Find a flaw in The Witcher 3.
Find a flaw in The Witcher 3
Arkham combat.
That aside it's top tier, best game released in years easily.
repetitive, some of the terrain (rocks) arent meshed into the ground, sometimes the animations do not fit the small places you have to navigate, dialouge can get wonky, general little graphical glitches, quest glitches. but it's a game. and it's still good despite it's flaws. because nothing DOESN'T have flaws
no endgame activities other than gwent
Of Geralt, Ciri, Yen, and Triss, which one is the most likely to be a high school Bully.
Saves don't work with GOTY
literally unplayable
fucking micro stutter
Not enough sassy black women with afro
>absolutely haraam button mash combat
>witchervision handholding for literally half the quests
>80% of the customization options suck dick
it was good, but the witcher bait threads and dickriding were definitely not worth it.
It rains to god damn much.
Geralt wouldn't be mean for no reason like that. Yen is secretly too beta after getting bullied for years herself. Triss wouldn't even consider it. Ciri can be a bit smug and angry and might bully some kids.
They do for me. Do you have some shitty torrent?
little upsetting that I couldnt remove that light bloom effect when facing near the sun. If its anywhere on your screen, just forget about seeing shit.
Witcher 3 combat is much worse than arkham combat
It ended eventually
Yen would be tsundere.
I need to play Witcher 1 and 2 if I fully want to enjoy the story.
muh dick
arkham doesn't let you freeze enemies then set them on fire and twirl into them like a helicopter
Once I was against like 15 villager bandits all coming at me, I tossed some napalm and roasted them with igni, then came spinning in and it was a fucking bloodbath, I dismembered the whole lot of them into tiny bloody chunks within the space of about a second.
That was when I realized why people called Geralt the Butcher of Blavikin.
Roach is a fucking picky dick.
but you actually need to play tge game dor hours to get to that point
how am I supposed to do that while shitposting
Triss, she is literally part of the lodge.
they call him that because he killed like three dudes in self-defense who happened to be evil
Combat, still love it though
Where is his afro?
Narrative and pacing failure in spades due to the reality of open-world game design. Starts of tight, compacted and powerful. Daughter is kidnapped, Geralt is off to save the day, he must rescue dear Ciri.
A day later he's fucking off in the wildlands for [infinite days] playing card games, fucking bitches and slaying random monsters for various reasons.
This jarring narrative transition occurs throughout; gated by major narrative events (see: Main Quests). Enter a main quest area/dialogue and suddenly everything is urgent again. As soon as he's not, it's back to fucking la la land and Ciri doesn't matter.
This kind of thing is unavoidable but massively detracts from the game as a cohesive story. It makes everything entirely unbelievable in terms of Geralt's character and motivations.
The fucking politics. Witcher 2 has Temeria, Redania, Kaewen, Aedirn, Upper Aedirn, Nilfgaard, Order of the flaming Rose, etc.
In Witcher 3 it's just Redania, Redania, Nilfgaard and Redania.
They've improved practically everywhere else but the politics is pure drivel.
You canĀ“t fuck Ciri
Nigga, just turn on CNN.
You have to play The Witcher 1 to get the full experience
It wasn't that he killed 3 people, it's how easily he did it.
It's scary to know that someone is strong enough to turn your entire village into mincemeat if they wanted without breaking a sweat and there's nothing you can do about it.
That's actually a flaw about W3 come to think about it, I racked up an insane bodycount and nobody ever confronted me about it.
good point
i mean, it's like shes your daughter, but technically theres no strings attached. i ship it
the quests
Will Cyberpunk 2077 be open world? I'd love an RPG that completely takes place in a city. Does anyone know any games like that besides Shadowrun and Deus Ex?
You see, in the trump timeline playstation users are mugs. Just look at E3.
I felt like it could have been better without the open world, all of the question marks seemed like pure filler. In w2 the choices affected the way the story went, changing characters, events, locations while witcher 3 doesn't really have that since whenever a big choice is made the story moves to another location so it doesn't matter. The pacing is a little weird as well, since 2/3 of the game is just independant plot arcs which don't relate to the main quest other than a few plot bits, the fact that for most of the game he is trying to find ciri, it feels weird to do irrelevant side quests since every second ciri could be getting further away or getting closer to dying, Geralt doesn't know and he shouldn't be fucking around which most of the sidequests are. If they put the same amount of effort into lots of smaller worldspaces like witcher 1 or 2 and made the choices actually impact the story, it would probably be a lot better.
In fairness that's the case in literally every game with combat though.
they all have literally the exact same models and textures
I dont really get the hate for the combat. Its only because you all compare it to the likes of Dark Souls or Devil May Cry.
The combat is just supposed to be fun and look cool which it accomplishes in spades. You got various options to use magic or accessories to aid in fight to add to it but at its basic level, its pretty fucking simple because its supposed to be. The difficulty only allows the fights to last a little longer or try to force you into trying new strategies, but it was never going to have complex combat mechanics. CDPR just wanted the player to feel like they were a Witcher by making some badass dude do badass things all while knowing particular weaknesses per monster.
Bruh, deciding who wins the war in the Reason of State quest is the best thing for me, unfortunately CDPR fucked up that quest really bad.
Besides literally everyone has some sort of opinion on who should win the 3rd Northern War, hell at the very beginning they shove all the devastation of war right into your face, then they show you how Nilfgaard molested Temeria real bad, THAT was neat, more of that would've been good, but they had to dumb down the war and politics under the assumption that all people would rather dick around with Ciri and random contracts. (That's shit's still fun, it's just I would've preferred better politics, it could've been on the side, so if you want to ignore it, you can.)
They all have the same perfect bum.
The "?" in the Skellige sea felt like filler. The ones in Velen were usually pretty interesting.
The highlight of the witcher's quests was the writing and moral choices you made. I don't think you'd be able to find a Gothic II quest as interesting as pretty much any of the Quests from Hearts of Stone or the bloody baron quests.
I will admit the witcher sense system was too simplistic, even though it fit in with the game's themes and the story of the book and the universe and the lore and shit, I would've liked to have seen it as more of something you'd have to tune to certain things like blood or footsteps or smells in order to track/find something.
My main gripe with TW3 was filler in the main storyline, the goofy death ragdolls, your sword sheaths clipping on horseback and basically any fucking fight where you were forced to fight with an ally. Allies/friends in TW3 are the most annoying shit and all they did is get me killed.
The horse mechanics are near unplayable at times. Cant run off beaten path for more than 100 feet before grinds to a halt because theres a fucking Rib Leaf bush in his way
There were definitely some substantial ones and I did most of them on my first playthrough, but on my second playthrough I didn't go out of my way for them and I didn't feel like I was missing much.
Too white. Not multi cultural, not multi ethnic.
I can read "Gothic II" but all the other black text is too low res.
Im playing it right now (goty) Its really good. loving it
It has some flaws:
1. Too much self reference for my taste(theres a red cock in pretty much every cut/loading art panel) most signposts have a red cock. I get it red cock is your symbol but enough already it really is immersion breaking
2. Gwent unique character cards(again immersion breaking). I love gwent its really fun.. but its seriously weird that everyone in the realm is trading and playing cards of people they should not know anything about, its like the inventor of gwent knew everybody in the world and how they looked at the precise time the story is taking place.. would have been cool to make us meet the inventor of gwent in-game and show that hes like the old dude the sees the future/ or that lady with the dream powers or maybe its actually some old monster that invented gwent
3. Quest order. Because I got scared(missing a quest and having to reload with big time gap) I went on a sidequest rampage and when got back to main it was so disjointed the story was weird in the timeline but then I balanced it again. but had to think of it myself, the game isnt prepapred for things done too early
4. This is the biggest one for me so kept last. The Bloody Baron quest was amazing. But after finding both his daughter and his wife(when you tell him you found anna and it opens return to crookback bog) its like all the time and conversations I spent with him were reset to zero. It was weird and disjointed. still loved the story and that little bit wasnt enough to tarnish it.
But thats it just flaws and not enough to make me not love this game.
this desu
I wouldve liked to see the sound sense used more in the witcher senses. Like tracking a person/monster by following their noise.
All there was near that was the Leshen you had to find by listening for crows
I can't.
The spoilers on your post are really fucking broken for some reason, hovering over one reveals another one entirely.
I'm pretty sure Dandelion helped with the design of Gwent.
Like I said, way too simplistic. Another thing I hated is originally the devs apparently planned to make the open world much more alive and consistent. Kill a monster, it's corpse stays there and rots and attracts different monsters that eat it, shit like that.
If they made the open world more consistent like that, one that exists outside of your actions then you could have witcher sense able to be tuned to sounds, smells, blood, tracks, ect. not only for tracking down stuff in quests, but while roaming the open world as well.
As is, enemies/NPCs tend to just appear/spawn in for the player's benefit rather than existing on their own. I really like games that have a world that exists and acts on it's own consistently and doesn't feel like it was generated on demand for you specifically
Yeah.. I think I messed up somewhere when putting the tags cause the last sentence I didnt even put any
it's very good, but it's not horizon: zero dawn. the combat there is actually fun
I had the sense that they were planning something more substantial with the boat combat that they never got around too. Moving around on a boat is so buggy that it seems like they didn't finish it.
But this is just based on speculation.
Definitely lost a lot of the storytelling strength from witcher 2 when they added open world.
But I believe that,
riding into a new village, stopping at the Inn, talking to the bar keep for some local lore plus directions towards a contract, doing the contract, riding back into town with a monster head, selling your spoils and getting your reward, checking the notice board for a new contract and riding off towards the next village.
Is the definitive witcher experience. I really want a game that's just being a non legendary witcher on the path. Maybe some 2-3 player Co op so you can hunt monsters with your random witcher bros who are also on the path and have fun banter dialog with the npcs.
This is about the WItcher 3
And anyways.. how can you compare a game with choices to a game without ?
Witcher isnt just action but choices. I love the amount of choice I have in it. Horizon doesnt have choices
It holds your hand way too much
It holds just enough.
You have main quest line and then you have to go discover all the side activities.
If you dont like it you can always go back to bethesda games.
Too much simplification of exploration and quest completion borrowed from World of Warcraft.
Combat is too simplistic. Combat at higher difficulties revolves around your willingness to abuse certain broke ass mechanics as opposed to demonstrating a mastery of game concepts.
Eh I wouldn't like coop in a witcher game, but yes I would definitely like a witcher game that is more open ended sanbox-ish that takes a few notes from skyrim and maybe implement a dishonored type morality system that will define how villagers interact with you.
And also actually have costs for living, like you need an inn to sleep at, or you can rent a house, got to feed your horse, have a stable for your horse, ect.
"Hold right click to see exactly where to go" is my idea of holding your hand too much
>quest completion borrowed from World of Warcraft
it eventually ends
>Character not customizable
>Weapons include: swords
>If you don't like the main character you're screwed (I do not like geralt at all)
Yeah, I dug that even the real minor quests had some substantial writing to them. The one random hunt were you have to fight a vampire that only attacks drunks was a fun quest.
Overall though the quests are just "use the mini map and go where it tells you", which is silly in an open world game. Granted, it is easy as fuck to get lost in the Witcher so I see why they did that.
Witcher 3's combat is batman-ish, but I'd definitely consider it a step above Arkham combat. You get two dodges, one is more useful for dodging human attacks while the other is more useful for dodging larger monster charges. The idea of adding both these dodges is incredibly smart, and it goes a long was into making the combat feel nicer overall. Beyond that you also get magics, bombs, and potions, which are all useful and all give you a bit of diversity on how you want to approach a situation. That and hitting attack doesn't launch Geralt super far like it does Batman.
The combat's pretty damn mediocre overall, but I wouldn't consider it offensively bad. It's honestly one of the better attempts at combat from a western dev.
Combat was probably the best in any modern open world RPG, I don't know what the fags complaining about the combat are thinking.
There's a large selection of potions, bombs, you can use signs with various effects that you can upgrade or unlock alternate versions of. It feels really good to melt something with igni or regain health by blocking enemy attacks with your quen shield. The ability to alternate between rolls and quicksteps was also very nice, as well as the unlockable whirlwind and rend abilities.
What the hell, the original models weren't this thick.
Set protagonist is one of the major strenghts of the series. Its story and character driven after all.
like 80% of the game is lame, on a per minute basis
poor story, average graphic, horrible combat list go on and on
batman vision
not reading books to learn monster weaknesses
The UI is heavily customizable, you can completely turn it off. That's what I did, navigating via landmarks and constantly looking at your map is fun as fuck.
The combat isn't bad at all, it's one of the few games aside from dark souls that manages to make both large enemy fights and groups of small humanoid enemy fights a lot of fun. Not only that but it feels very good and visceral as well, cleaving people in two is a lot of fun, and every time I fought an aerial creature I'd try to kill it with a strong attack to the belly while it was swooping over me.
The combat was legitimately fun as fuck and I honestly can't think of another modern open world RPG that did it better.
I feel like its dark souls fanatics who because they finally got what they wanted they cant get hard on anything else anymore.
Yeah. I'm loving the diversity in combat in this game.
lads how is this game on PS4? I can tolerate 30fps if it still looks pretty enough
W3 did cite DS as an inspiration for the combat.
The result is really predictable tho,
Game with a focus on combat
Game with a focus on story&characters with combat
Dark souls doesnt motivate you to play it because you love the story and characters and w3 doesnt motivate you to play it for its combat.
why wouldn't you just play it on PC?
it's on sale on GOG
I'm debating whether to build a rig or buy a PS4 Pro
pressing rmb will guide you to the answer.
If youre going to play multiplats why not buy xbone pro?
Yeah, its the choices and story that keep me going and wanting more, everything else is awesome extra. Really liking this game, taking my time.. since there isnt anything else like it coming out anytime soon.. :(
Overbearing amount of forced cringeworthy BioWare tier romance and sexualization jammed in to get easy praise from perverted neckbeards.
Ruins any sense of artistic integrity.
building a rig is definitely better, you don't have to pay for online and you can get games a lot cheaper
also kb+m is great
Quest difficulty is all over the map. I'm level 4, barely started in the game, some random asshole in a bar says "help me find my brother, he's probably dead" and I go into a cave, fight a few spiders and SURPRISE! this was a level 38 quest and the boss spider is fucking unkillable. I never liked Skyrim's style of level scaling, but I prefer to have different areas have a consistent level of quests.
>artistic intergrity
>game made by 300+ developers
Which individual developers artistic integrity do you mean exactly?
Good choice.
Also, protip- disable the minimap and navigate via landmarks and your map. It's a lot more fun and immersive because you enjoy the world as you travel instead of being glued to your minimap. Not only that but eventually you know enough about where you are purely from the visuals that you know exactly where to go to get anywhere.
Doing this in blood and wine made it extra comfy whenever I was riding back to my house after a long day of witchering.
Geralt's always been a manslut and it's a theme and plot point.
Build a rig. Way better investment. Some parts of my PC are still from 2010 others I bought cheap later on. Prices today are even better and will get even cheaper. Even a decent mid-range(im still using a r9 290x and play 60fps) will play witcher better than on console and you can use controller on pc
Yeah, but being better than total dogshit isn't a huge accomplishment honestly.
I think it's just another example of how platform wars has caused people to go "this is the best game" and another group of people went "this game has flaws though, it's shit!". It's a good game but it's far from perfect and it gets overpraised by the media in general. Then again, the media also overpraised Skyward Sword and Skyrim, so I think it's more of the former for people who flip out over TW3.
Overall I think the combat is alright, not enough to carry the game on its own but it works well when combined with the game's other elements. It can definitely be fun if you're willing to fuck around with it, but it's far from perfect.
I tried turning the radar off and it took me like 10 minutes to find a near by post sign just to fast travel. The world is like hyper detailed in TW3 so I kinda prefer the radar, still it definitely has its downsides when it comes to quests.
The game has little focus on romance actually, which is nice. it still sucked rejecting Triss and seeing the hurt in her eyes so closley after dumping my ex.
White male MC
I've been watching my friend play the game and every second quest romantic advances and innuendos out the ass, I thought it was supposed to be more akin to LoTR, not Mr. Pickles.
The main story.
Combat could've been better.
Potion system could've been better.
The 'witcher sense'.
Rolling for casuls
once you've played without the minimap enough, you get perceptive enough to not get lost, but it's a bitch for the first few hours.
The combat isn't just better than total dogshit, it's legitimately good. Skyrim's combat is what I would describe as "slightly better than total dogshit" and even it's tolerable if you use archery most of the time.
Fighting all the enemies was fun as fuck and I found myself genuinely looking forward to the next new monster I could find to face. One thing W3 does that a lot of people didn't appreciate is it makes fighting big monsterous creatures a lot of fun, and it even made fights with flying creatures fun and interesting.
Of course it's not perfect but no game's combat is perfect. Hell, dark souls 3 which is supposed to have some of the best combat in any game ever gets pretty easy once you realize all you have to do is time/space your attacks so that you hit the enemy before he hits you and then stunlock r1 spam him to death.
How do you implement witchers superior detective abilities without it being an issue?
You essentially want that entire aspect of the game cut.
>Find a flaw in The Witcher 3.
is there gay romance? And I don't mean the LESBEANS TEEHEE bullshit