Why don't Eastern European devs push leftist agendas in their games?
Why don't Eastern European devs push leftist agendas in their games?
Eastern Europeans hate faggots, muslims, trannies, niggers, and all that shit.
t. Eastern Europoor.
Czechs and Poles lived under the shitshow that was socialism and grew to despise all leftist. ideologies. Visiting Poland I saw a hate for leftism on a scale far more than you would see anywhere in the west. Contrast it with America, Germany or Sweden.
it's also why they won't take a single mudslime rapefugee being pushed by merkel and co
Because they have already been through this garbage before with Soviets right next door.
That applies to all of eastern Europe since we were all behind the Iron Curtain.
>implying poland is not the afghanistan of europe.
Because he'd rather push the other direction and get free brownie points from overweight Sup Forumstards who blindly support him and his shit game just for triggering SJWs
Eastern Europe makes games?
>trying to prop up a shithole like Poland as a white utopia
Ah, so this is that "white supremacy" I've been hearing so much about
They tend to make the best games too.
Dying Light is one of the best AAA released in years and shows you don't need to have stupid leftist agendas.
>white turboautist from 8/pol/reddit gets triggered again thread
you failed ggers can go back to your shill sites
>Visiting Poland I saw a hate for leftism on a scale far more than you would see anywhere in the west.
Care to elaborate?
What did you see exactly? I'm curious.
>t. triggered tumblrbabby upset people have different opinions
That was a shit game and you should be ashamed for liking it.
There you go being offended over someone being offended over someone being offended over SJWs being offended
You're as much of a fag as I am, at least I don't have shit taste in games. The demo sucked.
Because they already fought communism and islam away from their countries and are not gonna open their assholes for them like sheltered americans.
It's a great game that I play to this very day. Get some taste, mongoloid.
>t. gercuck
People openly talking shit about communism, literal hammer and sickle flag wavers getting beat up. Non-whites despised.
being gay is illegal in russia
>being born on a landmass means you have 100% absolute knowledge of the history of that landmass and any evidence to the contrary is wrong
This guy is retarded.
i think you're retarded for making a retarded argument. stop playing stupid; you know that's not what he's implying.
That's exactly what he's implying, he's right because he lives there, that other guy is wrong because he doesn't. Fuck the actual facts of the matter. It's fallacious horseshit. I don't even care about this whole "debate".
>Fuck the actual facts of the matter
The problem is that anyone has yet to produce the actual facts showing how wrong he is...
have you ever been to poland man ? its legit one of the comfiest contries in the world
Czech Republic alone is better than Cuckmany. I went to it last year. All white Europeans, white culture, white history.
Germany was like fucking Afghanistan. I saw more Burkas there than Toronto.
Why can't Sup Forums just go away?
Why can't you fuck off back to leftypol?
Oh, so is that why Warsaw looks like the Lower slums of the average Nigerian city?
Where is "leftypol" boy?
You can thank communism for stunting an entire region.
Because they've recently lived through shit and they're not willing to put up with any more.
What Western Europe needs is a good bloody war to make them put their manpants on again.
>reading comprehension
Reminds me of that story where Russians beat the fuck out of a bunch of immigrants when they started groping women in a nightclub.
Eastern Europe doesn't fuck around. We may joke about Slavs squatting in basements and Adidas track pants everywhere, but Eastern Europe may very well be one of the last strongholds of western culture and traditionalism as we know it.
Be thankful they've not fallen yet.
The world will never respect Eastern Europe because the people are too stupid to realize that they were living under dictatorship, while they continue to demonize social democracy and communism.
Eastern Europe's already had a taste of what a Marxist government and "Progressive" ideals bring.
After it claimed millions of their people and after it left them all in ruins while the Russian SFR reaped all the rewards, they realized it doesn't work.
There are still healthy, living men in Eastern European countries who fought against Marxist government elements 30, 20, even 10 years ago, and the 18-24 demo from statistics appears very conservatively minded.
Tldr Sup Forums, who else is moving to EastEuro?
wtf i love czechia now
t. czech
Get out of here user
>being born on a landmass and having done extensive research on the history of that landmass with the aid of experts 100% absolutely gives you better knowledge of that landmass than some American know-nothing twat who thinks racial tokenism and social justice revisionism are more important than historical truth, especially when said ignorant American's "evidence" is entirely irrelevant and doesn't even relate to the actual discussion
Okay then get me a historical source(not a twatter msg or buzzfeed) that blacks were in medieval Bohemia.
I will wait and no Anita does not count as your scientitfic source nether does Bill Nye.
>Reminds me of that story where Russians beat the fuck out of a bunch of immigrants when they started groping women in a nightclub
What good white knights. In return I bet those same women voted for progressive liberals who'll open the borders for even more immigrants to come grope them in nightclubs.