>regenerating health
>lock-on camera
>quest markers
>hyperrealistic monster designs
Was this made by Ubisoft?
Monster Hunter World of west-pandering
Nope. By itsuno
None of those are in the game
Assmad nintendodrone B T F O
I'll still buy it, but I hope it's not too drastically changed. I have faith in them, even if it is misplaced.
>it's not 240p so it's hyperrealistic
Welcome to high definition drone.
I didn't see any
>regenerating health
Didn't see any
>lock-on camera
Nope, Not shown
>quest markers
Also not present.
>hyperrealistic monster designs
I would say Semi-realistic monster designs. Rath still looks the same. Royal Ludroth looks slightly different. I couldn't figure out what the first monster was.
>Was this made by Ubisoft?
Were you born blind, deaf, and retarded?
>Royal Ludroth looks slightly different
Wasn't that a new Iguana monster?
Everyone has a PC able yo play this game you know.
Maybe. Looked like a feathered Ludroth to me though.
You're right about everything but the quest markers. The glowing firefly stuff was both the thing to show objects you can interact with and a trail that leads to the quest. Watch the trailer again. The fireflies appear from out of the player character and move forward in a path. They eventually lead right to the monster.
>>regenerating health
Haven't seen either of those from the trailer they've shown. Did you pull this from your arse? There wasn't even a fucking health bar shown.
>lock-on camera
There wasn't any lock on shown.
Tho it's nothing new, there was always lock on in the older monster hunters.... lance users used to lock onto head of rathalos and poke it until it's dead.
> >hyperrealistic monster designs
More like they finally moved away from shitty ps2 graphics.
> Was this made by Ubisoft?
Was your post made by Ubisoft?
This is how I know you don't play MH because it has had QTE events, quest markers, and a damn lock-on camera. This is how I know you're shitposting.
this. why are nintenbros so mad that everyone gets to play monster hunter now.
You mean this that some other user posted? Also Ludroth has sponges man.
It looks like he switched out berries and shit to switch out what the bugs looked for since most of the gathering spots aren't blatantly obvious in that video without the bugs highlighting it.
It looked like the bug searched for mats in the area and turn red and return when monster are around.
>why are nintenbros so mad that everyone gets to play monster hunter now.
Because now they can't gloat and shitpost anymore with monster hunter. It's always been just shitposting ammunition for them.
>It's actually swallowing it up
That's pretty scary.
Because deep down they know it's better than XX and will probably be better than 5
Besides the hair and the huge stomach. It is entirely reminiscent of R.ludroth. I expect to to puke water balls and roll over.
Yeah.... none of that is in the game like eh said. They already confirmed potions are in and stuff like that.
holy fucking shit people like you are the worst
every single thing listed in the OP is a bare faced lie except for the realistic monster designs (which is good)
god no wonder Nintendo fans are so fucking hated - they do nothing but lie and shitpost
It'll be nice to see if Capcom can bring back concepts from the first game and Dos that they couldn't do because of PS2 limitations. All the design document shit for the first two games are Dragon's Dogma tier of cut concepts and content.
It looks like some kind of usable item to direct you to stuff
They look like they're coming from the player's lantern
it looks nothing like the R.Ludroth, it's probably the alpha of the four legged "jaggi" like monsters we saw when the hunter use the flash bomb.
>It's always been just shitposting ammunition for them.
What do yo think it is for everyone else? Most people here have never played MH like this fag
lmaoing @ nintenbros who can't stomach monster hunter being on a different platform
I don't think it's like Royal Ludroth at all, and I hope I'm not wrong about it either.
It's obviously the alpha of the other ones in the trailer, or simply those same monsters if they're like baby sharks in the Ice area.
>Makes thread
>Lies about everything
Neck yourself.
>still no health bars
Like fuck I'm going to buy into this shit
Since it seems like the Monsters have way more expression, I can't imagine what they'd do with the Tetsucabra or a Glavenus in those graphics.
>mfw we get 2 different kinds of monster hunter
>people are mad because their mommies can only afford to buy them one console
Nope, the team behind Monster Hunter 1, 2, Tri and 4 are behind World.
Ironically, XX is the outsourced Monster Hunter spin off and that's the version Switchfags are getting
> so join me, producer Ryozo Tsujimoto and directors Kaname Fujioka and Yuya Tokuda for a live chat about this new project straight from E3
I'm quite happy with this new announcement, and am fairly hopeful. However I won't be the least bit happy if it requires PS+ for online play or if Paid DLC replaces the current system.
I'm going to get it on PS4 day one and then pick up the superior version on PC so I don't have to worry about paying to play online like
I'll even get Monster Hunter 5 for Switch but I'm just lmaoing at Nintendofags who said this wouldn't happen.
>switch gets the shitty outsourced port
>consoles get main line next gen hyped expierence
holy shit my sides and after Nintendo puts them front and center in advertising and special editions. THEY DO IT FOR FREE
Double Cross is right, they got cucked so god damn hard
How did Nintendo let this slip past them?
>PS4, Xbox One and PC get a Monster Hunter game made by the same team as MH1/MH2/MH3/MH4
>Switch gets an outsourced Monster Hunter 3DS port from 2015
What the fuck went wrong? I unironically bought a Switch for a new Monster Hunter
why is this game so dope
Command prompts aren't QTEs you fucking nigger.
me on the right
Thats a scent thing used to track monsters, you find where it jacked off and use its cum to make a bait potion or whatever and the fireflys follow thr scent.
Where are the palicoes?
Early footage my man. We ain't even got a hud on this bitch. expect them later.
Game ain't out until next year.
>more westernized version to cater to the western audience
>won't sell that much in the west
Also, why are you Nintenbros upset? You're telling me you don't own a PC to play this shit? You should be happy, can play XX and Worlds. Or are all these people just false flagging?
it is clearly a reskinned Zamtrios
just shows how many of you haven't played any of the games
I just wanted the fucking Dragons Dogma 2 or Deep Down. Guess i'll have to settle for this now.
I was about to connect the two monsters. but I forgot Zamtrios name so I just dropped the idea.
But yeah. It's like some sort of mix of the two.
so do you monster hunter niggas just replay the same game with the same monsters over and over again?
pretty sad desu
i do see how one could be confused, the face looks a bit like ludroths but the body is zamtrios
but ludroth had a thinner body and sponges around its neck area and wouldnt be able to eat something that big.
Presumably because it's a spinoff, much like MHXX.
I honestly though it was just a redesign. No confusion here.
at least it isnt mario brothers
Their taste in bargain-bin hardware is legitimately starting to backfire on them.
Now even Capcom doesn't want to partner up with them anymore, in fear of their IPs becoming "outdated."
We get new monsters and all the monster related goodies that come with them. Sometimes it's drastically changed like 3's monsters, and sometimes it's rehashes.
The base games always solid and always has at least 80-100 hours of content, but it gets old after a while.You take the bad with the good, I suppose.
Spin off or not, it's made by the same team as MH1/MH2/MH3/MH4
i.e, the only good Monster Hunter games
Guess I'm just coming from a dark souls perspective, even though there is some rehashing most of the bosses aren't completely obvious ripoffs and are original designs.
If I had to fight the same niggas each dark souls game I'd get bored as shit.
For monster hunter fans its the same monster over and over again but this time his move set changed a little. You have a new weapon type and or new mechanics have been introduced.
still sounds pretty boring t b h
Seems more like something that you'd get from a NG+ or DLC than a full sequel
Each new monster comes with weapons, armour and sometimes music. They get new attacks as well.
>even though there is some rehashing most of the bosses aren't completely obvious ripoffs and are original designs.
You know how DS has a few body types they re use? And how you can always tell that the two similar enemies are using the same body type? Like you see an attack and immediately think "Oh it's that swing again", yeah? It's like that.
but if you do NG+ on dark souls games you are killing the same enemy's over and over
I'm maintaining a pastebin with all the information we know so far, with sources.
Do you guys think they're gonna stay with male armor = Gundam fem armor = slut aesthetic of the old MH or they gonna revamp the whole armor into generic western armor
they sprinkle in new areas' New monsters and little new things to keep it semi fresh.
It's great that this is a whole new game.
In Generation they added different play styles that changed up controls and attack for each weapon.
This one has a grappling hook. this bug thing and no load screens. also the ghillie suit. New fags to the franchise don't realize that stealth was a early concept of the old PS2 games..
You people realize that besides the actual gameplay (which I'm ambivalent at best since so little was actually shown), one of the biggest draws of MH is the bang for buck you get from it right? Each title is easily over 100 hours worth of a gameplay, and if Worlds only has say 20 large monsters and no G rank it'll be dead within a month. Capcom is an expert on laziness, I highly doubt they'll take the time to port all the content from the mainline series into Worlds.
DS2 changes up the NG+ and adds some new enemies
This. Please be in, I'm not expecting to be able to play as a Prowler since it's coming to PS4, but I need my adorable felyne pals with me. Can someone post the >tfwnomhonthevita.gif
fuck off with your rational explanation
sony always wins baby
The trailer doesn't even have a fucking Hud.
Expect Palicoes.
>All weapons confirmed
Oh thank god I was concerned they were going to pull a Tri on us and have cut out a bunch of shit including muh Gunlance.
I'll probably give World a shot because why not and also because PC and it's not Frontier.
>pic relate is nintenbros right now
joking and your pessimism aside, this is the moment we've been waiting for. Even if it turns out to be gutted and stripped down, I and other anons feel compelled to buy t and support it to ensure MH stays on consoles.
will you beable to use the right analog for attacks like original monster hunter?
looking forward to an answer in the future
It's not about laziness. They can't go all in with proting everything since it would take way too much time and way too much money to justify the meagre sales.
This is like the PS2 days of MH all over again. It's going to be a smaller amount of content but at a great level of graphics that is slowly built upon over successive games. I think they'll have a good chunk of monsters for sure, but expecting everything day one is silly. MH1 never had G rank if I am recalling correctly and it lived on fine for many years.
Granted standards have changed quite a bit over time.
I'm more excited if its a failure, Imagine the shit posts. jesus christ on a cum laden cross.
that wont fly this gen user, if they released it like that say goodbye to everything
gone are the days were it will get better in the sequel is acceptable
That seems like a pretty nice mechanic. Pick up the trail on your own, but streamline the actual following so you're not constantly stopping to check for prints.
This won't work out. Gameplay aside, content will make or break Worlds. If there's enough content to keep Nips (who will continue to be the main audience) interested, than there's a chance that console and PC releases will continue to happen. If not, then they'll just go back to XX or 4U.
I dunno about you guys but at this point I'll take anything Monster Hunter. Well, maybe not stories, no offense.
>>regenerating health
>>lock-on camera
Where are these features confirmed?
Is there going to be a full on village with a guild hall for multiplayer? I remember reading something about drop-in/drop-out using the flare in the trailer and it's getting me a bit worried
This is going to be GOTY 2018. In a way it's nice to see the indie game reign has come to an end after the last three GOTYs have been indie. Is Capcom here to save triple A gaming?
I have a sinking feeling its a souls like progression where you have to ng+
Goddamn monster fuckers.
god you people are really stupid if you think this game is pandering to the west
of course I'm talking to the same idiots who said these exact same things about BoTW
I sincerely hope this isn't the case. The rest of the game looks solid, but the villages were such a big part of the Monhun charm and dropping them would hurt the overall experience severely
botw did pander to the west, its just that the core mechanics/physics are tight, that you can do unintended crazy shit and they will still work
it sounds dumb, but my knee-jerk reaction to this trailer was that World was a prequel, showing hunters hunting without the guild. The drop in/out co-op justifies that somewhat, although for lore you could swing it either way
>forward moving timeline: advancement in transportation and technology make it so the guild allows deployment of hunters to help other hunters
>prequel timeline: before the guild was as big as it is today, before hunting halls and quest boards, hunters simply enlisted the aid of anyone who happened to be near
They did say that World is supposed to be set on a new continent as a research expedition, so I could see it being kind of justified, but I'd like to see a hub area on a ship or something at least
>Nintenbro this mad monster hunter is no longer a 240p handle held meme.