List of evil regimes you could use:

List of evil regimes you could use:
>Khmer Rouge
>American/British imperialists
>North Korea
>Afghan Taliban
>20 different South American dictatorships
>Hoxha regime
>revolutionary France
>Belgian Congo


And why would you have any of those in a wolfenstein game.

>OP has never played Wolfernstein before

Wolfenstein has been about fucking Nazis up for 36 years, changing that would be sacrilege.

It's a fucking Wolfenstein game you dumbass

New Colossus threads are going to be the best bait for the next year


I saw the KKK in the trailer, I hope they did their research and give us the opportunity to fight some German invaders with WASP Klansmen down in the Bayou. Now wouldn't that be interesting?

Man it's too bad all videogames became brainwashed SJW cucks huh? I guess we should all just fuck the fuck off back to Sup Forums fellow fucktard.

It's Wolfenstein, it's about killing nazis.

>Being surprised that the game series that is all about killing Nazis is about killing nazis.


Go back to your containment board OP

So is this a troll or is someone really this stupid?

>complains about an IP that has always been about fucking Nazis up because they're fucking up Nazis again
How utterly autistic are you?


i don't have any pictures smug enough for this application, user


It's wolfenstein you retard, the game has always been about killing Nazis. Now quit being oversensitive or go back to Sup Forums


>cry that wolfenstein is about killing nazis

i suppose your upset doom features demon genocide too

If anything, I do enjoy seeing people actually get butt hurt any and every time Nazi Germany are antagonists. Supporting the wrong side of history just to be contrarian.

I really hope this is bait
for your sake

Good b8

>people ITT are actually thinking this is not Sup Forums falseflagging

>western state endorsed lies against OBJECTIVE FACTS AND EVIDENCE that almost completely exonerate the Third Reich
>western laws that BAN ACKNOLWEDGEMENT of said objective facts
Hate to say it but 95% of everything most people know about Nazi germany is bullshit. They are, in a way, unfairly bullied with slander.

And has anyone noticed how (((coincidental))) it was that nu-Wolfenstein is getting a sequel even though the first one sold barely above average?

The name is Wolfenstein. It wouldn't make sense for any other group other than Germans to be the primary antagonist.

please, user, tell me more about those shitty infographics, poorly-made youtube videos, and cherry-picked survivor accounts that completely discount the work of modern historians

i'm really just super-eager to hear how redpilled you are, and how you know the truth behind (((their))) conspiracy

>Sup Forums will never fucking leave Sup Forums and stay in their fucking board
even worse than MLP faggots

Sup Forums dindu nuffin
Sup Forums be good bois
Sup Forums is a board of peace

I want a Zionist bad guy game. Think of all the free Jew shilling. Free advertising!

BJ's new jacket looks like shit, I much prefer the scruffy hobo look from the first game.
Also, OP's an idiot.

Muh (((media))) and (((academia))) says it so it's true!!!

>And has anyone noticed how (((coincidental))) it was that nu-Wolfenstein is getting a sequel even though the first one sold barely above average?

And has anyone noticed how (((coincidental))) it was that nu-Wolfenstein is getting a sequel even though the first one was a great game, universally enjoyed by critics and fans alike?

The funny thing is that no one in Sup Forums give a shit is just Sup Forums regular shitposting.

Nazis dindu nuffin
Nazis be good bois
Nazis is a party of peace

This game is unrealistic because it implies the Nazis would use ancient jewish tech even though they thought nuclear physics were "jewish physics"

moot should've killed Sup Forums after the george zimmerman trial when it was at its peak

Hilter was a puppet. Think about his 98% voter rate.

Rabbit hole goes deeper..


Yeah the new one looks shit

I would suggest you don't make a claim that you claim to be true without first citing proper evidence and sources. Please make your case, I'll wait.

and Wolfenstein was a pretty solid game, that and old blood sold pretty well actually.

while i would agree with you if this was a new IP, wolfenstein has always been about killing nazis. there need to be more games where i can purge communist scum though

Please go be a underage retard somewhere else op.

*inhales deeply through nose*
Thanks for that broheims. I was going to hang myself tonight but your (yous) shot just enough good feel chemicals into my brain that I'll survive for another couple hours

OP I honestly agree that the ceaseless demonization of Nazi Germany is getting a bit tired, but come on. It's Wolfenstein. Crash Bandicoot games always star Crash for the same reason: consistency in the setting, conflicts, characters, and gameplay.

don't be ignorant. ever since gamergate there's been a huge overlap in Sup Forums and Sup Forums.

Its a wolfenstein game you nazi sperg. The antagonists have always been nazis in wolfenstein.

>i have never played a wolfenstein game before
honestly kys


>North Korea
How could they even be a thing in a game where the nazis successfully took over the world before the Korean War even happened?

You have no idea how retarded Sup Forums faggots be.

>even though the first one sold barely above average?

>Within a week of its release, Wolfenstein: The New Order became the second best-selling game of 2014 in the United Kingdom, behind Titanfall. The game also topped the weekly UK charts in its first week, totaling a quarter of all games sold in the region and accounting for 36% of revenue.[82] According to MCV, it was the 22nd best-selling game of 2014 in the UK.[83] In the United States, the game was the fourth and seventh best-selling game of May and June 2014, respectively.[84][85] The game was also ranked the fifth and fourteenth best-selling digital PlayStation 4 game of May and June 2014, respectively.[86][87] In its first week in Japan, the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 versions of the game were placed on the charts at 15th and 8th, respectively, collectively selling over 11,000 units.[88] By June 2014, the game had sold almost 400,000 physical units in Europe, equating to over €21 million.[89]


I've never played Wolfenstein before, and even I know it's about killing fucking Nazis.

Do this board a favor and either sell your PC, or neck yourself.

You see you say that, but you forget we can pull up Sup Forums and lo and behold

Two threads with over 100 replies on both. and two smaller ones, one on CoD and that "block's your path" meme they tried to force here. Sorry my friend, no matter how you slice it not only does Sup Forums give a shit, they're going to be butt blasted about it for ages.

>gonna hear Sup Forumsfags whine for at least a year

>t-those numbers are lies by (((them)))!!!

>literally an entire series about an alternate timeline where the axis powers won the cold war and you fight nazis
Its okay user you are just extremely young and dont realize that this was an orignal idea for a video game when the original came out.
You were probably mad that all the fallout games have America destroyed by nukes.

Sup Forums apparently digs the Wolfenstein series, actually.

I would actually be interested in a game where you fight soviets as a resistance member.

>Khmer Rouge
>Hoxha regime
>revolutionary France

>making the good guys villains.

Nazi's deserve a million digital and real life deaths, the weak should fear the strong so remember to cower every time you see your betters nazi scum.

Yeah man, how could they do that?

see You're not fooling anyone Sup Forumsfag.

Imagine if that's Machine Games' Wolf 3; BJ wins, but the Commies he worked with fuck over him and the others anyway.

What? I'm saying that browsers of the board like the games, what is your problem.

You're upset because you identify with Nazis. You've been drinking the redpill koolaid for too long, I had a Nazi phase for a while too.

Without knowing anything about Wolfenstein series it seems as they seem to not know that the Wolfenstein series was always about killing nazis.

BJ never worked with any communists though. Believe it or not, commies weren't the only ones who fucking hated the Nazis

They'll just say those threads are a false flag like they always do whenever you provide proof of them being insufferable faggots.

There will be a communist double cross as a twist in this game.

You white bois are getting your whities in a tangle for no reason.


inb4 lefty Sup Forums starts crying

Stay woke brother.
Credentials are inherently racist and only exist to keep our brothers down.
The government is lying to us and is the cause of all of our misfortune.

>Not being about Nazis
Fuck off Sup Forums



Wolfenstein has always been about killing Nazis. Also German nationalists are not the same thing as Nazis.

Hey! #DemonLivesMatter

Watch the trailer again, they're going to be the allies. Whether or not they'll be a major part is up for debate, but BJ seems none too happy with them.

nice try

Nazis are the most aesthetic. All those other ones you listed are gay. But I do agree it's getting kind of annoying seeing all these new games coming out beating the dead horse of "le evil white man".

This, it's obvious.

Complaining about the fact that you kill Nazis in a Wolfenstein game is like complaining about how you kill demons in Doom.
Seriously, fuck off and kill yourself.

There's a direct correlation between this and rising anti-semitism.

The younger generation is incredibly right wing given their age. Kind of scary imagining a right wing version of bernie sanders becoming a possible candidate in a couple years...

Hopefully this game sells well and kids stop believing the "le nazis are kewl =---D" meme

Kids buy into dollar store socialism more than national socialism these days, it seems. Though nothing of real threat will come from either scenario, considering how apathetic we all are.

Nazis will always be cool.

>Wolfenstein game has Nazi's as the bad guys


Holy fuck we have come full circle.
>wah wah wah why are black people always villians and never heroes
>dont cater to these guys. What does it matter what race every character is?
>wah wah wah why are all white people always villians and never heroes