Smash 4 Switch hopes + expectations

A Smash port is inevitable, whether it be revealed at E3 or not. Post your hopes and expectations.

>My hopes: New characters, All 3DS stages ported and updated + some new ones, Subspace 2 (a stretch)
>My expectations: Wii U version with all DLC included (maybe Ice Climbers + other new character)

>expectations for a game thats already out


>Spring-Man/Ribbon Girl
>probably nothing announced

No switch port
No switch port
Smash is a once a console generation thing, faggots, give it a few years.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe would like to have a word.

Sakurai doesn't do ports

Sakurai might not make a fifth Smash Bros, so Nintendo may just port Smash 4 to Switch.

I expect disappointment

Super Smash Bros. Deluxe includes the entire cast of Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U including every DLC character.
It also includes ever DLC stage and many HD versions of 3DS stages.
60 fps undocked and docked (at least up to four players).
Wolf, Ice Climbers, ans Snake return from Super Smash Bros. Brawl with small reworks a la the Roy DLC.
Bomberman, Rayman, and Shantae are newcomers to the series.
Two balance patches will happen after the initial release: one on release day that affects the Wii U cast, and one after a short period (a couple months) that affects the newcomers.
>Pipe Dreams
Banjo is a newcomer to the series.
Melee airdodge is reimplemented as an optional feature which can be toggled in the match options.
L canceling is reimplemented as an optional feature which can be toggled in the match options.
>A successful L cancel results in -33% of base landing lag.
>A failed L cancel results in +33% of the base landing lag.
Both of these will be enabled if you choose "Serious" as opposed to "Versus".

>Inkling, Wonder Red, Ridley, and/or Dante as new characters
>Ice Climbers, Snake, and I guess Wolf as returning characters
>all 3DS stages ported, plus Smash Run, with customizable final round and online play
>all DLC stages included
>online reworked so that you can play tournament viable stages online

>Inkling, Ice Climbers at most
>online stays the same
>Smash Run is indeed ported but stays exactly the same

50% chance:
>Wii U version with all DLC
20% chance:
>includes Smash Run and 3DS stages
5% chance:
>adds back Ice Climbers
1% chance:
>brings back Pichu/Wolf/Squirtle/Ivysaur/Snake
0% chance:
>new character

Anyone who expects Inkling or an Arms character doesn't realize those are going to be the big reveals for the Smash 5 the way Villager, Mega Man and Wii Fit Trainer were for Smash 4.

I expect a Rabbid newcomer

>tfw if we ever got a Rayman character in Smash, it'd be a fucking Rabbid
Fuck me sideways.

I honestly don't expect a port yet, and if they do it'll just be a straight port with maybe some added gameplay modes no one will use anyway.

I've seen that fan mockup around a lot. Why does it use the 3DS version of the Smash logo, shouldn't it use the Wii U's blue one?

>Super Smash Bros. Deluxe

We can't use Deluxe, people. Super Smash Bros. Deluxe was already a thing. Melee and Brawl were called Deluxe and X in Japan.

>maybe Ice Climbers + other new character
You are asking way fucking too much, even having hopes for a single new character is baffling. It is Hackurai after all, it won't go beyong anything but a compilation of both the Wii U and 3DS games in one.

>A Smash port is inevitable
kek, not happening

Even that would be pretty alright. 3DS and WiiU stages in one package would be pretty sweet.

Yeah I don't think we'll see Smash tomorrow, just seems too soon
Also I don't think they'll want Pokken and Smash competing for sales...

Maybe we'll heard of a port next year....

>a fucking Rabbid gets in before Rayman
a fate worse than death

>>My hopes: Snake
>>My expectations: Not Snake

Either a port is being announced tomorrow or they'll wait it out and make a new game, 2015 was the last bit of work they did, patching is literally nothing. So in 2018 that would be 3 years since the last character was finished, would be the perfect time to announce a new game instead of waiting a year into the life cycle to announce a fucking port, they wouldn't want to miss the holiday window. So it's either tomorrow or not happening.

It's way too early to expect a Smash game at this E3. Maybe next year or after that, but WiiU/3DS finally finished updating just this year, right?
How long was the wait between Brawl and Sm4sh? 5 or 6 years?
Even if it's just a port, that puts an actually new entry in jeopardy. That's dev time they could use to churn out the new one faster.

I really doubt we'll be seeing anything new from Sakurai for a while, much less Smash Bros.

>My hopes: Snake
There's nothing I want more then Snake to be the hype again. Having his own trailer, with MGS music, maybe some new moves.

Hoping that Inklings and Wolf are included with all past dlc.

I only really want Callie and Marie. But I know it's only going to be an inkling.

Please Nintendo I beg you

honestly if it's just a carbon copy port that would be enough for me to buy a switch

travis touchdown tho

But he does remakes.

I guaran fucking tee smash 4 port happens tomorrow

Goku and Rayman are literally a possibility right now.

I unironically think it would be awesome if they included Superman in the roster.

All versions of Smash 4 must have the same gameplay and roster. Sakurai is exactly the type of developer to stick to this rule until the very end and extend it to the Switch edition.
Either there's no new characters/gameplay changes or the 3DS and WiiU are 3DS are getting the Switch content as DLC, though there's stuff like combining both versions stages and game modes, adding content like better cosmetics or a better stage creator could still make the switch version competitive..

damn his wife is a MILF

All I want is for them to include smash run and improve it be lowering the enemy count and allowing you to interact with other players on the overworld

Are you the same guy that thought mario kart wouldnt come out/ have new characters on the switch?


I don't want it to exist because I know Sakurai will half-ass it.

Sakurai is working on another game.

>Will happen

All smash bros wii u & 3ds stages, trophies and modes together in one game. (they have all the data sitting there, why not)

Ice climbers (sakurai said only reason he wasnt on wii u because of 3ds limitations)

>Very likely



ARMS rep
Monster hunter rep
Dragon quest rep

>Nintendo wins E3

Steve from Minecraft
Bubble bobble

>My expectations: Wii U version with all DLC included (maybe Ice Climbers + other new character)

This all I really need them to do. I know a Smash 5 is a long time away so a port is fine for me. That and they never really released a definitive version or whatever with all the DLC characters included on the Wii U. It was worth in the past but now it's time to do what most games do and release it in full.

Seeing how they did it for something like Pokken, I wouldn't feel it's that out of the way to port Smash 4 with DLC to switch as well.

Every other Kirby game is just a reskin of Nightmare in Dreamland.
