Looks like shit to be honest. I don't know why you all are acting like it's a gift from heaven
Looks like shit to be honest. I don't know why you all are acting like it's a gift from heaven
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>t. the one mvci fanboy
I'm not a fan of how much it seems to reuse from the 3DS game.
it has good presentation
it's developed by a good dev that has made good DBZ games before
the 3v3 fighting is something nobody else is doing
In short: it's a game with good graphics, a dev with a good pedigree, and a good gameplay hook
wow i wonder why people are excited
Because people have been waiting for a proper DBZ fighting game for two fucking decades.
>the 3v3 fighting is something nobody else is doing
I'm hype for this game, but I'm still gonna be playing Skullgirls.
>Good graphics
Bullshit. It looks like it can't decide if it wants to be a 3D or 2D fighting game
>3v3 fighting is something nobody else is doing
Marvel vs capcom would like a word with you
>I've never played an ArcSys game
Your second point is correct. That user is a fuckwad.
The visuals are great but I'm just done with the genre.
>Marvel vs capcom would like a word with you
New one scrapped 3v3, they are just doing 2s.
>t. xenoverse crybaby
They're completely 3D models made to look 2D, it's an art style and it looks great
You mean 2v2?
skullgirls is old
>Marvel vs capcom would like a word with you
Marvel isn't 3v3 anymore
>Bullshit. It looks like it can't decide if it wants to be a 3D or 2D fighting game
because it's a 2D fighting game with 3D graphics?
are you stupid?
>Looks like shit
wtf artstyle is great and representative of the source material
>anime effect
>destructible stage
>It looks like it can't decide if it wants to be a 3D or 2D fighting game
Are you 10? Like did you just discover video games? There are tons of 2.5D games, stop having downs.
Nigga what
to be honest it could be hand crafted by God himself and some contrarian fuck would say its shit. So if you to be honest want to say it looks bad say something more then the equivalent of I dont like thing.
here's a (you)
shut up, MikeG
just make your game great, moron
the cell shading looks great, the choppy 5fps animations do not
Actually, Marvel has dropped 3v3. The new one is 2v2 because they're caving into casuals.
They literally have nothing on DBFZ. It's better in every conceivable way.
1. The animations are quite literally better animated than the source material 95% of the time.
2. The quick snappy animations are very much due to the incredibly quick pace of the game. Explain to me how you're going to make longer animations without having to slow down the game.
>these people defending it like they're not going to hate the game after they realize they can't play marvel or ASW fighters
It's good looking if you like fighters. Just wait for the game to come out and you'll have more people on your side.
but marvel and asw fighters are kinda difficult and take a lot of time to get used to. what more if you put both together
Honestly after sf5 I've lost all faith in capcom and this seems like a breath of fresh air while still keeping all the shit I like.
fucking dummy lmao
1. Sure but that's not exactly a high bar, the DBZ anime looks shit visually
2. You wouldn't even need to change the animation speed, you'd just need to add more frames between the existing ones to make it more fluid
It's not tekken, there's only so much smoothing you can put on a three frame jab.
From my understanding the janky animations are done that way on purpose to both mimic the feel of older 2d fighters and to make it easy to see combo windows.
That's not even possible since it's an entire different engine and dev.
Because games suck these days with their cinematic bullshit & this looks fun
Everything seems god to me except the animations. Some of them are really jarring
different engine same dev
This is the dumbest shit I've seen all day
>game running on the fucking guilty gear xrd system
>"looks like shit"
ASW made Extreme Botouden, which is a very good low budget DBZ fighter on the 3DS
it's why i think this one will be good
aena fighters just keep playing your xenoverse 2, thi s game is getting into evo, arena fighters will never make it.
Also it's multiplat so no console wars
mvc fans love dbz
capcom botched the new mvc
this is literally mvc dbz edition
I'm aware regarding the former, but I don't think it's needed to the extent it's done to accomplish the latter.
Plenty of fighting games have smooth or at least just smooither animations without sacrificing frame readability.
Looks like chaotic fun but the graphics don't seem to fit quite right. Not sure how to explain them, they just look...not as fluid as I'd hope? Something about the way they cycle between animations seems too jumpy. Kind of wish we could get the Naruto fighting game graphics with DBZ.
Looks like a PS2 game
See you at EVO OP.
Post them webms boys.
That's why I figure if OP waits until the game comes out, he'll see this hype is going to be short lived.
Do you think the game will have fusion?
Maybe if you pick Goku and Vegeta as your characters you can enter a special command where both will fuse for a limited time and gain a new healthpool based on how much both have left divided by two.
It would seriously be an instant buy for me if they have that gimmick.
If it's not your type of game, you don't need to buy it my man
and honestly they are pretty difficult even if you are decent at other fighting games like maybe SF5.
you have literally no chance of winning in MvC3 if all you can really do is a couple of hadoukens and shoryukens and pokes while the other guy can combo Dante and super into his other characters
People who don't want to get into the gritty looking fighting games like Tekken and Street Fighter but also don't want to be labeled as one of those weebs who play Blazblue are probably going to LOVE this
In any other case I'd say that a solid foundation can beat out the guy who's just a walking CMV who can't open you up, but you absolutely need both in high levels in those games. It's just too fast and damage is too high to not have a couple of plans ready when you go in.
This literally looks better than 80% of anime on TV right now including Super.
yeah, just saying you can maybe get by in Tekken or SF by just reliably blocking and getting in some short bread&butters.
but in this game, you're just so disadvantaged against a guy who has some good combos.
Nah, it still looks cool, I just wish they wouldn't have made that animation choice because it'd be even better if they hadn't
>I don't know why you all are acting like it's a gift from HEAVEN OR HELL
>tfw you win E3
fuck, Now I really want this game to be on the switch. I don't give a fuck what Nintendo announces tomorrow, if it isn't this I don't care
>the 3v3 fighting is something nobody else is doing
Sorry Nintendofriend but it isn't going to be on the switch or they would have said so already.
It's time to become an idort user.
They already announced a actually competitive fighting game entry for a popular media franchise though
>tfw everybody thinks pokken is just naruto game tier trash when it's actually a traditional 2d fighter aside from the phase shift mechnaic
no tags or assists. you caught him on a technicality but you know what he means, this game is going to fill the Marvel void better than the actual new Marvel
I don't think the Switch can even into UE4 can it?
It's giving me Ultimate Battle 22 vibes.
You're a fucking dipshit.
I know Pokken is still somewhat relevant in certain places but I don't think getting a bunch of new characters and the Jap arcade updates is gonna help pick up coverage. If it didn't do too "well" when it was released on the WiiU I don't see how the Switch version will be any different. Especially if Nintendo is still anal about controlling what goes on in tournaments.
At least DBFZ has Aksys and Xrds artstyle backing it.
Reminder that if the game doesn't have Bardock, it's automatically shit
I'm reading that the switch can support it but that's it.
it actually sold 1.3 million on WiiU
>Especially if Nintendo is still anal about controlling what goes on in tournaments.
They haven't interefered in any majors for the game other then the official pokemon worlds one. The community has run everything.
friendly reminder the roster is highly likely to be sub-20 characters with only one or two slots reserved for wacky underdog characters
Its fun to play but it just doesn't give me my Dragonball fix
the switch is getting blazblue, if that's any consolation
It can. Epic also released the specific toolkit for it.
Honest question, why the fuck do they still all play on one map? At least from what's I've seen it seems they still use that one stage for tournaments. I know it was something that Nintendo told them to do last EVO and it was pretty boring because of it, but it still seems like they're doing it.
I love dragonball games but we really need to tell people who love meme characters to fuck off so they stop making wasted spots.
stop saying you like tien, yamcha and pikkon already.
I like Yamcha though.
>Looks like shit to be honest
>Meme characters
They have the most unique fighting styles that go beyond Ki spam and massive lasers.
This character is so blatantly filler it hurts. They just reuse everything about Piccolo, but put it into another character just cause.
Tien's been regaining relevance so I wouldn't be surprised if he's in. agreed on the other two even though I like Yamcha
Because in LAN mode, you can only do that one stage or have it be random
nope, it's looks fantastic. And I can appreciate it even more now after playing the MVCI demo, which was even worse than what I was expecting.
im not a dbz fan but the graphics look just like the fucking show its amazing! same with south park!
>Vegeta being an absolute jobber
I'm glad this game stays true to the show
I don't know if I can ever trust ArcSys after Vanilla Accent Core, Blazblue CT, Blazblue CS, Blazblue CS DLC with CS2, Blazblue CSE, and Xrd -Sign-.
My main problem with DBF is the startup on fucking dashing. That's more Arcsys than Marvel or Dragon Ball (Budokai).
Shit like that bothers me when people try comparing a game to Marvel, it bothered me with Skullgirls as well. The movement isn't as crisp as MvC2 or even UMvC3. Even slow dashers like Ultimate Ironman are faster than this. DBF is a ln ArcSys game through and through.
>Looks like shit
When Sonicfox won, you already know it's fucking dead and shit
He is non-canon, you stupid fuck
>implying that matters
litterally evey piece of db media could be made canon without conflicts
This looks great and all, but I would like to see a tenkaichi 3 remake in this engine, maybe fix some of the bugs and input latency the original had at times (on my ps2 slim anyways)
That looks fucking INCREDIBLE
didn't know they released a full fight
No mr satan no buy
Seriously? They better fix that shit next go around.
Holy shit take this (you)
You fucking deserve it
Meanwhile, in marvel.
>posting a sonybro image when the game you're mocking isn't even exclusive to sony
>posting a sonybro image when the game you're promoting is a multiplat
never knew sony nigger was filtered
>DBZ will kill MVC:I
>just like how Guilty Gears killed SFV
How fucking delusional are you fanboys?