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>when you realize this "evil Nazi America" is actually nicer and friendlier than the real one

>white male walks through doorway
>liberal audience screams in terror
>asks for ID
>people start sobbing in the audience

What did he do wrong?

>Merchant vs Nazi
>And white people in the middle

There's a lot of meaning in this

Dictatorships are often pretty nice for those they don't seek to oppress or exterminate.

Damn, I love being Aryan.

your friend behind the counter shoots the nazi in the head

You don't seriously believe Nazis were trying to exterminate other races do you? That's just as dumb as theories that jews want to do the same thing.

There's a wanted poster just behind him.
He asks for id because he fucking knows, he just decided to be dramatic for whatever reason.

Not enough scap!

Strawberry milkshakes are the best types of milkshakes second being mango milkshakes prove me wrong
You can't

actually no. he doesnt know. after checking your ID (and saying you DO look familiar) he turns around to leave and sees the poster, and then comes back to confront you.

why didn't he say Heil Hitler, Sieg Heil or atleast Heil?

Jews do want to do the same thing. Not as a collective, political organization but more of a primal compulsion.

Do you really not recognize the "seemingly a utopia but actually a hyper-oppressive dystopia" trope?

Why was that lady being such a cunt to him? He even picked up her purse for her.

I don't want to kill this guy. I want to hav an option to tell him to go home before I kill all the nazis.
Please no

>milk is no longer the Hot item for white supremacy, Strawberry milkshakes is the new deal

Because there's a wanted poster of BJ, so when the nazi dude entered, she knew shit was going to go down.

THIS people of all ethnicity served in the Wehrmacht

Who do I believe, some random faggot on a mongolian basket weaving forum or my grandparents stories from the war
hmmm really fires the neurons in my brain

the nazis were thieving dipshits and deserved every bullet they got
they literally lines up schoolchildren and priests and shot them
source (something foregin to you nazi fags, its used to back up your claims with proof) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kragujevac_massacre

Sounds like nazis were SJW cancer.

she was being a cunt because hes a FUCKING NAZI who STOLE HER HOME.

In a sense they were. They were easily the most progressive of all western governments and Hitler praised single mothers!

wow, they killed innocent people. Just like America's indiscriminate bombing.

sorry, friendo, while strawberry is absolutely top-tier, mango is the number 1 fruit shake, with mamey right after, and strawberry following.

Living in south florida can be hell but damn if the cubans dont know how to make good food

sorry friend. he dies quickly though. probably didnt even feel it. if that makes you feel better.

start shit get hit, bitch

Are Nazi sympathizers the new dindus?

iirc hitler is dead in the nu-wolfenstein universe or is a zombie something so only one guy says heil hitler in the OG game
what lore we got in the new order was really fascinating desu

>"Frankfurt? Are you a Frankfurter?"

Milk, and strawberry puree makes it even better

no hitler is alive and well. well hes still an asshole and bordering on crazy, but hes alive and healthy physically.

But the Nazis genuinely dindu nuffin. You could argue their enemies also dindu nuffin and may have dindu even less nuffin, however.

>Strawberry milkshakes
Strawberry represents aryan blood, milk represents aryan skin color.

How do you know?

Do I need to quote American war crimes, rapings,etc Vietnam? War is hell.

Sorry plebs but Apple milkshakes are truly the God's in milkshake form nothing can beat this shit especially with some cinnamon cookies

>a fucking wiki article

>didn't put the first game on sale

I don't get why they don't do this every time they announce a sequel to anything
Interest from people who have never played said game must spike afterwards

i beat it already . dont tell anyone, okay friend?

looks like you're right, just read up on the wiki
for some reason i had the idea that there was like info in the game or maybe a conversation explaining that he died and was resurrected, and it was all hidden from the public to keep the empire working
either way, hope we get more lore. nuked new york might be pretty cool

america sucks, doesnt excuse nazis

I wish I was a Gestapo agent, he looks like he's havin' some rip roarin' fun.

They were. NatSoc Germany had integrated multi-ethnic units in the SS (which was supposed be the racial standard for the whole nation, btw) while the colonial Allies still had segregation. Sup Forums's actual wet dream would have been 1940s America, not 1940s Germany.

But Wolfenstein has always been a stupid parody of what NS Germany really was.

Nobody is excusing them. Same shit happens in every war.

>tfw Asian and I can't enjoy milkshakes without shitting my intestines out

Banana Cream pie exists.




is this better?

theres a pretty great scene with Hitler that takes place on fucking Venus . its wacky as hell.

Livin' the Caucasoid dream.

You could pretty much do anything and no one could touch you.

>TFW this nazi did literally nothing wrong AT ALL.

In TOB and TNO there are notes detailing how hitler is getting kind of deathly looking and it's pretty much stated that it's because of magic life extending stuff from TOB
I can't remember if he starts looking better towards the ends of the notes or worse, though

This is why the Nazi guy gives the other guy a milkshake. If after 10 minutes he got too farty, then he'd shoot him on the spot.

In other words, strawberry milkshakes are literally Hitler.

>Implying Nazi rule would be hyper-oppressive
>Implying it would be a dystopia

>Implying it wouldn't

>there are people that LITERALLY believe this shit

Get out of here (((you))) piece of shit bootlicking scumbag motherfucking inbred, you're unfathomably fucking retarded and no one would grieve for a FUCKING second if you just ceased to breathe forever.

Go LARP with your Antifa shitskin buddies.

>Literally all Russian or Jewish sources
Are you even trying?

>Implying it would.


>Implying it wouldn't

I am playing Wolfenstien TNO right now and I don't get how anyone thought this was a great game.

I'm on Uber and it feels like a CoD game. I have to take cover and shoot for quick seconds because enemies can shred my health in a second and anything past a grunt has a million life. Also they gave the super suit to the cripple bitch instead of the player character. That's such a fucking cock tease.

Based Bethesda dropping little truth bombs in the form of subtle truth mines.


>What do I believe, anecdotal evidence or anecdotal evidence?
Fucking retard. Actually
>Those who were not extracted from the hostage pool were accused of being communists or spreading "communist propaganda". The Zbor officials told them they were not "worth saving" because they had "infected the younger generation with their leftist ideas"



Can't believe people eat up this horse shit

>implying it would



>Also they gave the super suit to the cripple bitch instead of the player character. That's such a fucking cock tease.

thats what the sequel is for mate. no seriously

not a single one was in russian or hebrew, or even written by someone with a hebrew name

>Not M&M

just like Pyonyang is nice and friendly
except they usually oppress the "elite" plebes too. Nazi germany wanted to split it's own aryan people into 4 tiers based on some pseudoscience crap with T4 being trash, even though aryan. Nobody would escape their shit


this scene seemed friendly and nice to you? when the mother and her kid basically ran away in fear from him as soon as he entered? can you not read subtext at all?

>Good morning fellow citizens! My what a beautiful sunrise it is today!
>MC teleports behind him
>Stabs him in the eye with a fork
>Achievement: You won the war!



Best E3 game so far by far.

>Implying I'm a yank

How is that different to black people reacting to police?

it was a different time

>Hitler had one of the highest approval ratings of any leader from 1900-1950
>Named person of the year by Time
>saluted and saluted by a black olympic runner
>brought his country out of the gutter and made it the world's #1 power
>literacy rates skyrocketed and highways were built, individual gdp soared to near-america levels
>every single photo and video of german cities not under siege or bombed shows content-looking people


>it's another 50's style oldtime american dream where everyone is openly racist

Call me when they think of something original

This scene felt so jarring in the context of the trailer.

I'm not even talking about the contents of the scene itself, I mean in the sense of the pacing and flow of the trailer. Everything leading up to this point flowed into each other more or less, as did most things after this. Even the advertisements and shows at the very start flowed naturally into the cinematic stuff when it panned away.

But then you got this scene, out of nowhere, smack dab in the middle of the trailer. It felt like they really wanted to have this scene in the trailer, but had no idea how to fit it in naturally.

me on the left

She had no reason to be so afraid. Unless she recognized BJ from the poster and thought it was a better idea to get away before trouble goes down.

I can tell you haven't played the game. They nearly exterminated the japs and oppressing everyone under the iron boot of dictatorship

>shown nazis acting like normal people, being polite etc
>happy looking people and cheery environment
>*axes a nazi in the throat*
>this is the protagonist

Hey hey hey, I didn't sign up for no roleplay.

Let's keep our autism levels at a containable amount.


literally the entire plot of the game is "the nazis won and maybe you're hurting more innocent people than you are actual nazis who believe in all the bad shit when you kill soldiers"
are you reatard

>She had no reason to be so afraid

hes a nazi. shes afraid of nazis. they are bad guys. people are afraid of bad guys. its really really simple basic shit here.

Isn't that because Japan declared war on them and vowed to exterminate all Germans in a massive backstab?

Plus from everything we've seen things are very much okay in the cities we see except for when the "heroes" start indiscriminately killing people.

Fuck all that anyway, I miss when Wolfenstein was just fun cartoony shit.


Do people think Nazis just run around looking for reasons to torture people?

why do white people kill each other like niggers

where i live i never ever n my life taste a milkshake are they that good? pls no bully

>"the nazis won and maybe you're hurting more innocent people than you are actual nazis who believe in all the bad shit when you kill soldiers"
Well, the plot's wrong then. Time to correct that mistake by killing all Nazis and sympathizers in the alternate timeline.

You must have shit genes.

I have plenty of asian friends who literally can't get enough of dairy shit. Milkshakes, pizzas, chocolate milk, ice cream, etc.