I'm sorry, but it just doesn't feel right without the PS2 assets and not being portable

I'm sorry, but it just doesn't feel right without the PS2 assets and not being portable.

Other urls found in this thread:


kys and then delete this thread fag

nintendo btfo. ahahahahaah

I'm confused as to why this isn't coming to the Switch. Visually, the game isn't that impressive, I mean it looks good but it looks like it wouldn't even have a problem running on PS3/360. Is it simply because Capcom doesn't want 2 Monster Hunters on the same console?

you happen to screenshot this original reply?

Personally I'm happy that everyone and not just manchildren and autists can enjoy Monster Hunter in the west now.

That art direction....
>We want the Ark: Survival Evolved audience

>I mean it looks good but it looks like it wouldn't even have a problem running on PS3/360
you should actually boot up a ps3 game to see what it looks like

>not ark wanting the tree huggers as an audience

A friend of mine who played the other MonHun games didn't like that it was open world and said it's won't play like regular MonHun and that's not how the game works. What does that mean?

he probably made this thread

he's a nintodller who's first game was 3U on 3DS

Honestly, I'll probably buy it anyways.
5 is most likely still gonna be exclusive, and since I have a PS4 and Switch, it's a win-win for me.

It means hes very upset that it is no longer a Nintendo exclusive, and that it actually has amazing graphics, and solid looking gameplay.

I thought it wasn't cool to hate open world games anymore, since zelda "totally reinvented" open world games.

This looks barely any better than Skyrim

>it actually has amazing graphics, and solid looking gameplay.
they not showing combat at all is awarning.
And the framrated dips as we see with explosion and waterfall.

>confirmed made by the team that did all the good mainline games
>X/XX was a B team production
Oh god its fucking perfect

As another user pointed out; Nintendo got Double Cross'ed

Looks leagues better than anything on past next gen consoles

>my beloved mh being used as console war fodder

>they not showing combat at all is awarning.
On how stupid you are? No MH game at announcement had a trailer revealing how hunts worked you uneducated faggot.

They always had a cinematic or 'run from the monster' video then a gameplay video a few days or weeks afterwards.

Glad to spoonfeed you, now fuck off.

>they not showing combat at all is awarning
yeah, they totally don't want to show off the new gameplay features ore anything.

>its not good because it isnt shit

Yeah, and Skyrim is a PS4 game.

Seriously though, FUCK YOU BETHESDA

Nigga FU and the original all follow that same shit

He means as they're currently setup, MH games are mostly action, just a long series of dynamic bossfights.

This game looks more like Horizon or something. Not that that's bad, it's just a very different kind of flow.

Also, I personally fucking hate open world games. First Zelda, now MH, at this rate I'm expecting every series to become about running around big empty fields doing fuck all for hours.

But I'm happy for the casuals, I guess.

I could never actually get involved into a monster hunter game because of how long Capcom persisted to make the game portable only and with pixelated graphics

A monster hunter game actually made for console/PC has been what I've been waiting on for a while now

for comparison to people whining about no combat shown here is the mh4 teaser

But they did show gameplay? Did you just close your eyes and plug your ears? I'm starting to think your "friend" is you.
And yah, there were some frame dips, but I don't think the Switch could even run that game. Luckily I'll be playing it on PC, so I don't have to worry about frames.

I can't wait to play the new Skyrim on PSVR, fuck you.

Once this trash is done can we get a real MH game for console, do you think?

it means he has autism. MH is primarily only "enjoyed" and purchased by the japanese, and they don't do it on gameplay merits - that is to say the MH games have not been very fun, more often frustrating, often enough poorly designed as well as poorly programmed. They've used the same game engine for every MH game since the first one from 2006, barely adding or changing anything, and even by 2006 standards it was fairly simple - so it means something fairly important that they've gone and actually made a new one for a new game, aiming to update and actually address some of the bigger problems from the rest of the franchise.

The franchise was only ever really popular in japan and it takes a serious autistic weeaboo outside of japan to heavily favor what the MH games have been enough to the point of thinking MHW isn't a pure 1000% upgrade across every facet.

Your friend has autism.

MH areas are all seperated by nature, with a short transition and load screen between each. These could be used to justify large amounts of travel done off screen to allow for more variety within a singular level because they don't really need to make sure each area flows well into each other as much as they would in a open level setting. When a monster is engaged, it'll usually stay in combat in one zone for a bit before leaving for a different one. This allowed things such as leaving the area the monster is in to heal in safety, sharpen your weapon, craft ammo/bombs. without having to worry about the monster attacking you. Each area uses a number to denote the zone, so it was easy to very quickly mention in any chat "The monster is in area 2" and such.

>Capcom doesn't rehash this franchise for once
>Gripes ahoy

Sasuga Sup Forums

Dude, I am playing Horizon and it has those feels, but doesn't worth the console alone.

map areas and loading zones were retarded, and not being sensibly connected hurt their comprehension more than not, often requiring you to have the Map item to understand the layout of the area cause by visual intuitive design alone, it was mongoloid and ass-backwards.

Because the Switch simply isn't powerful enough. Why do you think so many people refuse to buy modern Nintendo consoles?

You knew what you signed up for.

>I don't like Monster Hunter but I want to say I play Monster Hunter

That's why LR gives you the maps, by the time you reach HR/GR you should have the zones memorized. I do agree that some areas and their transitions can be confusing at first though.

Because monster hunter has never been about exploration or stealth or any other open world type stuff, it's been about deliberately paced combat with big fuck off monsters so you can carve their skin and make it into hats in order to kill more monsters

It's a grindy boss rush game being sent down the path of the Cinematic Experience™ and fans are justifiably cautious

>knows nothing about the game yet
>"im happy for the casuals"

The salt is real my man. I'm literally laughing my ass off at you right now.

Nigga I've been playing since PS2 launch week, suck my dick. Open world makes it not MH.

You have no clue whether the game will be casual or not. Stop your tears you whiny fuck.

You're kidding, right?

It's open world and has fucking detective vision. Sure, it's entirely possible that the actual final product won't reflect the information we've been given so far, but I like to make informed judgements.

>not muh MH

You're summarized one my complaints, good job.

Monster Hunter has been about exploration, and you should know that if you know about the games. It's not explicit, but it hasn't been explicit because they've either been afraid or too retarded to ever update the engine enough to explicitly try til now.

Map zones were often gigantic with visual art assets extending well beyond where you can travel within a zone, and being forced to deliberately walk through the zones instead of just dropping out the air right into the zone where the monster was aided 'exploration'. Another point is that the MH games have desperately tried very hard to simulate/emulate 'realistic' things which were actually anti-fun anti-videogame things, which goes towards the point of them having always wanted to make a "believable world" with MH, which really goes hand-in-hand with open world. Shit like needing to talk to the physical npc quest giver to cancel or back out of a quest where it would otherwise make more sense to be able to do it wherever, especially at the quest board. Shit like needing to combine specific items to create different bullet shells for your bowguns, or specific vegetation to create coatings for your bow arrows. Shit like needing to go to your own room to change your armor or weapons cause it's implied your character undresses, where it otherwise would make more sense to be able to do it at the quest board where you gather the info on the quest you're about to undertake and which equipment you think would be best for it. Shit like not being able to join a quest after other hunters have departed on the quest.

There's a lot of anti-fun sluggish boring shit in the MH games that only ever served to make it seem like the world they were trying to portray was deeper and more real than honestly deserved merit, done through fairly stupid means that only ever served to waste your time.

a larger sense of open-ness in the world and a quicker sense of meta-ness in the game design was needed, and now it's got it.

Just doesn't feel right not on a Nintendo console.

Where the fuck is dragons dogma 2 or deep down REEEEEEE

As someone who learned to love MonHun on the 3DS, the PS2 assets can fuck right off. I can't wait for my favorite IP in HD. I was waiting for Ninty to release an original MonHun on Switch with superior graphics, and they just got completely cucked by Sony, and I can't wait to buy World.

look at the rest of the MH games and then look at this one.

they clearly pulled people who had worked on Dragon's Dogma and Deep Down to come up with this. The main studio behind MH barely knows how to copy-paste correctly nevermind write original code.

Monster Hunter is not about Exploration

It takes place in small areas designed for fights, which you're meant to quickly memorize and then know from that time to the next several hundred hours of gameplay. Becuase MH is about the gameplay.

I suspect now we're going to be padding that with hundreds of hours of pointless walking, because faggots just can't keep their Skyrim in Skyrim.

sure i guess being contrarian is a valid point too why not.

only difference between our views is mine was well thought out and praises a new feature that actually exists and wont change, while yours is retarded and detracts a new feature that actually exists and wont change.

>Shit like needing to combine specific items to create different bullet shells for your bowguns, or specific vegetation to create coatings for your bow arrows

You fucking wot? You want everything to use the same mats and have different results? Of course you're going to find the mats in the zones because that and the villages are the only 2 places you'll ever be in the game. It being vegetation/monster parts or whatever is just a part of the theme of being a "Monster Hunter."

>Shit like needing to go to your own room to change your armor or weapons cause it's implied your character undresses, where it otherwise would make more sense to be able to do it at the quest board where you gather the info on the quest you're about to undertake and which equipment you think would be best for it

You don't even change in your own room in MHG, in the hunter's hub the prep area is outside. I don't know for sure but I've always been under the assumption that you can only change in these areas because 1.It'd look weird online for your armor bits to be changing on the fly and 2.So you couldn't take on a quest before you were ready. Preparation is half the game, don't even think about joining or hosting a quest unless you're ready.

>Wanting another monster hunter game crippled by being forced onto some shitty handheld platform
>Not being excited as hell we finally get a MH on pc

except your view isn't well thought out, it's delusional and proves you to be completely out of touch, along with you thinking that praising is objectively better just because there's no stopping it, might as well praise games for having chromatic aberration while you're at it.

lol go to a psychiatrist faggot.

Will buy it anyways because it's a hunting game on PS4 that isn't garbage like Toukiden or God Eater. Besides it gets painful on both the hands and the eyes trying to play this shit on the 3DS. It looks like the monsters actually have some form of scale and aren't just models that are slightly bigger than the player model.

No, yours is claiming that something is "about" a feature it does not have, and an inability to appreciate variety between different styles of games.

But PC does have a MonHun. MonHun Online

This game is radically different from the regular MH formula, is so different to the point that it doesn't even look like MH, seriously if in the trailer there wasn't a GS and Rathalos I could never guess that the game was MH, the new t-rex monster is basically just a t-rex with feathers, it just feels wrong, I'm a veteran and the game feels very wrong to me.

It is genuinely sad, as this might mark the beginning of the end of the MH franchise, so I understand your friend OP...

Me too. I'm a Nintendofag but I will likely have a PS4 before then, so it doesn't matter much. I'm just confused more than anything. Even if they have a mainline game planned for Switch it doesn't make sense.

>This game is radically different from the regular MH formula
So was MHX

>This game is radically different from the regular MH formula

Thank fuck for that

Now people with actual taste in vidya can enjoy a MH game

there is very little to appreciate about what the rest of the MH games have been. Theres a lot to appreciate in MH World that only people who knew about MH prior even could.

It's a much larger potential audience than MH currently has, with plenty of updates to the way the game is played that only the current MH audience would recognize, and further shouldn't see as impossibly irreplaceable features in changing them for the better.

I've appreciated the other MH games as much as I could, but there just wasn't much there to appreciate, or the presence of shit that makes me appreciate how not-as-bad most other games are.

If the concept of Monster Hunter actually has the defacto ability to be good, World is how it will be proven - not through their endless modifications to the original PS2 game from 2006.

No, you don't understand, this game don't use the formula even X use the formula, why isn't this game following the formula? it might fail if it don't follow it!

>i fucking hate everything about a series and think its dumb
>change everything about it so i can play it
Kill yourself.

Not him, but if you play Guild Style there wasn't really much different about MHX.

This is more like a spin-off MH in a different genre. I'm actually a bit worried that the Elder Scrolls fans and the Horizon fans and what have you will gobble this game up and it'll become the main series and a favorite game of mine will finally die after so many years.

I want to like this game but it unsettles me. Of course, this is all speculation at this point. We'll see what happens.

sony is literally so assblasted they bribed capcom to keep it off the switch

We haven't been able to delete threads for several years now

Who are you people? Do you even played MH prior to this point? why does people want to see MH die? This is doing nothing but to hurt MH, I might be wrong and the game become successful but in reality the most posible outcome is that the game fails to attract players and it will end up breaking the MH fandom.

>I don't like this game but I want to play it
>Change it until it's a different game
>Whew now I can play that game


Millions of loyal players disagree with your appraisal of the previous games.

A large audience must be very nice if you're Capcom, but ~*APPEALING TO A WIDER AUDIENCE*~ doesn't tend to sit well with long time fans of a series when it's done at the expense of the mechanics they enjoy.

Did you see the word "everything" in my post you fucking retard?
MH autists are the worst.
If you want the same shit, then keep playing the replaying the same games.
Why are people so afraid of change?

its ironic cause MH doesn't even really have an identity and you could slap MH assets onto any genre and it instantly becomes MH.

Actually, you know what? After my 7 years of experience with the franchise, I'd wager the only identity it did have was that it was made for mindless japs who won't pay enough attention to critique the poor game design. I had written MH off just last month after playing through XX as this, expecting nothing different ever. It surprised me that Capcom is now actually trying to make MH more than that mindless poorly designed write-off.

I want more content for the same style of play

That's why I buy Monster Hunter and not Dragon's Dogma. If I wanted to play Dragon's Dogma, I could buy Dragon's Dogma. If you want to play Dragon's Dogma, go fucking buy Dragon's Dogma.

Monhun became fodder for console war shitter the instant they told sony to fuck off and left.

Speaking of, whos ready for this to have a bunch of jewcom dlc, and have the servers go down after 6 months because sony will refuse to pay for them?

I can't understand what kind of garbage point you're attempting to babble here, would you mind rephrasing it in a way that humans can understand?

it's DmC all over again

>I personally fucking hate open world games

Understandable from somebody who spends most of their time in a basement.

here, "appealing to a wider audience" means "appealing to anyone outside of japan who aren't literal hardcore weeaboos"

it's not really the same as "appealing to a wider audience" in trying to get casuals. It's appealing to a wider audience to get even hardcore gamers outside of japan interested. All the MH games have sold miserably outside of japan, one in part due to poor marketing, another part being because any normal westerner who has played normal action games will come to MH and find flaws in the game design left right and center around every corner that negatively impact enjoyment.

Actually trying to make a new game instead of just another one of those flawed asset flips is a way to reach a bigger audience.

>These could be used to justify large amounts of travel done off screen

Sorry user, but I actually like travel across interesting landscapes.

It reminds me of those people who find combat a chore or whatever and prefer to simply skip everything they dislike, which just makes the game feel like it has a much smaller scope than it needs.

>wanting a monster hunter that plays and feels like a monster hunter game instead of open world hack and slash fantasy game is bad

I lost MH to Nintendo a long, long time ago. So long ago in fact, that even when I got a 3DS, I didn't buy them, because I knew they'd been so inbred I wouldn't be able to get into them anymore.

When I saw this I screamed of joy. I'm a 27 year old man. I played up until MHFU on PSP. I am so happy, and not once, not for a single fucking moment, did I think of you. You were not a sweat daub on my forehead, nor a hair on my ass, nor a wink of thought on my mind.

You were so nonexistent before tonight, that when I visited Sup Forums, certain to see applause, I saw you, crying, slandering it, irrationally attacking it, weaving yarns of what the game is and isn't, despite all evidence to the contrary.

you only entered my mind when I felt a great pity, for an amorphous blob of a sad soul, somewhere in the universe, angry that something this beautiful was finally being realized.

I cry for you.

Well too bad faggot. Suck shit. The world will keep moving on without you.

Wouldn't it follow that someone in their basement would want to experience looking at trees and shit in a video game since they can't be assed to go outside? Your logic doesn't follow, user.

>it's not really the same as "appealing to a wider audience" in trying to get casuals.
>Detective visions
>Open world

That is literally what it is.

You just can't see it because you're the wider audience they're appealing to. You're the CoD audience equivalent for this series.

>wanting a monster hunter that plays and feels like shit instead of an open world hack and slash fantasy game is good

>your definition of what a 'monster hunter game' should feel like is different from someone elses
>but the developers of monster hunter agree with that someone else

how does it feel to be on the wrong side of history?

Hours and hours of grinding on a stationary device just doesn't feel right.

Well at least there's Vita remote play.


I've put together a paste bin of everything that has been confirmed, with sources.

I'm sorry, did I hurt your feelings on Sup Forums by stating my opinion?

Choke on my dick.

>not understanding there intrinsic relationship to each other and how one enriches the other and etc

>MH doesn't even have an identity

This is where I know your full of shit and pretending to play the series. Every single game has played out exactly the same. You do some prep (craft potions, traps, etc.), find the monster, fight the monster, kill it or capture. The thing is, the formula is fine the way it is, and I'm sick of Capcom adding unnecessary shit like Styles and Arts and ledges. Worlds is this, but 10x worse.

Open world gameplay specifically disrupts the normal flow of MH.

>I lost mh
>i'm so autistic I refused to play a series I like because MUH BRAND

Reminder that MH left sony in the first place because SONY were scumbags to them.

>Wouldn't it follow that someone in their basement would want to experience looking at trees and shit in a video game since they can't be assed to go outside?

Sure. If they're just lazy. But mostly people wouldn't go outside because they are autistic. And there's absolutely no reason why somebody USED to the freedom of the outdoors would prefer to play a game with the setting of a glorified basement lol.

>e "Drop in multiplayer"
so deaths are amningless now?

>capcom fucks up street fighter
>fucks up MvC
>now they're fucking up Monhun
Nigga, what are you doing Monhun was your last decent series.

because people stopped playing Melee when Brawl came out

why would people who want to play MH5 play World? Why would people who want to play World play MH5?

Why are you so dumb?

>I don't like this series so change it so I can play it
>I know what I like is a dime a dozen but change this thing

Literally a fucking child's mentality

I played Tri and I couldn't get into it. It was regressive and repetitive. Nothing had changed. The mechanics and movement were still clunkly, there was nothing truly new, the game did not become what it should have. I simply was not interested.

>disrupts the normal flow of MH

Yeah the normal flow of having monsters pop out of existence once they leave the area, getting knocked out into a loading screen, or even having a tail cut a few meters out to a completely inaccessible area.

I really like that flow user. It's very good. And I just know you like it too.

You might know what basement dwellers like, I suppose, but when one satisfies their wanderlust in the real world, they hardly have need of a digital imitation when they could be playing a video game instead.