This is your Spiderman.
Thanks Sony.
>spider-man refers to himself as pete in the vid
nice bait
It is MGS2 ruse again.
You will play as Peter for intro chapter and after it they will switch it to Miles.
don't worry, you'll be taking over as an inexperienced Miles just after this intro mission when Pete is presumed dead
considering how pete is already inexperienced in the game footage, I don't buy it
maybe if pete was portrayed as not green and not constantly second guessing himself, I'd buy it
they're probably setting it up to be how the comics are now, with peter and miles both in 616
This is one of your 3 spider-mans.
And Eddie.
Mister Negative is in the game so Anti-Venom is a possibility.
No Kaine?
Of course not.
This is all heavily based on 616.
Its why Mr. Negative and Wraith are present in the video.
And? Who gives a shit? Does it PLAY like spiderman? Yes. Does it look visually nice? Sure.
Milage Moreanus isn't even a bad spiderman, so stop getting asshurt.
Fuck could you imagine if they tied the characters to the difficulty?
Miles would be easy mode, the overpowered motherfucker
The fucking black character would be easy mode
I don't get it, what's the issue?
Told you he's gonna be black
casuals not knowing about black kid spiderman even though hes been around for fucking years now.
Just like real life?
Who? Miles?
Well yeah. Miles is black spider-man. Basically Spider-man's Side kick.
He who you will be playing primarily through out the game.
This is like people bitching about Franklin being in GTA V when Trevor and Micheal also clearly still being in the game.
I forget, is miles gay?
why does a black kid spiderman exist at all?
>This is all heavily based on 616.
Kaine IS 616, user.
To get diversity points
>Sup Forums - shitposting about the blacks
That would actually be interesting. No way it'll happen, then.
More like niggerman
Why was E32017 black'd all over the place?
Politics from either side aside holy fuck every shot of nearly every big budget game tried to show off black people in extreme detail and closeups
nope. he was never gay to begin with. basically tumblrinas and the like spread the word that he was gay around the time of his first appearance.
hes currently fucking Gwen Stacy. not even joking.
Hey. at least it ain't Iron man.
Replacing himself with a black Afro wearing woman.
>a nigger
Some nerd artist was cucked into it by a feminist with the promise of pussy
We have Peter AND Miles, retard
Because games have been nothing but white people from the dawn of the industry and now that there are different colors you're getting triggered and noticing it
wtf? I love Sonny now!
>You play as Peter
>Peter gets corrupted by Mr. Negative
>You play as Miles to save Peter
>You switch between the two later
If you have said SJW too you could have had 3 memes in one sentence
Uhhh, several trailers come to mind that prove you completely wrong. Killzone 2 for all the controversy it caused had plenty of multiracial people in its trailer, but none of them were awkwardly focused on. Neither were white people.
Come 2017 and every game needs a 70's black chick with an afro yelling and bullying the wimpy white protag.
Fuck that shit.
>now that there are different colors you're getting triggered and noticing it
If the established audience already is white as bread , why do you have to add color to it? Is it simply to attract niggers to the hobby so you can jew them out to the max?
what makes you think Peter is inexperienced? When the game was announced Insomniac said that Peter had been Spider-Man for years at this point
Modern feminist are all SJW, feels redundant to point it out
I wish, but sadly not. I never really found Parker very hot in any of his iterations, but Miles looks great.
This game will probably have a lot of playable characters because it has that boring Arkham combat and QTEs, makes it easy to swap them out.
Why are white woman into diversity? Could it be related to niggers loving big white asses and white woman being lazy and greedy?
>no Miggy
Dark skin is cute and contrast is nice
QTEs the Game.
Sony's done it again. These days, who needs to play games when you can watch them?
Nothing cuter than white skin though
Also why contrast? If im fat woman i dont go looking for a skinny nerd next to whom i look even fatter
Alternate universe
I don't know how it is for fat girls, but I like relatively big guys, it's just cuter. Like how short girls still prefer tall guys I guess. Also, white skin isn't very cute in my opinion, others probably feel differently, but I don't like the general facial aestethics that come with it. There are exceptions of course, but that's always the case. I don't find every black guy hot either.
Contrast is nice. White dick in black pussy and black dick in white pussy both look good.
>what is delicious brown
Granted there isn't none in the western games but still
What's up with retarded cuck posters shitposting on Sup Forums?
>Strong independent black woman hair
Thats all personal opinion and no reason for diversity. If you are so into bbc why not just watch porn to fullfill your fetish like everybody else? Why do you have to ruin peoples hobbys? And yes it is ruining the hobby since you can totally see the greedy intent and the connected lazyness of developers and designers in this corporate cater to all possible audience for max profit situation
Nah, real easy mode would be Spider-Gwen.
>Because games have been nothing but white people from the dawn of the industry and now that there are different colors you're getting triggered and noticing it
Nah it's all a result of the #blacklivesmatter #oscarssowhite bullshit that started a couple years ago. Black people are in the spotlight and dev studios want to proffit on this by showing how progressive they are. This is just a fad that will pass.
What? I want them in games because I think they're cute. It doesn't mean I want them exclusively in porn, just like how people who like white girls don't want white girls only in porn.
I didn't know Kojima worked for Insomniac, you inbred mouthbreather.
But you dont even play games, you only shitpost and.lust for niggerdick. I play games where you cant even tell if your character is just a random shape since gameplay is more important but when people can sell diversity they start ignoring things lime gameplay
What could happen:
>Do a scenario like Prototype, where you do first chapter/tutorial with Peter Parker as Spiderman, with all his powers
>Something happens and Peter dies or is presumed dead.
>Skip ahead a few months and introduce Miles as Spiderman with basic powers and upgrade back to full as game progresses.
>Play whole game as Peter
>Peter dies at the end of the game
>Miles takes over as new Spiderman setting up for sequel
>Alternate universe where Miles plays a support role for Spiderman
>It's just a fucking cameo/nod to Ultimate Spiderman fans and it implies skins like every other Spiderman game, one of which will be Mile's Ultimate Spiderman.
But I do play games, mainly fighting games though. I like webslinging in old Spiderman games but I also like Miles in the comics, and I think he looks cute in the game. You're making a whole lot of assumptions here.
>Don't read comics
>don't even like comics
>but still talk about comics anyway
yikes. Stay in your lane Sup Forums.
This comes from an interview where some important comic person I forget the name of said "It shouldn't matter if the new Spiderman is black or gay or anything like that" (paraphrasing here) and as a result everyone took it to mean he's gay, when it was a more literal statement that no one should care IF they did make a gay spiderman.
You called wrong, the actual Spiderman is called Peter in the game. Miles only shows up at the end to take a picture on his phone, implying a cameo.
Then be prepared for more debacles like streetfighter V since that is where sales on forced diversity will lead to. Have fun with this broken hobby, im getting off this ride now
Really? Are you kidding right now? We finally get a Miles Morales game?
Oh boy this makes me happy. After one Peter Parker after another, we finally get Miles. I was already annoyed that they still throw Peter into the movies, but this is great.
Kaine's 616 you mouthbreather
You're a fucking retard. They are showing more brown people than you would even see in real life. Shitskins can't even afford video games so it seems like these companies are shooting themselves in the foot.
Street Fighter has no "forced diversity", it's a game about world warriors. Even new characters like Laura are blatant stereotypes.
Tails is in the game? Why Tails instead of Knuckles?
Cmon guys, Miles is actually a pretty good Spider-Man.
Miles sucks, he's the most bland piece of shit with an OP moveset that reduces all his problems to "venom blast that shit"
Give me Miguel if you want a minority Spider-Man, he's a fucking good character.
Bendis has a bbc fetish
I mean seriously, he brings this shit up all the time in his comics to the point where the Venom symbiote became a thinly veiled racism story
Ultimate Spidey dies, miles ends up picking up the title
Given that Peter was shown using gadgets I find it very unlikely that you'll swap to miles after a prologue.
>shows one black guy in NYC
>this is too many
Fuck off racist. Seriously just fuck off.
>Sup Forums
>Talking about comics
Oh boy I cant wait for furry bait calarts reject cartoon #4785! I love Gwenpool!
Alan Moore, who's that?
>he thinks people in comics die
>he doesn't know that ult Pete came back
Just stop talking.
How about you actually talk about the videogame it self instead of the societal situation that surrounds the game and influenced what will probably be a trash tier story mode? Here's an example
>easy modo webslinging
>literally who villain instead of based Electric Quilt Man or Dr.Tentacle Porn
>AssCreed combat
And how did they hire the actor who plays Jet Li? I thought that guy had died.
Wow bro just a joke settle down smfh................
>I was only pretending to be retarded
>And Eddie.
>Agent Venom game never
>it's a "a video game thread gets devoured by politics discussion" episode
Fuck all of you, no matter what you like
I dunno it looks like Bamham but traversing the world is more fun.
I just hope the swinging gets updated, it looked like releasing at different points didn't change anything about your swing.
What I said is still true though. That's why miles is Spider-Man.
Calm down sperg
There are no video games here, only political agendas.
Your hobby is dead, son.
>people unironically complain about webswining not done "right"
Uhm... you dudettes realize it isnt real right? Not just this game, the whole Spider-Man thing. Its all made up. It doesnt really fucking matter
Yeah lets just throw millions of dollar behind a a character who has all of maybe 1k fans.
you only have yourself to blame if you ever thought this would happen.
Ultimate Peter coming back has nothing to do with the fact that he died and Miles picked up the mantle.
>shitskins can't afford
This is how you know you're talking to Sup Forums. The buzzword, the Nonsensical vocabulary, the bold statement that's on all levels wrong. You just know he doesn't know shit from 3 simple words in his stanza. Amazing
Except it's not. Peter didn't die. Peter is still Spider-Man. Miles remains a side note at best.
Anyone who claims they like Miles has never read his goddamn books.
Dude's personality is given a run for its money by a fucking plank of wood.
I'll take Ben LITERAL CLONE OF PETER Reilley over him any day
Bendis married a black woman, his daughter is black.
This seems to be why he keeps pushing black kids to take over a bunch of shit in Marvel.
The thing is, he makes the worst goddam characters, it doesn't matter if they're a genuine legacy character like Falcon but Miles and Riri are just about the worst characters ever put forth by that Docotor Who looking shit pile.
But why would Tails websling when he could just use his tail to fly?
Fuck off, Eddie fag your character hasn't been worth a shit in over a decade