Anyone else here about to quit Vidya permenantly?

They're censoring the swastika in a WW 2 COD game just to give a sense of how deep they keep placing their political bullshit in every major release, all of the communities are filled with garbage people, costs more and more by proportion every year to continue this shit...

Is there any reason to keep playing video games in 2017?

No you should quit and move on.

No, bye.

>hey should we make two different trailers for the countries that don't allow the swastika imagery?
>nah just make one international trailer, only autistic retards will pick up on it.

yup its all over

no more games will be made after this very important thread dies OP because you know you're so important to the gaming industry

Games are afro now. We games

Quit vidya permanently? Fuck no, that's retarded.

Quit post-2016 AAA titles? Most likely yeah.

Not even ideologically motivated, I'm just sick of all these games being vapid and broken nonsense, E3 footage being lies, everything getting downgraded, and every game making some weird political statement involving African people.

I'm not gonna stop playing Half-Life, but I'm not touching We Wuz Origins or State of Decay 2, the first being political pandering and the second being shoddy and broken.

just play what you like, no one is going to buy this shit anyways

why whiteys so bothered their media has non whites in them?

> a couple black characters is enough to literally stop an autist from playing games.

The only ones injecting politics into this shot are you fags, thin skinned paste eaters.

>All of this butthurt
>Lol faggot if you don't like ultra shit libery in all of your favorite franchises then get out

Remember that bit about cancerous communities or can none of you even read?

Playing as sub-humans breaks immersion.

why are black people not more offended that their representation in games has been boiled down to "jive talkin' sassy disco lady with an afro"

Chick on the right is well fit bruv.

nono, let him. it's funny.

Funny thing is that all the SJW faggot trash is financially declining. Much like Hillary Clinton, they can't keep this shit up forever and lose money each time.

yeah im butthurt because i still enjoy my playing games while instead you're bitching on a image board

sound logic there matey

>companies develop stuff independently
>come up with the same shit

We can't let them win. Just imagine we're fighting the actual Nazis, the AshkeNAZIS

White people are scared because they're becoming more irrelevant, and they're being destroyed from the inside out.

Please, enough with the fake outrage. If this was a liberal complaining about the sassy disco lady, you'd be bitching about how it's a respectful throwback to 70s exploitation and thus more authentic than anything a black person can think about.

We've had this song and dance for the last 6 years now. Can we move on?

No, just play indie games and Jap titles. Triple A titles get worse every year.

>"butthurt" the post
>complaining about butthurt

Don't quit then

well wolfenstein, which has one of these afro ladies, is also CHOCK full of swastikas and nazi evil shit. so hey.

It's not just the muh based black women and the constant racial pandering that bothers me it's just the blatant shoehorning of politics into video games and literally every medium of entertainment that can't be escaped.

The only thing I'm remotely interested in buying anymore are games with no story to them at all or just downloading mods.

Played Unkown's Battlegrounds is it and in probably going to quit that as well. It's too expensive, the people are shit, the content is shit, etc. Video games used to be about having fun now they are all about politics.

Antifa and progressive liberalism are becoming worse than actual fascism.

Why does diversity always mean BLACK? There are plenty of races in the world. If you don't want white protagonists, why is black the only alternative?

The Record has been Corrected. I'm definitely going to watch blacked cuck porn and vote for Hillary in 2016 XD

honestly afro #4 is a cute

They're more authoritarian than the centrist they've labeled as Nazis, like Milo

yeah there's a shit ton of politics in PUBG

you're actually retarded

Diversity is a code word for white genocide.

Not even lying. In some governmental codes in Europe diversity means displacement of whites in favor of minorities as minorities vote for the current parties the most according to statistics.

Hey, I like cute afro women with afro haircuts, the more the merrier.

Blacks are useful idiots to communist. Divide white and black while they rape the country

Just pirate them.

unfortunately none of them are cute

Yeah but it's not about being some random bad ass soldier like in the latest DOOM installment, now it has to have political undertones in it just because the storyline had generic evil group to shoot x. That's so gay


Who gives a shit I just want a game that's fun.

Christ you fags are autistic. If your focus on video games is a checklist of identity politics instead of the actual gameplay, then you're the cancer killing the industry, not some tumblr or Sup Forums autists.

God I wish I could just turn back the clock to when no one gave a fuck about what 'identity' the characters were in video games and people bitched, discussed, debated, and ranted about the shit that actually matters: The content of the game.

How the fuck do you faggots even live your day to day life when you're constantly triggered?

I'm basically only playing Japanese games aimed at otaku now.

Slowly learning Japanese, soon I will be free of the grip of the west and will be able to play loli fucking simulators to my heart's content.

Only western game I want is Bannerlord.

With inflation reaching critical mass and game companies desperately pulling off every possible cash grabbing shenanigans, now is the good time to bail out. Creative originality for all media's drying up too.

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the Second Video Game Crash hits by the year 2020.

Do you also like when they kill white bois, white boi?



Wolfenstein's black lady was really cool imo. The one in A Way Out fits for the time period, dunno what the other 2 games are.

Stop being triggered by black ladies. It's not like they are rewriting a white male character into a black female one just for the sake of diversity. If they made Kratos or Gordon Freeman or Solid Snake a black female, you'd have a right to be a little bit triggered, but otherwise stfu!!

Go play Far Cry 5 if you just wanna kill all black people, you pol tard fucks.

Because, and this may be a total surprise to you:
We literally don't give a shit about any of this.

it was just time when nigger lovers and faggots dominate western entertainment.

Begin to tolerate nigger MCs and bisexual/homosexual/pansexual/polisexual/asexual MCs. This is the world you created by allowing it, user.

Or just find another hobby that isn't tainted by this filth. I bet in 10 years all this progressive propaganda will fade and they will find something else to cling and suck.

>Fags like this will never be serious and Sup Forums will be here forever

I sold my ps4 and I just play ps1/snes games on my raspberry pi now. The older games are more fun anyway. You aren't harassed by cut scenes and retarded tutorials non stop.

When did the afro become the 'Diversity' haircut?
Fuck me, I was under the impression an afro is caricature-of-black-people levels of ridiculous character design

please tell that to developers then so I can stop seeing ugly black women in games

Faggot I never said pubg was political you absolute moron, I was implying that it's the last game I play anymore because it isn't political.

Lrn2 read

It looks like there will be some Inglorious Bastards-esqe interactive sequences, like the train in TNO and the wine scene in TOB, with the milkshake shop scene and the fat lady with the axe scene

truly the worst timeline

Get used to it nigger loving cuck.

But they aren't cute. Good looking women set unrealistic standards for the rest and hence their inclusion is sexist.

>I just want a game that's fun.
Most of the games that pushing the stronk afro-nigress meme are big developers like like EA and Ubisoft. In other words, they're probably going to be the same rehashed shit with brain-dead gameplay regardless of the MC.

No. This is your problem and not mine. You deal with it.


>reddit spacing


Endless amounts of l*ddit who support the blatant pandering echo chamber that is the video game industry

Goddamnit. The delusion is just getting out of hand.

they only listen to you people

These games are made by the literal most white people in existence who grew up in hipster San Fransisco and use token naggers to compensate for their lack of imagination

you fail to grasp the concept of "it's your problem not mine"

good riddance. the community is filled with people who love one another, true progress is taking place. we don't want you.

it's your fault, you fix it

I remember there was a guy in a recently-deleted thread arguing that all the black women in the OP image would fight for the nazis. So would you Sup Forums guys say the problem isn't niggers, but just antifa niggers, and all blacks have to do is swear allegiance to the Axis and they'll be cool?

Did Rami go too far?

nah man you don't get it, black people in video games is the end of white people

this is genocide

No, there isn't. Now please get a different hobby and leave Sup Forums forever.

I pretty much quit a long time ago. I buy maybe one game every 6 months now. Games are made for faggots now

>having a problem with a QT black girl with a beutiful afro

Thats gay as fuck man

this. theres no room for these fucking bigots anymoeer and literally NOWHERE wants them. they're pretty much stranded with nowhere to turn lol.

must suck but whatever, y reap what you sow. if you choose to dispute the new mutliethnic games then you have what you got coming to you. no room for Western civilization aynmore.

What part of "not my problem" is so difficult to understand?

Just play old games

Anything pre 2007 ish is free of this Jewish horeshit

Because it makes total sense that they would fight for the people that enslaved them and made them second class citizens

In other words it no longer just a grinding shoot em up , it's literally just a franchise revived to insert more politics into video games.