W-where is my localization announcement sony?

W-where is my localization announcement sony?

>still having hope


just learn how to read japanese it's not that hard, holy shit

>square enix claims they care about their western dq fans and are trying to make the series more popular in the west
>literally no god damn news
hold me why is square enix such insufferable cunts as a company?

Okay, how'd you learn it then. Teach us sensei.

>nintendo conference
>only they will shoulder the cost of localization
>it's bayonetta 2 all over again
I'd laugh.
With your head.

p-please just let me pretend just this once
this series is worth pretending for

They made DQX.
It is not.

I doubt you even know how to speak fluent Japanese.

we never even got it so i can still have faith

Don't need it.
The content I would like to try comes overseas.

Then don't make shit up saying learning Japanese is easy when you don't know yourself and can't explain how it is easy.

Don't worry.
Reading is the easy part brainlet. Speaking it is tuff bizniz.

Because of "adult circumstances," user

I can read hiragana/katakana, and I can look up kanji, that's easy. But what resources do I use to learn to become fluent?

Yes it is, especially for people like me who cannot remember things that have physical form.

I actually forgot my mothers face after not seeing her for months, I can only remember concepts so Kanji is unlearnable for me.

I will be playing it next month, dumb EOP.

>He cant read Nip

fucking dork

Just use googe translate on your phone


lmao bein a rtard is ez right my bros

Things aren't looking good. Multi-day conferences, yet their pre-planned lineup blows.