This is all Nintendo needs to announce

This is all Nintendo needs to announce.

neck yourself

DaS 2 (the best souls games) on Switch!?!

Hell yes nigger

But I've already played all those fucking games.

now u can play them while having sky-diving sex with your girlfriend

>dark souls
How can Sony even compete

By already having those games ages ago

cant wait to replay them on the switch in 720p 20fps

>there are people in 2017 over the age of 20 who only game on nintendo consoles
jesus fucking christ

>the joke

Id buy them again

DS on the go? fuck yah

>DS2 was the only one rated T
what the fuck? I didn't know this

>All Nintendo needs to announce are Sony games

Feels good to be on top.

For what purpose?

Will never happen because the people who made Dark Souls think that only casual babbies play on Nintendo systems.


>annoucing a released game collection with some added amiibo/Nintendo costume bonuses

No, nobody will give a fuck.

I would.

>DS on the go
>get interrupted from your game
>get invaded and raped 10 times before you can play again

>implying switch players' mommies will let them play these violent no-no games

Can you fags please stop pretending that this entire fucking brand isn't targeted towards 8 year olds?

>implying I ever played online

I agree. Ds2 best gameplay, best waifu, best souls

>Dark Souls
>On switch
I wonder how horrible that would run.
I'd still invade non-stop if it would be on switch though.

Switch can't handle those games.

'From Software has confirmed their support for Nintendo’s new hybrid console and according to sources from that article, From Software has Dark Souls 3 running on the Switch with an acceptable performance'

>Acceptable performance
Well, they figured the way bloodborne ran on PS4 to be acceptable as well, so there's that, I suppose.

Silky smooth pvp frame desyncs @12fps in 742p.

Needs Mario overalls and hammer DLC. Maybe Link's tunic and master sword. Instead of souls, you collect coins

sounds fun, desu

I'd get them just to play the games easily on the go. I'd love a set of all 3, but at the very least I'd get 1. I could make new characters and try new builds in 1 all day long, it's just very relaxing.

>gimping yourself out of a feature
It's okay nintendtoddler. You can admit I'm right anytime now.

As long as they fix the god awful netcode and add startup to the ds1 backstabs and fix the shitshow that is lost izalith/bed of chaos id get this.

That was back when Switch was first announced, FROM has had months to optimize if they actually wanted to port.

I dont wanna go down the "Nintendo makes you buy what you own already", but in this case. Everyone played those.

>a feature

>smurf accounts that invade undead burg and spam firestorm

hmmm yes, quite the experience

Guilty as charged, suck it.

Besides networking fixes, I'd be really wary of any major changes to 1. It's flawed, but I'm comfortable with those flaws after all this time. A few comfort additions (password support for multiplayer, or even local multiplayer when you just want to run around with a buddy on another Switch). Besides stuff like that, all I'd want to see is maybe new armor (because that doesn't change too much). New weapons are kinda iffy, they could potentially change the entire meta of the game.

Ds1 backstabs completely ruin pvp. That shit is so fucking fraudulent. Also lost izalith is so shit miyazaki fucking apologized for it. Theres no reason for it to not be improved in some way. Just because you got used to eating shit doesn't make it ok.

Just so Nintendiapers can see what a good modern Zelda would play like and be? Sure, I'd be happy to let them play it.

>dark souls

kill yourself

I think the Switch would actually struggle running DS3 at 720p 30fps

>All Nintendo needs to announce are multiplats.

Dark souls is the the last kind of game I want to play as a portable. At lest if it was gonna happen I'd rather make something new for the Switch.

>gee I sure loved X game but you know what would be even better? if I could play it on an inferior platform with a lower frame rate and resolution!
At least wanting a game to come to PC makes sense "I loved this game but i'd like to play it in HD". but i'll never understand this begging for games to be released on lesser hardware

How about a 3DS version of bloodborne too? because xenoblade worked so well.

Lost Izalith was already patched to hell and back. If you mean Bed of Chaos specifically... sure, change it up. It is the worst "boss" in the entire series.

And don't take fucking PVP so seriously. If they do anything major to it, they should make covenants more interesting, but none of the games really get them just right.

Here's how to truly improve DaS:

>Put all 3 SP content on 1 game
>Modify Das2 to be more dueling and MP friendly and more PVP balanced
>Only allow invasions and coop on 1 and 3
>PVP never dies because it's restricted on a single balanced game and DaS2 gets to be really good at something as well

Dark souls actually has a lot in common with OOT. Not so much with the newer Zelda games. Main difference is the puzzles are replaced with combat (Which still has a bit of puzzle element to them if you're playing blind like you should be), a darker setting, and character customization.

I'm sorry op but that isn't going to ever happen. Nintendo is a 'family friendly' system. I doubt they will ever add a game that violent and hard to play for kids.

Remove the artificial difficulty that is lowering your health on death

I own a Switch and don't want those games

Switch cant run any of the souls games

As a Switch owner, I completely disagree. I want NEW games, NOT ports.

neck ys

Dark Souls is not the type of game where I have ever thought to myself "I wish I could take this on the go"

It is a huge drag in 2. There is the ring to offset it, but it is just a "ooooh, dark souls is so hard!" bullshit feature. Getting rid of that and Soul Memory would make DS2 a lot more comfy.

Who fucking cares? Some ports don't take away new games. If you mean FROM won't make a new exclusive for the Switch, that's probably never happening anyway. Though I would love an Armored Core on the go...

I'm hoping for this.

A Switch port would probably also mean a PS4 port. I'd buy both of them.

I brought the Switch for new games, not for it to devolve into a port machine.

Then just buy the new games. I don't see why other people getting games they would enjoy on the go hurts you. I'm not buying Skyrim on the Switch, but if someone wants that for the system, I'm not going shit on their bed.

Are you telling me that if Nintendo announces a bunch of new games for the Switch tomorrow, but sandwiched in there is Dark Souls, you'll be grumpy? The world doesn't revolve around you, user.

>It is a huge drag in 2. There is the ring to offset it, but it is just a "ooooh, dark souls is so hard!" bullshit feature. Getting rid of that and Soul Memory would make DS2 a lot more comfy.

ye this is why I said "modified and rebalanced DaS2. The game has some pretty sweet PVP arenas so it could serve as the multiplayer aspect of the trilogy. A good PVP-based rebalance would redeem it because it's bosses are boring AF.

>wanting a game you can't pause to be on a handheld

Works for Monster Hunter.

Honestly playing souls on the go would be nice.

Kind of sad isn't it?

Yeah, FROM is going to release a king's field collection for Switch. Are the only games Switch can run properly

The amount of games they've missed and the subpar standards they're subjected to is laughable. Never have a problem online infrastructure, never have proper account system and backlog of games you already own and were able download from the store right out of the box for the new console.
Hilarious but sad.