Chloe has a new voice
>The news comes via Burch herself, who revealed via a tweet that the reason for her absence (which many fans picked up on via the announcement trailer) is due to the ongoing SAG-AFTRA voice-actor strike
>As you may know, the SAG-AFTRA strike reared its head last year as the voice-actors with the union demanded a variety of things. The strike has been in full-effect since (roughly) October, as the union and major publishers have yet to give up any ground to each other. There is currently no word on whether Life is Strange 2 will be affected in a similar way.
>Hey y’all, to the fans asking – I wasn’t able to reprise my role as Chloe in Life is Strange: Before the Storm due to the SAG-AFTRA strike
>Chloe means a lot to me. Grateful for the opportunity to consult on her character
>tfw Ashly is now losing roles in the industry due to the strike
>yfw ur not Ashley Burch

Other urls found in this thread:

Where is this womans afro?

this shouldn't stop any life is strange fans because max had a horrible voice actress

just accept it's a protagonist curse

>Why don't I get paid enough money for literally the easiest job in the world :^(
Is it possible to go on a strike without looking like a complete bitch?

It's the union's fault, not hers

>due to the SAG-AFTRA strike
Clue me into how this affected the original VA

>muh strike fuck the fans
That's pretty fucking lame desu

Why does a Life is Strange prequel even need to exist?

She didn't decide to go on strike

Did you just assume zi're gender?


excuse me sweetie?

Try playing it, you might expand your narrow viewpoint that way.

She is a member of SAG-AFTRA. They are on strike because the vidya industry treats voice actors like shit, you'll show up for a role, they'll keep you for unreasonable hours (which is a problem, because voice actors work on volume, so they need to do lots of work to make any decent money, but vidya companies will just give no shits about your schedule or how long you're booked for), make you do stunts or hurt your throat doing screams and shit (you know, where their livelihood comes from - see also what happened to David Hayter), and if you do mocap, you're expected to do stunts, which they might not be trained for, also you probably don't even know what your role is 90% of the time and they don't even tell you after it's announced, and if you question any of this, they sack you.

So, they're on strike. If the non-shitty Burch sibling crossed the picket line to do Chloe, she'd be kicked out of the union, which means if they get anything out of the strike, she wouldn't be eligible, and union places wouldn't hire her, and it would cause drama if she kept trying to work.

Clearly she is losing roles.
Just drop out of the union

Good news. Ashly Burch sucks and this is further evidence that publishers won't give in to these entitled shitbags and will just hire replacements instead. I can't wait for them to come crawling back and be told to fuck off.

back to tumblr.

Because Anthony Burch must always remind people why they're glad they're not him.

Nice fucking SAG-AFTRA propaganda, shill. Literally all they care about is more money. They want residuals because they think that they're THAT important and people buy games to hear them perform, when in reality nobody has ever in the history of the world bought a game because a specific voice actor was in it (in before lying contrarians).

Nolan North isn't part of the strike and blew them the fuck out at the Game Awards last year.

This strike doesn't seem to be working for them. Games still are getting made, the media doesn't care, and the fans are oblivious.

Where is their leverage supposed to come from?

literally quit the game when i realized it was about having to deal with this dyke

If Horizon didnt convince you that Ashley Burke is a hack fraud your taste is beyond saving

>when in reality nobody has ever in the history of the world bought a game because a specific voice actor was in it
The weird thing is that people revere actors (and voice actors) for all sorts of works like film and such. They only use celebrity voice actors to sell movies, instead of dedicated voice actors.

Video game voice actors are pretty much the only people who show up to panels. Nobody remembers the writers, the guys who do the art assets, the music, or anything, but you go to a place like PAX, guess what, it's the fucking voice actors up there giving presentations along side the chief directors.

Second spot down from the director (in video games) in terms of importance is the voice actors. It's kinda fucking disgusting how it is nowadays.

Even a game like Nier, beyond Yoko Taro who was the next most important people? The voice actors. It's fucking weird.

Why are actors and writers perpetually on strike?

They have none.
The majority of fans of video games do not fucking care about them.

>They want residuals because they think that they're THAT important and people buy games to hear them perform
They should wise up and do appearances and other shit on the side like Japanese VA do.
They're practically idols there.

If you're not that important people won't care.
Free market

Chloe was voiced by Ashley Burch? I didn't realise

The strike will never end. Nobody is going to pay voice actors a percentage of total sales.

>Second spot down from the director (in video games) in terms of importance is the voice actors.

Nah, they're just easy PR
They aren't actually important as this strike clearly shows

Horizon wasn't on Burch. That was entirely on the people who wrote her fucking lines along with the lines of every other character in the game that wasn't in the audio/holo tapes.

Shit story, shit characters, amazing background. You can hardly blame Lance Reddick for a bad performance when they made his character retarded and gave him the dumbest fucking things to say.

Why did Twin Peaks need 2 movies and a revival series to wrap up the franchise?

the answer is more money

Unions are a double bladed sword. If you are in one, you expect better everything. If you are not in one, you have no rights.

>Implying Nolan North isn't SAG-AFTRA
>Implying he wasn't defending them here
>Implying normies don't flock to cons for their favorite voice actors

Who is it?

>tfw no Pastor Anderson for Life is Strange where you go around BTFO dykes and sodomites

Have you ever bought a game based on a voice actor being in it? Has anyone?

You get to kill her a fair bit, though. Twice permanently

I think the vast majority of video game sales are sold by:
- brand recognition
- the publisher/developer brand

That's it. Most people won't go any further than that. It's Fallout, people will buy it; nobody cares which studio makes it. It's Blizzard, people will buy it; nobody cares what the actual property is. It's Nintendo, people will buy it; nobody cares about anything else because you could put your child in front of a worse babysitting machine like an XBox.

>They should wise up and do appearances and other shit on the side like Japanese VA do.
>They're practically idols there.

Most VAs spend half their time at cons and panels actually.

They can't quite compete with Japanese idol fame though, or all their side shit since westerners don't eat up rip off...I mean side stuff like audio dramas and clip show rereleases like the Japanese do. Although that itself runs on a system where you get more pay depending on how many years you've worked so most VAs have about a decade of making jack before finally being able to earn a decent living.

Plus you're a slave to your talent agency in Japan and basically can't appear anywhere on camera without them getting a cut and the proper dick sucking, where as western VAs can go and do whatever they want.

Dude, no. Having recognition doesn't make you the second most important part of production.
Has your brain been infected with the celebrity bug? You can't tell the difference between having a high profile, and the value of one's contribution?

>>Chloe means a lot to me. Grateful for the opportunity to consult on her character
>>tfw Ashly is now losing roles in the industry due to the strike
>>yfw ur not Ashley Burch

Greedy cunts want residuals and think that people buy their games for their voices

>I’m going to go out on a limb. I want to thank a group of people at Naughty Dog. It’s them as a whole. I’m hearing a lot of talk lately about how performance matters. And it does. The performance of every designer, every programmer, every artist, every hard-working talented person at that office... that performance is so important... their performance matters more than mine. That’s important to understand in this day and age with all the talk going back and forth. Because without their performance, my performance would not only not matter - it wouldn’t exist.

Yeah, rousing support there. NeoFAG were raging at him for those comments at the time, but he's right and has said multiple times that developers should be first in line for better working conditions and a pay rise before voice actors. He talked about it on the Giant Bombcast before the strike even happened.

>Second spot down from the director (in video games) in terms of importance is the voice actors
No. What about the programmers, the designers for levels, AI, characters, and animations, the guy who actually comes up with an implements mechanics, etc?
If this is bait, this is pretty good, but I think you're vastly overestimating the importance of VOs on a game.

Holy shit, is Nolan North actually, unironically, /ourguy/?

>join Communist structure
>surprised when it fucks you
Like watching a mouse walk into a mouse trap

suddenly I like chloe now

why are we arguing against better compensation and career stability for voice actors

neet jealousy?

I'm not personally overestimating the value of voice actors in video games. I'm just saying that's where OTHER people put them.

I'm treating things like movies. Look at animated films - the only fucking reason why the shit ones sell is because of celebrity voice acting; and I don't mean it's people putting in a solid effort like Robin Williams. I mean it's people like Beyonce doing voice acting because it's her name selling shit.

I feel like voice actors in video games want that level of recognition. They want to be that selling point and this is ultimately what they're pushing for. They are pushing to be more important than the animators, the writers, the musicians, all that. They want to be Beyonce and this is how they're doing it, but asking for more of the cake FIRST before the animators and writers get wise. They want to grab more of the cake such that when the animators and writers realize they've been missing out too, there's no way the corporation will allow them to unionize to ask for a cut too.

>shit company hires a scab
>this is the fault of the worker, not the shit company

There's only one twin peaks movie and then some deleted scenes.

>where as western VAs can go and do whatever they want

Not quite anything. There's quite a number of rules they have to obey while a member of the union and certain things, e.g. joining non-union projects, are a big fucking no no that will get you fined by the union, maybe even thrown out. If you're blacklisted by the union your job opportunities are seriously diminished, you may as well find something else to do with your life.

He understands the videogame buisness better than most of the people who actually run the damn thing.

What people?
Here's the thing: The only game that has ever been successfully sold on celebrity endorsement was Beyond: Two Souls, which itself wasn't exactly a smash hit. And to be frank, I agree with you that this is the kind of recognition that they WANT, but It is under no circumstance what they deserve. Especially considering how brutal the development side can be.

Oh I see your point. They really shouldn't think so highly of themselves.

>Worker refuses to work
>Hire someone else because they have a product to make
>They owe the worker who refuses to take the job nothing

Fuck off

>dropping a solid role in your career solely for the possibility of maybe having a bigger paycheck
wowzers, that's hella dumb.
i bet she's going to be kicking herself over this for a while :P KEK====

>workers form organization to ensure they aren't mistreated
>company wishes to mistreat its employees, as do all companies
>how dare the workers not let themselves be mistreated!

teenage stormfag learns what a union is, today on Sup Forums

>company wishes to mistreat its employees, as do all companies
Hello communist

Unions exist to drain money from it's members to "ensure their rights"

their problem is the sheer gall of them to think they deserve residuals automatically in a field that basically revolves around individual talent.

residuals for voice acting is something only very few voice actors, especially video game ones have the actual character roles to justify it (Nolan North is one, and Oh look he thinks the game devs deserve it before him)

they think they are hot shit but we all know, the 'second they overprice them self to old busted celebrity price range, every single AAA dev will abandon them to hire more old 'real' actors/

Unions and guilds are literal mafias.

Job wise yes, but they can do anything they want for personal apperances so long as there's no business conflict of interest. They want to go to a con, they do, they want to do a website AMA they can, they want to do a youtube video they can.

In Japan your Talent Agency is first and foremost. Which is why if a Japan VA makes a con apperance it's always "(Insert VA here) presented by (Insert Japanese talent agency here)" all over the panel, they have to give the proper lipservice to their agency, and they usually have an agency babysitter to make sure they don't do something it disapproves of.

And they can't make ANY tv apperance if the Agency isn't paid their cut. Kana Ueda played in a Gundam Vs tournament once and they had to censore her name and not show her in footage at all in the stream because she was just there to play for fun and it wasn't an agency approved appearance.

English VAs aren't chained to their agents. They give them their cut for roles only and otherwise ignore them.

>you might hella expand your narrow viewpoint that way

You do know you don't really get a choice about joining the union, right? And unions don't exactly allow their member to do what they wish, that kind of undermines the collective bargaining tool.

Japan isn't the west. Japanese are so autistic that they generally dislike the idea of replacing a VA for any reason. If a characters VA dies they'd rather just shelf the character forever than find a new VA

M a f i a

>>company wishes to mistreat its employees, as do all companies

a lot of loyalty for a hired VA

or perhaps she's wondering why would anyone voice a character before getting a raise

The issue with such organization is it operates like a mafia and tries to dictate your life. It's like living under their own version of shariah. They then try to intentionally harm you for not following their demands.

Unions should be banned.


what did they mean by this?

Where is YOUR easiest voice acting job in the world user?

she's not going to burn a bridge for an easy role that gets her tons of hipster cred and resume padding (voicing a specific popular character is better than a lot of who voices unless you have Blum/Welker ranges)

shitty character it may be it's also a role that got a bunch of people to know about her so im sure she's got sum sentimentality to it.

Are you dumb?

That having an organization dictate your life, with no option to say no on your end, is tyranny.

Unions also have the potential to destroy a city.


the problem is you both need and don't want them. if you don't have them then the workers just get exploited because of how businesses cut corners, but once you do have them they become obsessed with justifying their own existence and holding their power more than actual 'improvement.'

they just in this case need to realize they aren't more important than the devs to fans,and the fans would discard the va's if it meant devs got better money, not the other way around.

At least you can talk, who are you?

Fug, remember when the TV show writer show killed a load of TV series?
This could mean the end of vidya as we know it.

Seriously though, how can I get my Chloe feels when it isn't even Chloe..

So I have either a corporation control my life or the unions?

I'd honestly rather take the corporation. At least I can walk away from them and go to another job. A union literally controls where and how I may work and apply my learned skills.

Imagine if you belonged to a math union that fined you every time you did an equation they didn't approve of?

Ah fuck really? I thought she did really well in LiS and added a lot to the character. I don't know much about her or her brother but I really liked her in this. Hope the new person doesn't blow it.

guessing the trade off is the lower repped members don't get gimped

It's not even made by DontNod. They are instead working on the actual sequel.

I kinda miss the days of him being in literally every game of note in any role from leading man to Enemy Goon #3.

>This could mean the end of vidya as we know it.

Until my great grandfather joined the autoworkers union in the 40s they'd fire him every year then rehire him a week later, just so they could say it was always his first year and they'd never have to give him a raise, leaving him with peanuts and not enough to live on.

ALL the places inthe area did this, until the unions put a stop to it.

That's what unions are for.

Although in this day and age with mass media, and the internet it's possible they'd not be able to get away with blantantly abusing workers like that with no repercussions.

they'd sign non competitions agreements and black list you if you tried to rock the boat. much easier to agree to let everyone control specific sectors.

see while 'now' the union seems the worst because especially in this case its shitters thinking they deserve perpetual money on top of their other more reasonable demands.

if your marketable skill is only in a specific field that leaves your options be blacklisted if you don't kowtow to the corporation, or learn entirely 'new' skills and change fields while your increasing age makes you less and less desirable a hire.

Same exact unions also choked the life out of Detroit my dude

>it's possible they'd not be able to get away with blantantly abusing workers like that with no repercussions.

Yeah, now they'd need to dress it up a little, maybe donate to Flint, Michigan or a """""""liberal""""""" campaign fund. Don't kid yourself - unions are still necessary. The worker has no leverage without them.

>unions killed detroit
>not outsourcing and competition from abroad

>Until the unions stopped it
Meanwhile a VA in a union can literally be forced at a moments notice to quit their jobs and arrangements and leave their families pennyless. If they dare to disobey their career is ended and they are hounded and possibly physically harmed.
And that is why they are mafias and should be banned federally as criminal organizations.

No ones forced to work commie faggot. If they're being mistreated they should quit and find work at another company in the industry or find another profession all together.
Consider suicide.

>not outsourcing and competition from abroad

I wonder who made that a better option...
Couldn't have been the fucking greedy Auto workers unions

So instead of a corporation you are free to leave mistreating you, an organization you have no option on joining and cannot ever leave gets to mistreat you? Unions are some Camarilla shit.

This. You wish you didn't need them because they turn into corrupt shitshows but without them the other side pulls equally corrupt shit

I think this stuff just needs to be forced to be more public so people can see when it's just pure greed on either end.

It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is our plan. Nobody cared who I was until I put on the strike.

the strike is entirely the VA union thinking they can bully themselves more power and get shitty residuals so they can 'control' the game devs more.

the other side agreed to every demand but the residuals, and wont give them entitlement residuals.

>No ones forced to work commie faggot

You're right, you could just be homeless and die on the streets, silly me!

> If they're being mistreated they should quit and find work at another company in the industry

Who, surely, must be treating their employees better because businesses are never run solely with profit margins in mind.

>find another profession all together.
Right, just put your life on pause, all living expenses and everything, to go learn another trade and be less marketable because you have less experience.

>I wonder who made that a better option...
Wealth inequality made that a better option. No matter what the unions did, it was never going to be cheaper to pay an American worker when you can get an Indonesian to work for pennies a week.

See above for how "free" one is to leave his palce of work

If a worker wants to change how a union is run, he can simply change it from within. They're frequently democratic organizations.

>It's not even made by DontNod
I'm not expecting much desu. I'll still probably play it but it'll most likely be shit if the original devs aren't working on it and they couldn't even get the original VA.

It could have been the corporations who when they found out they couldn't abuse union workers to cut costs they went to find workers without unions in Buttfuck Nowhere so they could abuse THEM to save costs.

>it'll most likely be shit if the original devs aren't working on it and they couldn't even get the original VA
ashly burch is one of the writers for the game. not that that makes it any less shit, it's quite a point of concern, but fwiw she's still involved in it.

>this cancer got a sequel