Why wasn't it at E3?

Why wasn't it at E3?

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Not even close to being done.

Off topic, but why are so many of Sony's game Last of Us clones? Let Naughty Dog do what they do best. We don't need a slew of cheap imitators from the same damn publisher.

Name one

You got that biker game by the Naughty Dog copycat studio.

Days Gone for one


>Believe me, we're super excited to show you more of Ellie and Joel's 2nd journey, but right now it's Chloe and Nadine's time to shine.

They could have at least said beforehand it wouldn't be there

Days Gone

Open world and not a movie. Argument Invalid.

seriously, bend also made a fucking uncharted spin off. just make a new syphon filter god damn

Days gone
Dad of war
Order 1866

The new God of War.

Joel = Kratos
Ellie = Wife's son

It's saved for PSX
along with Bloodborne 2

One of those cases when Sony reveals something and the only thing they have is a CG with the title on it.

Did you watch the footage of it in the press conference? the gameplay and scripts looks exactly like something straight outta tlou


You're actually kidding me. Ppl actually expected it to be here? Next e3 the earliest. It's a long way away

can someone PLEASE tell me what's going on?
why is e3 over already?
does bethesda have anymore annoucements?
is Fallout 4 spin-off even possible at this point?
i've made multiple threads asking this question and no one will give me a straight answer


All e3 demos are scripted to play a certain way, so not a very good argument. Besides, open world.
Again. Argument invalid.

Why does Naughty Dog takes like 3 years in making these scriptfested shitty games?

>Not even close to being done
You'd think they'd have a stage demo of it or at least another trailer by now. I remember one of the developers saying they'd have more at E3 when all they showed was that trailer.

And if you're talking about Days Gone then it's likely that Days Gone is based off an early version of The Last of Us which was originally an open world game. ND just let them have it and make what they want out of it.


Two more days meng

They were still doing basic mocap like 6 weeks ago.

>nu/v/ actually cares about a movie sequel
Just fucking delete this board, please.

>It's another 'I've never played a Naughty Dog game so I just regurgitate memes' post

so... there's still hope for fallout new orleans or whatever tf?

But I have played all of them.


Beth had their own event.

no idea

Precursor Legacy will always be the MVP

Ready at Dawn are basically without creative ability. They started off making God of War spin offs on mobile, then ripped of Gears of War in a victorian era (which was a well polished, but underwhelming title) and now they're ripping of Last of Us, but bringing nothing compelling to the fore (just like Order), or trying to differentiate itself.

It will probably flop. It'll probably be perfectly fine too. I don't know why Sony keeps throwing money at them though.

Cringeworthy, jealous Xbox fanboy detected.

Naughty dog is one of the best Devs on the planet young Padawan.

Your tasty tears taste delicious :)

Whether its open world or not doesn't change the gameplay, feel of the game, walking/talking segments etc. Nearly every game is open world these days.

They are working on uncharted. Duh.

this is absolutely the worst E3 ever
when did bethesda start becoming such shit???
first fallout 4 now they pull this

Thanks for the laughs user, I needed that.

>ND just let them have it and make what they want out of it.
That's not how any of this works...ND never wanted an open world game. Playstation devs borrow assets from eachother(especially from ND since they are also home of the ICE team who find neat programming tricks). Bend probably used some of ND's assets to make a their early games. Everything else is from Bend.

I dont get it either, I played through tlou and it was alright but its one of those 15 hour singleplayer games you play through once then leave it on the shelf

>It's another "Naughty Dog games aren't movies" meme post

yeah sure
maybe when they make Jak 4
and stop with
>muh realism

Bethesda is at their best in a long time.

Their Bethesda developed games have been shit for years, so lets just ignore that.

Machine Games, id, and Arkane are pumping out quality games.

Also, Evil Within 2 has a ton of potential if Mikami doesn't fuck it up again.

It's open world and last of us doesn't have that many zombies, ever
Also last of us has no driving is is NOT fucking open world retards

Also nice, only one game named while that post said a lot
Amazing, keep shitposting

Graphics, voice acting and mocap for the most part

Surely the emphasis is not the game design

Saying an open world game is a movie is a telltale sign that you might be clinically retarded. Once more, argument invalid.

Surely this idiot didn't play uncharted 4 or the last of us

>when did bethesda start becoming such shit???

a long time ago senpai, dont you remember horse armor dlc for oblivion and then fallout 3 which felt like a reskinned oblivion and the most casualized rpg ever skyrim?

The sad part is, this was probably the best game announced so far.
That trailer was kino as fuck though.

>open world

Open world essentially doesn't matter as it only functions as an elaborate menu in most games.

I never said it was a movie, I said the gameplay and script sequences are very similar. Even the character movements is the same. Reading comprehension friend.

I did, at the AMC

You were implying that in your first post.
>Even the character movements is the same
Get glasses and compare the two, user.

>why is e3 over already?
Technically just starting.

>does bethesda have anymore annoucements?
They did their conference and it was a disgrace.

>is Fallout 4 spin-off even possible at this point?
Get some taste.

The Last of Us is a story-driven third person shooter with zombies and crafting. Those gameplay mechanics are very popular. Anything in third person remotely story-driven will look like The Last of Us. Just like any sci-fi FPS will look like Halo, and every military FPS will look like Call of Duty.

You're the only one that keeps parroting "movie game" in the thread.. only two other posts did and have 0 replies.

watch this video dawg

The Last of Us was originally open world at some point in development.

fallout 3 was decent though especially all the underground exploration and actual cities like Rivet city
hell even megaton was better than
>Diamond City the Jewel of the Commonwealth
and there wasn't settlements distracting them from making a good game

>stop liking what I don't like! :(

Those developers are at their best but everything Beth has announced that they're working on is just shitty as fuck.
>VR for Skyrim and FO4
>Skyrim for the Switch
>paid mods
No wonder Pete Hines is insecure and antsy as fuck following the conference.

showing 2 zombie games is dumb. and Days Gone is closer to release.

im pretty sure morrowind and skyrim was their best seems to have gone downhill from there
only hope i have left is Elder Scrolls 6: Elsweyr

assuming it isn't a fallout 4 reskin and we can get some shiny new sandy desert graphics it will be cash my dude

They're saving it for PSX.

can i get a quick rundown on PSX?

It's all but confirmed to be Valenwood for VI.

got a source on this?

Why would they show a movie at a gaming conference?

this what I was looking forward to seeing the most and they didn't even show another teaser


Because fuck The last of Us

>skyrim was their best

They couldn't render Ellie's afro in time.

>muh oblivion
sorry but i love exploring Dwemer ruins too much and dragon born powers were really cool + necromancy
ayleid ruins were shit desu senpai

Sony still has TGS and Sony Experience on their own recording theater just like every other year.

I'm glad it wasn't. I miss the cycle of 2 trailers and then a release. This PR HYPE TRAIN bullshit is part of why development and therefore games are rushed and shitted out.

g3m4r hype is the cancer train.

>Two more days meng
Is there still hope for VII-R