Top 5 Games Showed at E3

What is your top 5 so far?

For me is:
-Monster Hunter World
-The Evil Within 2
-Days Gone
-Beyond Good and Evil 2
-Shadow of the Collosus

Ori and the will of the wisps

That's it

i really liked the art on the VR PS game MOSS.too bad i can't afford that shit.

The fact that I'm struggling to even come up with 5 games that I liked is pretty sad

Mario Rabbids was strange nice surprise.

>Dragonball Fighters Z
>Code: Vein
>Days Gone
Those last two are very tentative assuming Nintendo doesn't pull some trickery, though Mario will probably knock out Days Gone

Code Vain
Mario Rabbids
Ni No Kuni 2
Beyond Good and Evil 2

1. Metro
2. DBZ
3. MH
4. Wolfenstein 2
5. Spiderman is growing on me

Mario could easily be better than all of these

>Counting a remaster of a remaster
>Prequel of a game that had a cliffhanger ending so they can add their own agenda to it with new characters

A Way Out
Ni No Kuni 2
God of War
Code Vein
Monster Hunter World

>Mario rabbids
>Beyond Good and Evil

Actually a pretty good E3 for me, hoping (probably in vein) for a nice surprise tomorrow too

I guess that Mario game isn't so bad.

I replay SotC every year and now I can play it looking even prettier, besides, who knows, maybe they add some content.

1. Smash Melee HD
2. Smash Melee HD
3. Smash Melee HD
4. Smash Melee HD
5. Smash Melee HD

X-Com 2 Xpac
Mario Rabbids
MH World

Dragonball Fighter Z
The Evil Within 2
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

- Surprisingly DBZ
- Shadow of the Colossus - ONLY IF IT HAS THE CUT CONTENT
-Bannerlord - even though it was like 2 fucking seconds

>>Dragonball Fighters Z
This and Monster Hunter

The Evil Within 2
Days Gone
Far Cry 5
Monster Hunter World

Am I the only one that thinks Mario Rabbids looks boring as fuck

>-Beyond Good and Evil 2
but they didn't show the actual game, did they fag?
so it fucking doesn't count you asshole pleb.

MH World
Evil Within 2
Beyond Good and Evil
Saving my last spot for Nintendo. If their conference fucking blows I'll have Sea of Thieves here.

I'm struggling to remember five games at all

-Monster Hunter
-God of War (when it's $20)

I would be excited for Anthem if it weren't Bioware

Dragonball Fighters Z
Assassin's Creed Origins (I know, right?)
Code Vein
Skull and Bones
Shadow of the Colossus Remaster

>besides, who knows, maybe they add some content.

-monster hunter worlds
-db fighterZ

code vein
xbone xbox backward compatibility
monster hunter world
the last night
whatever pokemon ultra sun I guess

Shadow of war
Shadow of war
Shadow of war
Monster Hunter

-1. Monster Hunter World
-2. Beyond Good & Evil 2
-3. Star Wars Battlefront
-4. Shadow of the Colossus HD remake #9
-5. Tie between Ori & The Will of The Wisps, Moss and The Last Night for indies

That's it. Other than that it's been a disappointing E3 for sure.

I don't have 5 games you fuck.

DBZ and monhun are the only ones I'm even slightly interested in and I'll probably drop DBZ pretty quick because I don't feel like learning a third arcsys game hopefully there'll be some stuff that comes up over the next few days that wasn't showed on the main stages

>Wolfenstein 2
>TEW 2
>The Strange Brigade

>besides, who knows, maybe they add some content.
>adding content to a blatant cashgrab

Crackdown 3
Sea of Thieves
State of Decay 2
Mario Rabbids

1. Spiderman
2. SoTC
Couldn't care less about anything else

Why do any of you retards think BGE2 will be good. Not only is it vapor ware but it's a prequel to a story that need a sequel. Oh that's right because most of the retards gulping down that CG trailer never played the first game.

Incoming no mans sky levels of trash.

In no particular order:
>God of War
>Lost Legacy
>hopefully something Nintendo tomorrow

Ace Combat
Kingdom Hearts

That's it.

Wolfenstein 2
The evil within 2
middle-earth:shadow of war

God of War
Lost Legacy
Days Gone
Monster Hunter

Really fucking hyped over Metro.
I've been waiting for it's announcement for 2 years now, I had a good feeling it would've been confirmed at least years E3, but I was wrong.
Still, Metro Exodus looks bloody amazing, and that's literally all I care about.

>DBZ FIghterZ
>Monster Hunter
>God Of War

Honorable Mention to Ori 2, because I didn't play the first one, and Shadow of the Colossus if it has the cut content.

I am so fucking HYPE

i like your style