Good night, sweet prince

>good night, sweet prince

who ?

Charlie Watson.


What did he mean by this?

Chance Wellington


Chuck Washington


Chase Waters

Chap Wellington

Channing Weston

The only skillset females posses is fellatio.

Sony has betrayed him

>we've lived to see the day that chad warden gave up

Why did you whitewash him?

They didn't reach the standard of ABAP.

it is how he is looking like now, after watching the Sony brief, lad

>tfw they didn't announce Devil May Run Up on a Nigga

you see dat shit?
he was slick, black before dat shit, aight

My man calls 'em like he sees 'em.
Everybody shit the bed

>All MS announced was win10 games and an overpriced MS ps4 pro (no exclusives edition)
>Sony announced a new spin off (multiplat) MH and thats basically it
>Nintendo is gonna spend all their time on splatoon 2, ARMS, and Mario, with no big announcements
>Not even any cringey moment during e3 to laugh at
This e3 was a fucking joke

you forgot the Jesse segment during the EA brief

First time you can see porsche gt2 rs ..

Wait .. That's not a game


That shit was not ABAP at all