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That whole thread complaining about this just got BTFO

hard to see any physics when 90% of the game is scripted


So it will be as big of a letdown as sunshit overhyped.


Wow, cool! Totally makes up for it being a shitty bam ham clone!

If thats true then they need to do a better job. The swinging doesn't look right at all.

Good. This makes me happy.

And in case you're wondering - we're finally catching up to technology that a game literally fucking did perfectly in 2004 :)

Why are they proud of this?

They said the game will be on the show floor for people to demo, expect more gameplay in a few days


basically they havent made a good game since ratchet and clank going comando.

>physic based swinging between QTEs

I actually noticed the physics on the video, and they looked kinda weird, like spiderman constantly hugs the buildings instead of moving between them. It's realistic i understand but it's not what you expect after watching movies and series.

This game looks terrible. I can't believe how much they're hyping this boring scripted nonsense.

If they get rid of the QTE's it looks like a good Arkham Clone, but in the state we saw it in, it's way too cinematic

Well seeing as we couldn't gleam shit off a scripted event.
reminder that the best spiderman movie doesn't even use physics

I have zero faith in Insomniac

>Spider man gameplay had more qtes than the new god of war

What were they thinking


great, now lets tone down on the QTE/scripted events

Contextual prompts arent QTE

>it's a feature!

Whatever you say Naughty Dog.

>combat is just pressing x in a rhythm like bamham
>not set combos and freedom like Spiderman 2

It's "glean" you fucking retard, dumbasses like you are a diamond dozen

>QTEs and cinematic games are bad
>But only if the west does it
>Azuras Wrath is a masterpiece

Fucking weebs need to die, the game looks cool a bit too derivative of BamHam but everyone was already expecting this.

Not a argument

explain how contextual prompts are different than QTEs then

>spider-man's arkham combat is slower than batman's arkham combat



Whatever faggot. You understood what I said.

>I know it looks really disappointing and a reskinned batman game but web swinging

contextual prompts
>Run up to a box
>Press X to pick it up

>if you don't press X during this cutscene you die

>if you don't press X during this cutscene you die

this happened NUMEROUS times throughout the fucking trailer go back and watch it, especially the helicopter segment

QTE's aren't normal gameplay actions. for example, in batman, grapple is on R1, even though every ledge you look at says R1 (like in spiderman), the grapple isn't a QTE.

If it asked you to hit R1 from a cutscene it would be a QTE.

So the Spider-Man footage had plenty of QTEs then.


Those are contextual prompts, not QTEs though.

You never played a spiderman game before.

the web slinging isn't a QTE tho, which is what a lot of people are shitting on. everything else was, but the webs were just R1 bat grapple

Its being realistic and hes utilizing wall running/climbing more like an actual spider would.

are you retarded? look at the footage when he's on the helicopter, all those are QTEs

>needing to spin this badly

they didnt use moon swinging but have QTE instead. How fucking stupid are western devs?

>when 90% of the game is scripted
>sees scripted demo for a fucking E3 presentation
>"The whole game will be scripted! Dropped!"
Holy fuck the summer babies are in full swing tonight

Contextual prompts are optional when you get close to or look at a object

i.e. Spiderman looks at crane presses x and causes the crane to hit enemy

QTEs are fast mandatory prompts where you have to hit the button as fast or soon as possible

i.e. the crane falling and spidey webs it to the building

neither have you, fucktard, i've played most of them released in the past 20 years.

the only one similar to arkham was the Noir sections of Shattered Dimensions, which was a 100% absolutely shameless Arkham ripoff. All the others were closer to traditional action games with larger movelists and combos.

Well from the point of view of Spiderman (who you are playing as) everything moved slower because you are much faster.

The Bionic Commando remake did this shit 10 years ago. I'm not impressed.

But mostly it was contextual prompts

They looked more like the shitty Shadow of Mordor move the cursor to this spot and hit X QTEs.

If this was actually just a case like R1 grapple there wouldn't be one huge circle telling you where to aim and what to push there would be numerous options open to you.

Wow you sure showed him. it really is a doggy dog world.

What can I say, it's a doggy dog world.

Because after 2004 nobody even tried.
I hope there's an upgrade system. Swinging looks pretty slow but it was slow in SM2 also before you upgraded.

I mean, I've played Maximum Carnage, the PS1 games, the first movie game, Ultimate and WoS and I can tell you that none of those had bam ham combat.

But user, nobody played that game so it doesn't count.

its not about it being new you fucking amoeba its that spiderman games stopped bothering with not moonswinging and now its fixed

so by your logic, every game shown on e3 ever is scripted?

>know gameplay is awful and The Order-esque
>Get people hyped about physics instead

This screams No man's Sky misdirection.

I don't believe it. It looked fucked up

Why did (console) Spider Man 2 from 2004 get to be the only good Spider Man game? What went so right with that game's development that they've literally never been able to recapture the magic in the 13 years between then and now? 13 years later the best we can get is a QTE laden arkham clone.


Judging from this E3 so far, he's not far off.

>The Order-esque

>full swing

The psx spiderman was also great.

Even without scripted swings, physics based just means there's even MORE potential for fucking up and not getting them to go/do what you want them to do.

And even THEN that argument falls apart when non-scripted events clearly show pre-set anchor point indicators limiting what you can do anyway.

>full swing
Dammit user

Did you forget already?

what exactly are you >implying here?

>Why did (console) Spider Man 2 from 2004 get to be the only good Spider Man game?
It's not the only good one you double nigger.

You might be retarded

Will believe when they show actual gameplay instead of a movie

>Spiderman game
>Miles Morales
Its almost as if they were trying to hide the disappointment as long as possible.

Am not convinced on the swinging at all. Looks like anchor point moves with the swing. Momentum is fucked

You doofus

two bees in a bog

Why? That was another game that used "contextual prompts" that fanboys like you told me totally weren't QTEs and were actual gameplay.

I fucking hate the Order. But the fact is most of the game won't be QTE like the Order was, and you acted like the Order is the only time it happened

Are you telling me that a trailer is scripted? Whoah. What did they mean by this?

The GAMEPLAY demo showed otherwise so i'm calling bullshit.

>still believing in the summer myth
Fuck off, kids don't lose internet access when the holidays end. Time to stop this outdated meme.

user, if you're going to have a spastic hissy please do it alone and not on the internet. It'll be far less embarrassing for you later.

If you want to actually talk calmly about how this game looks like shit and all the shady shit they pulled with this trailer you can stay.

but ultimate spider man was better then spider man 2

The graphics were pretty shit even at the time. They look like smoothed out PS1 models.

>full swing

>spastic hissy

>implying R&C '16 was bad

Kill yourself.


Why did the swinging look so slow and floaty, then?

>action segments shown off for a few mins in E3 is the whole game
Holy cow why do I respond

stop. Using one bad word doesn't mean the tone is of anger

>shady shit

what exactly

they showed an arkham ripoff, not shady. shit, but not shady

they showed you running after a helicopter mashing R1 like bat grapple. shit, but not shady

then they showed a stupid QTE/Boss thing that was almost entirely automated. shit but not shady

what was shady

spotted the summer

It's not on PC, that's shady and anti-consumer as fuck you stupid nigger

Reminder that these faggots made Fuse.

Thats nice
are the qtes physics based to?

That was less bad physics and more a shitty player. Look up how the old Spider-Man 2 game played on PS2... oh the glory, I remember begging my parents for that on on my Bday, I think I was 13 or 14, and staying up all night playing it.

>a shitty player
I can assure you, this is the stupidest thing I read all day

This is just pathetic at this point. Why am I even wasting my time with (you)?

Is this a new attempt at trolling?
I'm legitimately confused on how anything I said was spastic