Nintendo literally has 25 minutes to save E3

>Nintendo literally has 25 minutes to save E3

Holy shit, this is going to be one of those epic underdog stories, like when the underdog saves the world and gets the girl after btfoing Chad.

I'm rooting for you, little guy!!!

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every thread on Sup Forums is pointless.....

Holy shit, what if they announced Mother 3 Lol

Nintendo will either redeem themselves in the shortest yet sweetest way possible or they will fuck up as usual and tell their fans to >PLEASE UNDERSTAND after getting backlash.

I'm rooting for it, honestly. Anything to save this E3 from being the worst ever. It's been a masterclass shitshow, and I don't know what could top it.

If they're gonna go snappy through games like their last Direct, they've got a good chance of getting to some juicy new shit.

>pokken tournament!
>more information for the upgraded pokemon sun and moon, ultra sun and ultra moon!
>super mario odyssey!

Metroid is coming this year, I swear.

>No Anthem
>No Ace Combat 7
>No Beyond Good & Evil 2
>No Code Vein
>No CoD and Destiny
>No Dragon Ball
>No Monster Hunter World
>No Megaman Legacy Collection
>No Ni No Kuni II
>No South Park Fractured But Whole
>No Skulls & Bones
>No etc etc

>Most likely shitty Wii U ports and rehashes

Outside of Odyssey, Zelda DLC and Xeno 2 they don't have much to show

They'll be a disappointment like everyone else at this dumpster fire of an e3

>Nintendo being the underdog company that saves the world


LOL Nintendo has literally no thing to show

They'll show Mario Odyssey, Arms and Splatoon for 15 minutes then the rest will be 10 minutes of indies and 3ds titles, this E3 was lame as shit

Honestly, what does Nintendo have to show that wasn't already shown in the January and April directs?

What does this have to do with what he posted?

I'm much more excited for the Invitationals than the Direct itself.

Show the fact that they're coming this year?

Fire Emblem Switch gameplay
SMT V gameplay
Smash 4 Switch
Zelda DLC
Surprise Pikmin/Animal Crossing/Metroid announcement

>little guy

They created this industry, they're not the "little guy"

Atari created it retard

Most of what you listed is multiplat.

wait, they're streaming in 10 minutes?

Considering their format is 25 mins of games games games with no fluff and then going into an hour long Treehouse with fluff I'm not too concerned.

No, they stream tomorrow and they've only scheduled a 25 minute long direct.

No, retard, their presentation is 25 minutes.

>25 minutes and Tree House Streams


Magnavox and Ralph Baer created it, you mong.

25 minutes? What's it going to be, a giant marquee of titles?

Josef Kates created it, you dofus

Hopefully, but knowing Nintendo, it probably wont be

>25 minutes

Do ya'll not remember the previous Treehouse? Sure last year they only had Zelda to show off, but they have more now. More than likely we're going to see the 25 minute segment be purely trailers and small speeches from Miyamoto, Reggie, and the like. After that, we'll go to the treehouse and see each game in action. Last year we saw zero reveals during the treehouse and only title, so it's likely that Nintendo didn't see the viewing numbers on the stream that they wanted. How can they improve that? By spreading some of the reveals into the Treehouse itself.
We're gonna see an initial blast of brief announcements, and then a few hours of expansion upon those games. This is a no-brainer for anyone who knows PR.

The only problem is that Nintendo is shit at good PR and doing what people want.

>20 minutes of odyssey
>2 minutes of indie sizzle reel
>2 minutes of amiibo
>1 minute of stupid weird intro gimmick

they will never ever recover from losing MonHun

2 years, we will be playing BOTW HD on PS4 Pro.

Probably a fuckton of games. No way are they dedicating 25 minutes to 3 first party games already announced and a handful of 3rd party games. So far we know:
-Arms/Splatoon 2/Pokken DX all have tourneys with additional info so they will not be in the spotlight.
-Rabbids blowout yesterday, they even did the classic Nintendo dev talk so that's ruled out for the spotlight, likely a treehouse blowout later though.
That leaves us with:
-Mario Odyssey
-Fire Emblem Switch
-Fire Emblem Musou
-Xenoblade Chro. 2
-A bunch of 3rd parties and indies

I am going to say that at the least I expect 5 new games plus a smash port from Ninty and at least 2 major 3rd party exclusives.

>I am going to say that at the least I expect 5 new games plus a smash port from Ninty and at least 2 major 3rd party exclusives.
You're hoping for way too much then, friendo. Expect at most two new games (including Smash port) and no third party exclusives.

I just want melee hd and I will buy a switch. Knowing nitendo they don't listen to fans they just aim all the shit at little kids

What would be the most ideal console for me?

Seeking a console without indie (independent) Games

without Internet access.

Which has more and most games for all ages and all audiences (E For Everyone in ESRB and 3 in PEGI)

Where there are very few and less violent games.

Nintendo is trying its damnest to move away from Melee. They want to move forward with Smash, not be eternally stuck in the past.

Nintendo DS

If they reveal metroid prime 4 then they win e3, it's that simple

Which Nintendo DS games do you recommend?

Remember, only Rated E For Everyone games on ESRB

And i hate pokemon and i also hate the legend of zelda

Ive spoken to you before like months ago. You had this same criteria, hoe have you not found a system yet?

I know at least 2 normie dudebros who haven't touched a Nintendo console since high school who would buy a Switch just to play another Metroid Prime game

s that I want to avoid violent video games totally

Would be good, a console that only has games for all ages and all audiences

>losing MonHun
lolwut? that ps4 game is a casual-friendly monhun spinoff. the new mainline game is XX and coming out on 3ds.

They can literally win with one game, it doesn't even have to be a ground-breaking, fantastic game. Just anything we haven't seen yet that isn't garbage that some fans want.
For example: Animal Crossing Switch

What's wrong with a a 78?

if your a total autistic sperglord like most "gamers", anything below a 90 is the worst score ever.

Lets be honest nintenbros are so desperate for games that all it will take is one good announcement in a sea of shit and they will still say Nintendo won. Im iust hoping that it's not a port that "wins" E3 for nindybabys.

>No way are they dedicating 25 minutes to 3 first party games already announced and a handful of 3rd party games.
this is Nintendo...

what dudebro has ever touched a nintendo console?

Honestly, I think we'll be lucky to get 1 new game announcement. And it'll be something like Mario Party or AC Amiibos Festival tier.

Most of the direct will be SMO, Splatoon 2, Pokken, and maybe a bit more info about Xenoblade 2 (and that it's delayed).

I'm typically a Sony guy and I'm rooting for Nintendo here. EA, Microsoft, Ubisoft, Bethesda and Sony all had mostly disappointing shows with like, 1 new surprise each. All Nintendo needs is one really killer surprise or at least 2 mild surprises to win.
If its just 25 minutes of mario I'll declare everyone equally loses.

Actually, they have 3 days. The Treehouse is going to be doing stuff until the 15th.

>Using "Please Understand" post dead Iwata

Show some fucking respect.

>Multiplayer co-op/pvp DLC for BotW to help sell the online service
>Zelda Maker, both 2D and 3D
>SNES Classic Edition, promising to ship enough for everyone
>EarthBound 2 and 3 (Mother 3 and 4)
>Smash Deluxe
>Mario Maker Deluxe
>Wind Waker and Twilight Princess HD bundle
>Metroid Prime 4

I'm kidding.

>Please understand.

I'm praying for the best, but expecting the worst. You know your E3 is bad when motherfucking Microsoft of all companies steals the show.

People aren't born dudebros

>Splatoon for 15 minutes
Except there's going to be an entire tourney dedicated to the game, so more like an hour and a half of Splatoon.

>Okay Nintendo, just don't push this button
>If you push button it will end E3 before you can announce a single unannounced Switch exclusive
>All you have to do is not push the button, and you win E3

Are they going to push the button Sup Forums?

Isn't there an Arms tournament too plus something about Pokken?

Nah bro, you be honest for a second, you will never accept a Nintendo victory no matter how well they could do or how much everyone else has shit the bed.

It's been two years. I bet you're the kind of faggot who shames people for making/laughing at 9/11 jokes in current year.

Yep. All 3 are getting tournaments tomorrow. They're going full eSports with this shit and I love it. SuperGirlKelz is doing Pokken which is fun. She's one of my favorite Smashers.

You can't play it on Shitch.

nah I was kidding. loved the guy but have no shame making fun of him.

even as a Nintentoddler, I must admit Sea of Thieves looked nice (and even if I trigger a few people, Monster Hunter World looks cool too)

"She's my favorite Smasher"
>only notable female Smasher


Actually, it's because she's the best Sonic main I know of.

Can't play it on what?

Gameplay showscases and tourneys after don't count, otherwise we need to change the scores on Ubi and Microsofts shows, and we have to wait till tomorrow to do Sonys

The thing is though, this year one good announcement is all they need.
Everyone this year shit the bed. Can you really think of even one super good exclusive that got announced? Hell, even super good game?
The closest anything comes to that is BG&E / MH, but both seem like they could be departing from their roots quite a bit so it's cautious there. A legitimately exciting no questions asked exclusive like something from Platinum and they'd win.

ladies and gentlemen, the most autistic post ever.

Nintendo won with Bayo 2 and Smash 4 reveals in 2013, and both those games had been announced to exist beforehand.

They didn't even participate last year with a show and faggots claim they won.

We only had a name and teaser for both until 2013.
It's like people that said Sony won with the FFXV and KH3 announcement even though we've known both were coming for a while
>but KH3 wasn't announced
It actually was in the credits of DDD.

Maybe we'll get a 15 minute trailer of that Mario & Rabbids Kingdom Battle game. That would be cool, right? Right?!

Get a non potato quality pic next time

I am Groot

No enough is enough

Am I weirdo if the aspect of that game I'm most interested in is the first person melee combat? Even though it will undoubtedly be barebones shit because of all the gameplay styles.

All Nintendo has to do is announce a new 2D Metroid game on the Switch and they'll win every gaming trade show this year even if they're not involved in them

Things that will NOT be on the presentation:
3DS games
Mario & Rabbids

So what can they show for the Switch?
Animal Crossing
Wii U ports

I'm ready for dissapointment.

What if wonderful 102?

I know it will never happen but still

>things that will actually happen
More Mario Odyssey footage
Splat2n shit
Some new 3DS reveals
Maybe some fire emblem shit

>things that might happen
Sm4sh port
SMTV gameplay footage
Xenoblade gameplay footage/release date
Some third party Capcom/SE shit

>things that would be your wish come true
Metroid Prime 4
F-Zero GX 2
HD Star Fox Assault (fuck you I liked it)

>no way fag
Mysterious Murasame Castle: Takamaru Returns
Custom Robo 3
Kid Icarus: War in Heaven

No matter what happens, Nintendo fans will say Nintendo won and non-Nintendo fans will say Nintendo lost

They could cancel Super Mario Odyssey and announce Metroid Federation Force HD and that wouldn't change
They could announce Metroid Prime 4, F-Zero XI and Animal Crossing Switch, as well as GameCube virtual console available today and free games each month for online subscribers, and that wouldn't change.

Don't they also have a direct after that?

The more they cater to meleefags, the more it hurts the sales of the new Smash Bros.

Smash 4 actually has a huge competitive circuit now, but you just know that if they'd released Melee HD at the same time, half the competitive players wouldn't have even tried Smash 4.

not really, they have a treehouse-stream after that

I don't know if it's after or before,but there will be a treehouse livestream

They don't have a conference, the 25 minutes is their direct.
They have "treehouse" streams though. Supposedly the Direct is just a sequence of announcements and trailers, and they're saving longer gameplay sections for the Treehouse.

Given their Pokémon direct announced Pokkén, Virtual Console Gold & Silver and Ultra Sun & Moon in under seven minutes, with Pokkén receiving over half of that time, they could feasibly show a lot in 25 minutes.

everyone but Nintendo won.

we ALL got monster hunter

They said no 3DS games for the spotlight, they already did a direct for spla2n. We will get more footage on Mario Odyssey tho.

>Praising a spin off in general.

What 3DS games are even still upcoming? The only ones I can think of are Pokémon and Miitopia

nevar forget

They showed all of them on their April Direct.

>open world game aimed at retards

Doesn't ps4 already have some of the older monhuns? or at least frontier?

if nintendo doesn't announce at-least one thing good this will have been a really disappointing E3.

>who cares

>Scorpio is literally just a really strong Xbox
>most gamers won't be able to get any mileage out of the 4k as most 4k tvs are shit for gaming
>Xbox BC is cool I guess
>sea of thieves looks far more boring than I hoped
>indies look neat
>basically nothing else of note

>VR? I guess?
>More footage of the games we teased last year
>that's pretty much it

>also here's a new wolfenstein that will probably kick ass but have horrendous technical issues on pc ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Nintendo please have something good up your sleeve

>a spin off

Like Bloodborne was a 'spin-off'

MHW has been confirmed to be developed by the 'A team'

Enjoy your 3DS port though

Enjoy your forced MH spin off.

So like bloodborne it'll be dumbed down with mechanics stripped out and encouraging people to play fast and stupid?

>Lets be honest everyone watching E3 are so desperate for games that all it will take is one good announcement in a sea of shit and they will still say Nintendo won.