How do we went from this

How do we went from this... this

Rocket is CUTE

nu-rocket is better and you know it

because of the Movies.

That Raccoon needs to start taking it's clothes of ASAP

But Gamora looks nothing like her movie counter part

Neither does Strange

What the fuck is with these inconsistencies on the Marvel side

Blame the MCU

I'll never forgive the MCU for depriving us the british as fuck Rocket.

Or Black Panther either, all in comic book costumes for their default/story mode appearance, while others are just MCU.

Nobody gives a shit about those characters, they aren't as marketable.

When you go to any store you'll see tons of Rocket and Groot merchandise flying off the shelves. Meanwhile you'll be lucky to see more than one collectible figurine of any of the others.

But Gamora has the green alien tits. I mean, that's something

People bought into the MCU meme, so be prepared to see the original designs tossed into the trash for the new movie designs.

Though i'm still surprised they didn't butcher Ultrons design with his movie design.

Yeah. I mean, just look at his face.


What is this stuffed dog thinking?


MCU taints everything, it normiefies everything about the source material

Look at what they did to Thanos after he was MCU-ified.

No Lilith. No Nebula. No buy.

If Lilith and Nebula are alt skins for Morrigan and Gomora maybe I will buy maybe.

The game looks bad, but Thanos may be the worst looking character. It's literally painful to look at. Everything is fucked up, from the model to the colors.

But the movies haven't influenced the comics sales. Actually, as the MCU synergy grows the sales fall.
Old MVC had tons of obscure characters like Spiral, Marrow and fucking Shuma Gorath and they sold really well and made a ton of money.

>But the movies haven't influenced the comics sales.

The comics have become sjw bullshit nowadays. No old marvel fan wants anything to do with the new comics.

For fuck's sake, they recanted years of what Captain Murrican has stood for and made him a Nazi. SJW writers actually thought this was good.

But user, answer this question, have those characters ever appeared in MCU? If the answer is no, they are never getting into this game ever.