucking 20 second load screen then it plops you into a strike-but-not.
i don't trust anything they put out until it releases.
Hopefully, there are definitely some variations in your player character we just have no idea if it's a full character creator yet. From the demo it seemed like the titan-like character was a dude.
>B Team
Weren't they the C Team though?
the division is a great game though
The voices in the gameplay demo were clearly just actors pretending to be players Ubisoft style.
Why is this getting hype? Bioware hasn't made a great game in years.
>destiny but instead of a competent company like Bungie, it's fucking BIOWARE
I hope this game dies, and then I hope bioware is shut down forever.
I meant the character model seemed like it was a dude, but I could just be imbuing the bulky mech suit with male characteristics. It would be very retarded (and hilarious) if the only character customization was via your combat suit and every single person had the same human character underneath though.
>Hopes and fears?
>Multiplayer - always online
Strike one
>Big monsters but your only means of interacting with them is with your guns; no climbing, no fighting, no environmental advantages, no adapting your load out per beast
Strike Two
>Loot drops randomized by a random number generator
Strike Three
>Made by EA
Strike Four
>Hub world that has no part in the gameplay other than to meet others and get quests
Strike Five
>Even with big monsters, you will fight grunts with guns
Strike Six
Because of Andromeda. Not to mention it felt like I was watching a Destiny / The Division all over again.
>can't even tell a basic story in a game anymore
Who the hell cares about strikes 1, 5, and 6?
Yeah Destiny totally dropped the ball on everything but their engine. It was such a nice and fluid movement system but they ruined the game by having no game.
A real shame too since Halo Reach was the game right before it and I personally loved it.
bioware can't even animate things well m8, also talking about writing and bioware LUL
there's 3 strikes right there
Edmonton's new IP was my last hope for the company, and it turns out to be a destiny ripoff. I'm done.
5 is probably the MOST important. Having a hub world means that you are not likely to have multiple hub worlds. It also means, that nothing can happen to it since that is where players load into while signing into the game.
It's a literal safe space, where people will just idle and shit talk. It's already falling into all the trappings of an mmo without the benefits of being a console game. We already have better multiplayer monster hunting games on pc in ARK, Tera, Black Desert and more.
Also, let me just take a moment to lather and bask in the retarded shit you just said.
>Always online
>not a bad thing
Mmm. Mmmhmm, oh baby. Is there any cock you console peasants aren't willing to suck?
>made by BIOWARE
That's the most important strike right there bruh.
Bioware made some great games. I think this is Bl0war3. The difference is pretty self explanatory.
Imagine being a male employee at Bioware and having to be all like "damn, xir, you fuckin' fine, all competent with your frumpy body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally empower you, both my inner personality and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fucking make a good game in the developers. Like seriously imagine having to be a male employee and not only sit in that chair while Faith and her tranny friend flaunt their disgusting bodies in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing their stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, day after day, hour after hour, while they accomplish literally nothing. Not only having to tolerate their monstrous fucking visage but their haughty attitude as everyone on site tells them they've STILL GOT IT and DAMN, FAITH AND THE XIRS WORK LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch their mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been crushing nothing but a healthy diet of coding and 3d models and later alleged rape accusations for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Montreal. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what xhe calls xirself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with a steady diet tim hortons in the previous months. And then the project director calls for another rewrite of their code, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're a fucking white male. You're not going to lose your future career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
What's wrong with having it be a hub? You haven't made an argument against it
>Having a hub world means that you are not likely to have multiple hub worlds
So what
>It also means, that nothing can happen to it since that is where players load into while signing into the game
Again, so what
the last good game bioware made was dragon age origins
I hate video games that put me in a suit just to give me super powers. Sorry, little nit pick. I'll be playing Destiny 2 over this sadly, if I get time away from Stormblood of course.
I'd be fine with this, if like Destiny it improves.
I wish more games were like Siege, where they have good design at the core but just need more support to iron out the issues. Too bad Ubisoft is dropping the ball on Wildlands and fucking For Honor and letting them both fucking die. Moreso on For Honor, because its issues are primarily server and connection related, with gameplay taking a close second similar to Siege.
>imagine being a male employee at X
I'm not white I'd be just fine with whatever shenanigans I do, hell I'd probably get a medal
if you are a male of color you'd be obligated to have sex with all of them regardless of how disgusting they are.
Wasn't the issue with this webm that game development isn't super linear, it's about stacking layers onto shit? And as development continue, older, more experienced Bioware members left, which left the new shitters to be stuck with shit they had no idea how to handle, and so it ended up like the left side?
TOR has gotten pretty good post release support, but yeah that would be my worry about Anthem. If it even flails a little bit at launch I can see EA being quick with the hook. ME:A is basically dead right now.
Whatever you want to call them. I refuse to touch anything they make anymore. More people should do the same.
Hey this looks cool
>starts speaking on the Mic with others
I just want to earn credits cleaning out the overworld with buds and customize/upgrade my suit at base with my earnings.
If it's that, it'll be my perfect game.
If it's not that, I won't give two fucks about it.
It's lazy design. It restricts what you can do and explore since you have to always be by the hub world. Just listen to the wording of the presentation kid.
>Last bastion of mankind you have to defend
Which roughly translates to;
>You faggots will have to come here and be here all the time cause there isn't anything more
Lastly, before I start ignoring you from now on, I want to make a little foot note. Multiplayer games always have shit stories because just the nature of multiplayer interaction kills any sense of immersion you would have had. How many time have you played destiny or Borderlands and had schmucks trying to rush through the content while you just wanted to take a sec. to listen to the dialog, or read a script or watch a cut scene?
Do not respond to this post.
Seem to remember reading they made the male main character an adonis while the female is very plain or weird looking, purely because the people at bioware think it's their duty to portray more 'realistic' looking women but not men.
So you plan on playing a multiplayer MMO-lite solo?
This is probably an oversimplification, but from what I've read, Bioware had a shit ton of problems getting the frostbite engine to work for them, and Andromeda had an all over the place development where shit didn't get locked down until very late. The result is that there were a lot of changes to lighting and shading systems and not enough to time to go back and fix scenes those changes visually broke.
I was surprised they outsourced Xenoblade X2 to Bioware and they made it a multiplayer third person shooter.
Didn't see that coming.
Yeah, you read that here. It was obviously made up.