Show me your Skyrim VR for PS4 receipt right now

Show me your Skyrim VR for PS4 receipt right now.

t-this is all I have senpai

Wrong answer, pardner

Fuck off, Todd.

Your paid mods bullshit has gone too far. Hope your kid falls off the stage at her graduation.

Please Todd, never release another Elder Scrolls game. Keep repackaging and repurposing Skyrim for the rest of time. I love the way I keep coming back to you and letting you rape my wallet like a filthy whore.

I...wait a minute...

fuck u todd

I played obsidians fallout more than your shit games

So, you bought them all?

>bought Skyrim Special Edition™
>played for 0.1 hours

yes and I pirated Nuka World and the 2 workshop dlc's

I bought the nuke with the fallouts for pc too, and the 360 versions.... and the ps3 versions....

I also bought Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel for ps2 to spite you

You're never gonna get my money Todd!

Special Edition is automatically added to your account if you own all the regular DLC, so that might be it.

I literally pirated Fallout 4 + every DLC and the hi-rez texture pack.

And honestly I'm glad I did. you game sucked Todd. Fuck you.

it doesn't boot for me, it keeps crashing

same shit like when fallout 4 released

The fucking prelaunch leak and crack worked but the legit version that released 4 days later didn't

And people said VR would never get a game like Skyrim on PSVR

Specifically Skyrim, heard so many people say "Oh yeah well PSVR doess't have anything like Skyrim" and now those doubters eat their words

B-but I'm buying it for Switch for all the Nintendo goodies.

>Fallout 4, 125 hrs on record

Thanks for the cash

I bought Fallout 4, the season pass, fallout 3 twice, and skyrim twice. What more do you want from me todd?

I didn't fall for the VR meme.

Wow. Skyrim for the Switch looked really fun. I can't wait to buy it. And that VR for both Fallout 4 and Skyrim looked so amazing that I just have to go out and buy them again. And also there's nothing wrong at all with the Creation mods.

By them for the switch and VR versions and play my card game and fallout shelter. After that, assimilate with us.

Most of my hours were on nuka world or a mod

Is it really Todd's fault that gamers at large can't get over Skyrim and want more of it?

I never bought Fallout 4, Haven't even touched my copy of Skyrim, I'll resell it and buy the VR version instead.

Please, Todd, can I just wait until Skyrim VR SPECIAL EDITION? My family needs food, they're starving.

>FO3 3.9 hrs
No wonder you think it's shit, you didn't play it.

You get it for free on PC if you have the original.

Give Fallout back to Obsidian you fucking piece of shit

>own the 360 version since launch and the ps3 version

iv beaten it 24 times just so I could 100% it, I detested fallout nv until I played it. Then I realized how shit fallout 3 was compared to it

I started with fallout 3, im not one of the og fallout players but I don't follow 3 like a mindless drone since it was my first fallout

I have 500 hours in fallout 3 on all platforms and 1340 hours in new vegas since 2011

At least it's actually skyrim VR and not some fucking retarded hallway simulator masquerading as a game because babies get motion sick easily.

Only being on playstation is fucking cancer though.

I pirated your shitty game


Now look at what you made me do, I accidentally dropped my grenade and is too late to run now! This wouldn't happen if you purchased Skyrim VR for PS4. See you in the afterlife!

Say Todd, you told em that they can climb that mountain... but can you blow it up?

Fuck you Todd, I legitimately would have bought Skyrim VR in a heartbeat if it was for the Vive. Now I'll enjoy a mod that ports the Fallout 4 VR into Skyrim SE I guess. I hope.

Do it Todd, we'll play chess in hell, together.

B-but Todd I didn't buy it yet...i-i need my money to buy the other games i've always wanted!

>VR Skyrim porn mods will exist in your lifetime

we're literally living in the future

You got it Todd.

Still no skse for Skyrim se => no porn mods

>Bethesda spent a year bribing the normies with console mods
>Now there's no way this "creation club" bullshit will fail, because even if the fans hate it, the consumers will buy them.
>We are actually gonna have to pirate our mods soon

I am glad I never gave Bethesda a single dime.


That shit's still alive?

greed wins every time and our rights erode by the day, no wonder people are flinging shit all day every day and no wonder trump is potus

Todd, you can't keep reselling the same game over and over again.


Oh, can't I?

Hey wolfenstein 2 looks alright

>only 208 hrs on nv

Normos get out

>skyrim vr
>it's eso


Nigga you better have at least mailed obsidian some smackeroos, they worked too hard for this shit.

>you have to pay for them

fuck you

I'd say it's more of a reflection on how flat Fallout 4 felt that even Skyrim is better.

It's kind of crazy that even so, Fallout 4 is Bethesda's fastest selling title by a mile.

No matter what they do, how many corners they cut or how bad they fuck up, Todd just seems to be able to turn anything into a shitton of money.


Todd, if you release Skyrim on, I'll buy it again. I'd prefer Legendary Edition for mod compatibility.



shut the fuck up faggot

Todd you're a fucking kike and I just told all my friends who were thinking of getting it to stay away from it and buy Oculus headsets instead.