This is a thread to complain about black people and women, because we don't have enough of them

This is a thread to complain about black people and women, because we don't have enough of them.

Why do white men have to be so marginalized while these filthy minorities get so much privileges that makes their lifes much better that ours, like being in a video game?

>Beyond Good and Evil
>Far Cry 5
>Wolfenstein II

Am I missing anything else in the games featuring sassy black women?

Fuck off with your irony, is pretty obvious that white men are the victims here. Black and women have like every major role, and we don't have barely anything.

I don't care about black people being in these games but do all the female black characters shown off have to have the same generic design?

Sometimes I don't know if people are baiting or are just stupid.

>ooga booga mup da doo didda
Try building a society and then having to devalue it and the achievements of your forebears for ungrateful savages then get back to me you fucking scum.

Because the chance to come close to fat white girl pussy is enough to drive white beta cucks into voluntary, groveling, unpaid servitude.

Well, at least Dishonored's was different enough, but I'm pretty sure the one in Wolfenstein II and the one in Far Cry 5 have the same voice actress and personality pretty much.

If you spend your time "baiting" people on the internet you have to be pretty stupid to begin with.

That's because people are pretending to be progressive, but they aren't, that's why they just do it the easy way.

It's always nice seeing Sup Forumstards being so mad. How does it feel to be losing?

>People getting mad about Dishonored when Billie has been a prolific character in the series since Knife of Dunwall and Brigmore Witches, and D2 hinted that she wanted to meet Daud again
>She's not some blatant attempt to get with the SJW crowd given she's old, physically broken, kind of ugly and doesn't sport "natural hair"
>Getting mad about a character and a DLC that will likely see the return of Daud

Trumpnigger asspain made me care and pre ordered these games.

Far right is growing at an unprecedented rate around the world mate, when it comes to violence, and it will, we'll take back our nations and purge all darkie scum from our native land.

Question. Are Dishonored fans upset about Billie starring, or are people just upset about a STRONG INDEPENDANT BLACK ASSASSIN WHO DON'T NEED NO OUTSIDER?

Fall for sjw bait hook line and fuckng sinker.The last time I checked the people pushing this cancer doesn't have a brown skin complexion.

Not your shield existed during gamergate for this very reason.

*Far right is growing at an unprecedented rate among keyboard warrior no lives.
fixed that for you

Generic design is a regular part of the game industry, especially when it's not the main character.

Mods need to delete these fucking racist threads right now. I'm sick of this bullshit. This is NOT what my Sup Forums is supposed to be like.

Probably the latter. I'm fine with Billie, as she has a pretty nice story (street kid who followed Daud home and was raised into an assassin by him, just to betray him, get exiled and spend the rest of her life regretting it). I'm guessing people not familiar with the series just see the brown and assume it's some retarded PC ploy.

Did people suddenly forget the ps3/360 era's spamming of generic brown haired white guys?

Ok, so they will be like 2 school shootings and that's it. Don't make me laugh, most of you don't even get out of your house.

The masturbatory fantasies you poltards come up with are hilarious.

That's exactly what I thought of when I saw that comment. I used to see the picture almost every time a new game was announced.


right mate I reckon I'm just imagining all the gains we're making all over the planet as people start seeing darkies, pakis and leftists for the fucking scum they are.
full on revolutions mate, here in the UK people are baying for blood, 3 decades tops before we start hanging pakis, niggers and leftists by the roadside.