MH Base Mechanics confirmed still intact

Where were you when leakfag assumptions were BTFO? They swore none of this was still in.

Other urls found in this thread:

>that avatar

>moving the goalposts.
This still confirms the leak was wrong, once and for all. People can stop assuming negative now.

>shitposters avoid the thread that proves them wrong
What a surprise

Does he ever confirm if there is no regenerating health?

Just like Norman's Sky was going to have everything.

>being so deluded and deadset on hating something that you believe an ebin anonymoose "leaker" over an employee
You guys are getting really sad.

Never post again

>can't argue
Your precious leak was wrong. Deal with it.

>No tiny fighting cat niggeroos.


>no proof
More baseless lies to add to the pile.

>le epick pixel avatar
>avatar looks like the literal fucking embodiment of a numale
Is this account a fucking parody?

Is there any pictures showing what was "leaked"? I mean, the one picture I saw didn't show anyone claiming stuff was removed, but just that the game was casualized.

>uh oh my leak's been busted
>better deflect to the guy's avatar!
You're trying too hard.
The only leak that was there was a guy insisting the game would be casualized in ways that these things have already disproved.

>The only leak that was there was a guy insisting the game would be casualized in ways that these things have already disproved.
Pic related is the only leak I've seen so far. If there was some other leak, or some other info included in the same leak, please post it instead of just saying it exists...

Oops forgot the pic.

Yes, that leak. It's been deconfirmed. Some of his claims directly contradict what an employee is saying exists. The weapons aren't "limited," they're all back in, and some of the main mechanics are still in.

>mfw some random user on Sup Forums was just incredibly fucking lucky and didn't even leak anything

>Switch is getting an outsourced spin off 3DS port from 2015
>PS4/Xbox One and PC get the actual game made by the developers of 1,2, Tri and 4

It's even funnier when you realize the Switch port can be called, Double Cross

Some truth but mostly misconstrued. The nu-male is a twitch streamer whom was at the their E3 afterparty where they get to talk details and these were what the "press" got today about MH:W.

I would still wait for actual gameplay videos but that could be months away, maybe at TGS at the earliest.

>Switch is getting an outsourced spin off 3DS port from 2015
>PS4/Xbox One and PC get the actual game made by the developers of 1,2, Tri and 4

Memes aside, what the fuck does this meme for Monster Hunter 5?

Is it even in the works?

>twitch streamer
He's the fucking community manager of the Monster Hunter branch. His job is to tell you what's going to be in the game.

Probably in planning, they'll see how they do on MHW and MHXX and go from there.

Remember, the budget to make a game like MHW is gonna be quite a lot higher than targeting the switch, so it might not be a 1:1 whichever sells better question.

>Capcom releases MHXX and MHW on the same day in the west
>decides to see how sales of both perform worldwide
>they base the future of MH5 entirely on the sales of MHXX and MHW

Mark my fucking words, this is how things will play out. They're gonna go with the "vote with your wallet" strategy again.

So your whole attack on this leak is based on your lack of reading comprehension? It specifically states that someone is "very worried" about the weapons. He didn't say they were removed... The only 2 things he said was removed was time limits and missions.

>His job is to damage control and try to market this trash

How long is the period in which they record sales? Given if long enough, MHW would BTFO XX because it's multiplat; even without it I still think it would sell more because there's plenty more ps4s than switches, it's all up to consumer interest I guess

He's more reliable than a random user you choose to believe just because you want a game to be bad.

Who the fuck said he was trying to discredit the guy's posts by commenting on the avatar? Maybe he just finds it disgusting and wanted to mention it. Fuck off, you oversensitive shitbag.

I think if World does well, Mon Hun 5 will end up more like MHW in style (whatever its gameplay ends up like) and will probably be made into their Skyrim.

If it does poorly or doesn't meet Capcom expectations, then MH5 will probably stay on 3DS/Switch and will stick to the classic monhun style.

This is Capcom's biggest attempt at making Mon Hun a thing outside of Japan, this a potential watershed moment for the franchise. It could actually succeed or end up being Capcom's version of Final Fantasy Mystic Quest (patronizing "dumbed down for stupid gaijins" gameplay and mechanics)

just wait for TGS and some gameplay footage. its all hype and shitposting right now.

>Post says mainline entry
>MH Worlds and not MH5

What the fuck are they putting in our cereal to spawn these Nu Male abominations?

>releasing them at the same time so they can cannibalize sales from one another

I mean it is Capcom and they hate money so I wouldn't put it past them but it doesn't seem likely.

till I see it on video its bullshit
why was it so hard to make the trailer 4 hunters fighting the notdeviljho with the main theme in the background like every other "first gameplay trailer" that the other monhun games had?

Wow really? Names are changed all the time user. It is very possible that his "friend" didn't have a definitive name and just called it 5. I mean, the whole leak was hearsay so certain things are definitely taken with a grain of salt. So yeah, nothing was actually proven wrong in the leak...

>leak gets the name wrong
Why are you guys so desperate for this game to be bad?

nigga got donuts for ears

>they are all back
i dont care about the concept coming back i care about the execution. Are animations still there? do potions still recover fixed amounts? is stamina management the same?
You are making a game more aimed at westerns i need to know what is getting changed becasue you can bet is not satying the same.

>Views are mine
Do they think they won't get fired if they something stupid?

>he doesnt refute the regenerating health part

Nigger the leak doesn't even have a tripcode, why should I care

Next time post a version that doesn't fucking attract nu-male shitposts

>Regen health.
if thats real then this kills the game.

mh already has regen health (red hp)

I forgot how desperate these people were and somehow didn't think they'd deflect to that.

>Is a freak numale
is like pottery

this they breaking the section and timed missions destroys a lot of the game core design.
It not having zones is actually really important and affects the game more than one could think. Stealth, the signaling bugs and online changes show that.
it could still be a good game but the change will probably kill a lot of the monster hunting design.

I have faithfully studied and know all ヒリがナ and I must inform you that I am fully, 100% triggered by japanese smiley faces and their one eyed variants

>He doesn't know about MH's current HP regen thanks to items and faster regens from
It's probably going to keep the red life system currently in place

I kind of miss Mosswine Jerky but Sushifish still exists and boosts HP regen

masterful bait, 10/10 sir

Nigga we're talking about the FPS kinda health regen here to get that effect you either had to eat for it or gem it not to mention that

The leak was second hand info. Name being wrong doesn't mean much.

>Why are you guys so desperate for this game to be bad?
I actually want it to be good. I want a MH on PS4. Why would I want to play a bad game? Nothing in the leak necessarily says the game will be bad. Why do I want to believe the leak then? Cause I want a normal MH on Switch.

I am still skeptical about the leak, but I have no proof that it is false yet, and some pretty decent proof that it was real. I mean, we have our open world MH that is on everything but Nintendo systems, and was announced at Sony's e3.

did you miss the patented Call of Duty red outline means damage indicator in the video? duck into a bush to get full health because white gamers are bad

Monster Hunter Worlds was already something that was leaked prior to that post. The poster could have easily made guesses based on World being leaked, but switched out the name.

Any evidence? I have literally never seen anything saying "Monster Hunter Worlds" before, or even describing what it was like. Only thing I've seen was saying MH was coming to PS4, and that has started the moment we saw that the PS4 was selling well.

I don't understand the point of this really. Just make a normal MH5 with the usual gameplay/mechanics as a base and expand on it as you would normally. You can make changes and improve a game without radically changing it. Then keep it on 3DS/Switch but also make it multiplatform on PS4 as well. MH isn't as popular in the west because Tri was on the Wii and 4 was on the 3DS. The games themselves are great and don't need to be westernized to sell though. I'll remain skeptical. Maybe this will be good but maybe not.

There was a poster clearing out a few errors of the previous leaks. It happened a few days ago too.

I'm not trying to say you are wrong, but right now you are providing no proof. Why exactly should I just believe you and throw out the leak? If you were in my shoes, and I claimed other leakers existed with better information, would you just take my word for it?
