Saw this on know your meme what think Sup Forums?



Fake and gay

Their conference is 30 (THIRTY) minutes long.

If you believe this list is true, you deserve a bullet to the brain.

Nintenbros on suicide watch.

>Splatoon 2
This is how e3 is saved

>prime 4: scars
>a 2d metroid coming to switch AND 3ds
>switch capable of running anything developed by a third party studio in the current year
fake AND gay

tell me PLEASE this is not fake

Literally my mom's blurry leak

the prime game would have to be a prequel, not a sequel. phaaze got btfo.

>literally "FEEL GOOD INC"

Nintendo pretends Sarasaland never existed.

>Sarassaland Spirits
It might be an insane fucked up year, but I don't buy for a moment Nintendo would suddenly give a shit about Super Mario Land, especially for fucking Luigi's Mansion.

This is not fake
Trust me mario is my uncle.

>no animal crossing

>shin megami tensei v


fake and gay


>2x Metroid
I want to believe. But it wouldn't be Prime, since Prime is done.

Tfw no switch sports resort

>Not just 72 hours of mega milk playing Zelda


Holly fuck, please no

>Sarassaland Spirits
>Skull Jungle

You can tell its fake just by these subtitles.

I've seen this "leak" on here before. I remember the stupid Metroid and DK titles.

this has to be the worst attempt at a leak ive ever seen

Fuck you OP this list is fake
But if it was real NMH3 and SMT5 would save this god awful e3

>Donkey Kong Country: Skull Jungle
>Playtonic Games
u wot?

If this was real Nintendo would've won e3

Luigi's Mansion 3: Sarasaland Spirits

That'd be... interesting, to say the least. It's not true, obviously, but it's an interesting idea.

the last nintendo leak turned out to be true, we got this

>Persona faggots have no idea about the franchise they're playing

You fucking faggots. This is real. This is exactly what I said. It's a 30 minute conference, and it will be a small clips of upcoming games. We are going to see 1-2 minutes of each of these games. I swear to God, screencap this. You all will be blown away tomorrow. Otherwise I'll give everyone on /mlp/ a bj

>Donkey Kong Country
Honestly have no idea how no one caught this shit. Definitely fake tbqhwy pham.

>all this for 25 minutes


>Broken Aliance


Come on, we've been through this already.

die binch

Good-Feel Inc. is a real dev, user.
They made Kirby's Epic Yarn and Yoshi's Wooly World.



Bliz openly said they wanted it on there. it's not outside the realm of happening

>sarasaland spirits
Implying Nintendo would greenlight something this autistic

>implying nintendo still cares

Fake as fuck.

>Splatoon 2
>Mario Odyssey
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Is nintendo actually going to win?

>26 games
>presentation is 30 minutes

This alone makes it fake

>call of duty ww2
Sure thing doc!

>inb4 Tracer on Smash Bros

The bar's been set pretty fucking low, so anything could happen

>Kirby: Defenders of Dreamland

Not to say that this leak is true or something, but they have been hiting for a prime 4 for like since primer 3 and Federation Force with the whole Silux' s deal.

>Nips putting an actual lesbian on their children's fighting game
It'll be Genji

I hope Tekken 7 isn't a thing.

I don't want to have to buy another copy.

>about to land finishing blow
>she just rewinds and loses percentage
She'd be annoying as fuck to play against. Just like in the regular game.


Capped, you better deliver.


>No More Heroes 3

Don't you fucking dare tease me.

>Sarasaland Spirits
Ya blew it

Yeah, the Fed Force ending with Sylux definitely points towards Tanabe at least wanting to do a game with him as the antagonist. Which we've been awaiting for ten years now.

In addition, I think Fed Force having the "Prime" subtitle proves that Ninty has started using "Prime" as a way of categorizing 3D first-person Metroid games, rather than because the games actually have Metroid Prime in them.

Not to mention the weird marketing describing Fed Force as occurring in the "Metroid Prime Universe," implying it's a different continuity from the Other M timeline.

I just hope Nintendo clears this shit up at some point.

I would kill to play as Captain Toad.

Probably a fake list but Nintendo has given wrong times before and the third parties are usually in a montage segment

>Super Smash Bros. Mugen
Too kickass of a name honestly. Kerfuffle or "For Switch" would have been more authentic.

I'd kill myself

0 percent chance this is real

>Tekken 7

Nigger the Xbox One and PS4 can't even handle that game well without serious trimming down. The Switch ain't doing shit.


Quality internal secret document spelling.
