Everyone goes on about "Muh diversity!"

Everyone goes on about "Muh diversity!"
>Unfunny/Cringy jokes
>Swearing for no reason
>Literally has nothing to do with the original outside the name
>Prequel when the first one ended on a cliffhanger
>Who in their sane mind wanted BGE to have a motherfucking online play elements, seriously
>Two characters who are presumably leads are atrociously written so far
It's official, if you support what they are doing with BGE2 you basically hate the original now.

Other urls found in this thread:


These are my problems with the "trailer" mostly. It is pretty much an entirely different game. Has nothing to do with the original.

Its no coincedence that all of the "muh diversity" games have similar flaws
Theyre made by the same kind of person

>mass effect andromeda
>bioshock infinite
>everything at this years E3

Yet a lot of people are defending this for some reason. Even if gameplay is amazing it won't fix issues stated here, unless this "trailer" is just so fake to the point of having a different writer just so they can bait average consumer to buy their game, which would be hilarious and amazing but they won't do that Im pretty sure.

Maybe it does but the CG trailer hasn't shown it? Ancel is still working on it.

I do agree with the OP points though.

it seems the online components are overblown by marketing guys, it's still single player

What's the best way to play Beyond Good & Evil? I got the uPlay version but it doesn't have controller support. I think even with mods the movement controls wouldn't be analog but I'm not sure. Thinking about playing it on Dolphin but I see there's an HD port on PS3.

If so they picked the worst possible wording for it ever. "Seamless online playground" my ass.

I wasn't getting a main character vibe from the two characters they featured.
I don't see a problem with swearing. People swear. It's just the personalities of these characters. Why wouldn't a couple pirates swear?
The world appears to be the same.
The character they carefully avoided showing in full detail appeared to be another green themed Asian woman.

It doesn't look terrible. I'm interested. And I never played the first game.

>It's just the personalities of these characters.

No it doesn't. It's lazy writing.

No it's not. Most of the trailer was action oriented. Which means the characters make a lot of exclamations. There's heightened energy. it makes sense to swear. What else would you have them say?

Most annoyed with the swing in art direction/tone and the fact it's a prequel. Pretty sad that we won't get to play as Jade either.

but they're multiethnic... stop complaining, racist

I got the original on Xbox and then the remake on 360 and got the steam/uplay version cuz cheap.
Get the HD version, it's got better res, textures, filtering, draw distance, sound, everything!!!
The steam/uplay version isn't the HD version, so the 360/PS3 versions are the best.

I'm genuinely upset.

Fucking swearing.

Anonymouse bitcoin debitcard!

I found it !


The first one was too kiddy for its own good, the audience has grown up so the prequel needs to deliver content that matches the age of the audience.

It will be great! All sequels are 100% improvements on the originals, and a prequel has to be 200% better!

I'm cautiously optimistic and hope that swearing and online shit were just forced in my Ubisoft marketing and there's still a charming game underneath

Literally the only thing it has to do with BGE is it has a talking pig in it. So nested right there in the BGE/Sing shared pig universe.

I seriously wonder if the people praising him have actually played the first game at all.


seems legit user

sent 20k in here

"Carlson and Peters"

>Government conspiracy
>Human Slavery and trafficking

why are you responding to b8

>game ends with a post-credits stinger intended to set up a direct sequel
>15 years later it gets a prequel instead

Remember fun?

Remember charm?

I bet you won't even take pictures in this one

>I don't see a problem with swearing. People swear.



who needs charm when you can have

I do, that's why I only buy Nintendo games these days.

My main issue with the characters in the trailer is that they curse as often as my teenage cousins do, I mean for fuck's sake
Is this what people think is the cool thing with the 20-somethings who will actually remember the first game?

>modern nintendo games
no way. everything is too clean and on-model.

It's not even that they're black/a literal monkey, they just seem like assholes

>"muh diversity" boogeyman

greeat, is Sup Forums about enter gamer-gate part 2? If so, I'll be back in 2 months and we can cringe at what we did

>Jade's face when she wasn't "diverse" enough
And that's why they decided to go with a prequel.

It's probably her overt maternal instincts more than anything. That's the real reason SJWs hate Ripley.

Name one "strong female character" these people like that's a mother or motherly.

>bleach blonde whore with short hair glasses, and choker comes on stage with crying man
>her reason for why you should buy her game is that "WE HAVE A DIVERSE WORLD FILLED WITH BLACKS WHITES ASIANS, AND EVEN ANIMAL PEOPLE!
This made me angry, because they are supposed to be showing a VIDEO GAME, and instead its a political MOVIE.

It's because they don't do enough to signal that the guy they fuck over is worse. We're supposed to pick up that he's some mafioso shithead and the popo are corrupt based on the first game and some visual cues but it's not overt enough for a cold audience. It just comes off as though the monkey dude rips off a possible criminal who has currently done nothing wrong other than trust the monkey and attempt to engage in a fair business deal.

At best it just feels like we're seeing two groups of scumbags and we're meant to root for the scumbag who rips the other off first.

It's vaporware anyway, who cares.

Could anyone with an up to date One and the physical triple pack HD release of BG&E HD confirm whether or not the game works on One please? I've read people saying it works AND people saying that it doesn't and that only the digital version does.

I take it that you're being sarcastic?
Well Beyond Good and Evil was never a "kids" game to begin with. Unlike Sonic. it had a more down to earth sensibility about it. I know you're going to attack that statement, because it's a fantasy setting. But that's kind of the appeal of the setting. It's that it's both fantastical, but also dirty, and also beautiful and natural. It isn't some pristine polished fantasy world.

Also, Sonic did include swearing when it took a swing at a more "mature" title, Shadow the Hedgehog.

>black MC

>if you support what they are doing with BGE2 you basically hate the original now

you seem very T R I G G E R E D

>Man dreams of a fascinating, multicultural world.
>After many years and hard work, a man gets to build the world he's always dreamed of.
>He gets a little emotional at it's reveal, because of the love and passion that went into it's construction.
>Still gets accused of being a mere politic pusher.

>Still gets accused of being a mere politic pusher.

When did this ever happen when BG&E1 was released?

who copied who? hl2 or bgae?


a monkeyman and a negress. It's the perfect combo.

I don't remember the news surrounding the release of the first game. But if I had to guess, I would say no. No one cared that Jade wasn't white, or anything like that. But then again, Asian women tend to get a pass.

That's a lot of daddy issues

>Bioshock Infinite
>Niggers are the bad guys
How is that diversity

5/7 made me reply

Did you even play the game?
Niggers betray you when you jump to an other timeline

That was a dumb joke intended to indicate that Ancel's hopes and dreams went into the first game, while this one looks like a different game with the BG&E name slapped on. I apologize for rusing you in this way.

What ethnicity is Jade?

genuinely curious what you people think on this.

The first game was only a fraction of his aspirations. When you build a world, you don't always feel the need to stick to a single cast of characters. Because you've developed something that's much larger than them. And you can explore it from many different perspectives.

>mass effect, bioshock, .......e-everything a-at this years e-e3!.... the list g-goes on

Nobody fucking played the first game, that's why it took this long to get a 2

>no Double H

It's shit. DBUTT, Ubisoft, DBUTT.

I personally always thought that she was 1/2 Euro, 1/4 East Asia and 1/4 South Asia.

They have to convince the normies the cartoon monkey game is a fuckin' adult game shit

>wait a minute that card
I took the bait, didn't I?

Hard to tell. Looks Asian, perhaps mixed with latina and white.

>J-just ignore them g-guys! T-they will stop.
You don't ignore a bully. You wreck his shit and make it clear that he shouldn't fuck with you.
Look at this year's E3 and tell me nothing has changed.

The trailer was amazing really don't know what you guys are bitching about, the last game was 15 years old you really expected another Zelda clone? Not to mention the hypocrisy Sup Forums always praise the Prey 2 trailer when it had nothing to do with the original either, even less than this game which still obviously take place in the same universe.

Half pig half DomZ.

stop trying to greentext on youtube you autists

>Not to mention the hypocrisy Sup Forums always praise the Prey 2 trailer when it had nothing to do with the original either
what the fuck are you talking about

Just watched the Prey 2 trailer.
>Not wanting to be notBobaFett.
If they get gameplay right it will be a really good game.


Modern Character design:
Black with an afro.

Gameplay cinematic trailers mean jack shit other than they were willing to spend money on wowing idiots and ignorant people.

Well that's some very lovingly rendered jiggling

Exactly what one should expect from frenchmen, there's even a scene where you get a glimpse of the black chick's cleavage.

>they just seem like assholes
This. Jade and Pey were sympathetic, it was nice to be around them.
I don't want to spend more than 5 minutes with the bruv monkey trying to make constant spiderman edgy quips.

If you were to look through Google at the old internet forums of the late 90s you would see that it was used to quote since back then.

I want to trust Ancel to make a fun game but I'm afraid Ubi finally broke him.
Him tearing up on stage showed that this was a passion project he's been wanting to do for so long but I fear it will have some huge Ubi micromanaging, making him lose any actual love for the project.
Or it will just be canceled again because Ubi is retarded.

>its a new amazing sounding game by michael ancel
>Sup Forums hates it

The only reason BGAE 1 was any good was because of him

The game will be every bit as bad as you can expect from the trailer, but astroturfers on Sup Forums will spam threads about being "pleasantly surprised".

Just you wait.

>game ends showing Jade and Pey'j (is that really how it's spelled?) stranded in the desert just like first teaser
> "And that's how your parents met"
>Pey'j turns to a camera just like in 1st game
>Beyond Good & Evil 3
>coming never ever because this one didn't sell well either and ubisoft is consumed by vivendi

>I want to trust Ancel

me too but i have no interest in that shit show it's a sequel with Jade or else
i'll buy Wild instead

I wouldn't have mentioned him crying if that whore wasn't on stage with him.It put me into cynical mode.After she said "diverse" i started questioning everything.I don't trust this at all.





>beautiful moment humanily very touching

I wonder if he's talking about the part with the swearing and criminal mob boss, the police killing, or the mercenary pirate ship

I loved this teaser. Shame they're going for the multiplayer meme. We'll see the game quickly die and wait another decade for Ancel to try again.

>blaming based Michel

They're too white for today's video games


I'm hoping that the piglet here is a young Pey'j and we're going to get some backstory for Jade's parents


>unless this "trailer" is just so fake to the point of having a different writer just so they can bait average consumer to buy their game

I would worship them if this happened.

Yes but will there be Carlson and Peeters? Asking for a friend haha

We already had it in the gaming industry. Everyone is welcome if they possess the talent.

However, you can fuck that up in a hurry.

>I have no talent but here's a pussy!

Don't even try to pretend that you don't do that.

If they're going for a Gta Online bullsht, expect dlc.
This is Ubisoft so there'll be 5 different collectors edition. OG edition (standard), tribute edition (dlc of original bgae characters), monkey business (costume changes for the monkey), etc.

best part of the trailer

As for the characters, what's the count up to now for sassy black female characters with afros? Four announced this E3?

BGAE2, Wolfenstein, who else?

its been years since I played this, what exactly was the cliffhanger?


there was one in the Dishonored DLC I think, and another in some other game I forget.
Some user posted an image and there were 4 different games with basically the same character design

Does the costume change include a diaper change? Also asking for a friend.