Vanilla stories/nostalgia thread
Vanilla stories/nostalgia thread
>tfw was a loser who did nothing but play WoW all day
>tfw get decked out in naxx 40 gear
>tfw absolutely decimated the opposing faction because of the majority of the player base was in blue/MC gear
I remember my first toon was a Druid and when I got the quest for seal form I ran all the way from auberdine to westfall for that shit
>Wander across the map, finding new areas
>Run into two people also wandering around
>They want to three man a dungeon made for characters fifteen levels higher than us
>We pull it off and become friends
You don't see that anymore.
Ok I'll go
>be me
>playing Vanilla wow
>actually have fun
>They want to three man a dungeon made for characters fifteen levels higher than us
>We pull it off and become friends
Literally no way in vanilla
You'd miss 95% of your spells/hits before dying in 5 seconds
>Wait months for WoW because I loved WC3 so much
>Read all the shit on the website in preparation about the classes and races
>Had the first edition with the game manual full of incorrect information like Dwarf mages and Tauren plainsrunning
>Decided I wanted to be a troll headhunter like in WC3, so I pick a hunter
>There are throwing weapons, but no class uses
>There aren't even spear throwing weapons
>Disappointed, I end up just playing some generic Orc Warrior
The only other memory I have is about a Tauren hunter named Umajualuq on Bloodhoof, who was in the high 40s running through Scarlet Monastery dungeons a ton with me
>got permabanned for buying flying back when BC came out. Still perma'd 10 years later due to the "we checked it once, don't ever talk to us again" policy.
Shame too, had that account loaded with novelty items that would fetch a hefty price these days.
As for actual stories:
>Joined during the first naxx world event, talked to an opposite faction player for a few minutes asking directions (oddly enough, the language filter wasn't on)
>Wandered into plaguelands after leaving the undead starter zone
>Didn't have a mount, so I ended up running from Org to Silithus for our server's gate opening.
>That night of sim crashes, only to login and see player corpses and skeletons as far as the eye can see
>The Bell, The Wheel and The Candle.
>Lava hopping to get MC attuned
I'm sure there are tons of other stories over the years, these were just a few
>got permabanned for buying flying back when BC came out
Gold sonny. This was back in a time where anyone could just swoop in from the skies and ninja the mining/herb node you just ran across half a zone for
No flying also put TK out of reach
>tfw AQ40 gate opening is the laggiest WoW had ever been
Was extremely cool though
>No flying also put TK out of reach
I love pointing this out to nostalgiashits who STILL believe Blizzard ever had good game designers.
I'm not the original user and I still don't understand. Are you saying that you were banned for leveling to 70 and buying flying too quickly?
It sure was. The pre-opening/everyone gather supplies part of the event was cool too. Felt like you were actually making a difference.
Yep. It wasn't like it is now where nearly anything will get a slap on the wrist at best.
>See: Mention of 10 year ban still standing
Bonus nostalgia:
>The short time you could remote control a Fel Reaver. He had no special attacks and all you could see were giant feet on the screen while controlling it, but it was still cool to do.
>No flying also put TK out of reach
The welfare 60% flying cost almost nothing. TK wasn't out of reach for anyone that couldn't save the gold they made while leveling to 70
i was pissed man. they started the event about an hour after i went to bed, and i woke up 15 minutes before it ended. didn't even get to silithus in time, just saw some dudes on the flight
who /gummy/ here
>horde guild doing the AQ quest line to open the gate
>they're at the part where they have to kill a raid boss in moonglade specifically designed for this quest line
>several alliance guilds team up and fly to darkshore to thwart the hordes efforts to achieve this
>everyone lands in darkshore to find the horde have been killing all the flight masters
>have to use ground mounts all the way to moonglade from darkshore
>crazy battle ensues when we all finally make it but the horde guild achieved their objective
My favorite memory from vanilla
>be night elf
>run from starting area to dark shore
>ran all the way down to the boat to loch modan
>ran from loch modan to searing gorge
>level 8 by then
>level 40 Mage sees me and top keks when I tell him I'm on the way to goldshirebecause I wanted to be an elf but liked the easy starting human area
> he ported me to stormwind
I died easily over 50 times
i don't remember anything from vanilla really. i used to play with friends though and they tell some cool stories about what we did, but i don't recall any of it
>arriving in lakeshire for the first time as alliance
>feel vulnerable
>tfw buying your first ever shoulders on AH
>they were white and cloth but you felt amazing because you finally had shoulder items
>tfw farming SM cathedral because it was one of the first dungeons to drop a head piece
i miss this so much. heirlooms ruined everything
>night elf faggot
>level 60 orc warrior in level 10 area
>pushing everybodies shit in
>kills me a few times
>make an orc warrior
>ask him wth is his problem
>says all fucking night elf niggers must die
>i see the light and tell him hes right
>puts me under his wing and shows me the mighty ways of the horde
>this dude is online legit 24/7
>takes me out to the plague lands eventually
>starts telling me this story of a massive battle that happened here
>guy really knows his shit
>made a bro for life
>log on to battle net any time and see hes still on wow
>he was talking about wanting to be a mod since before bc came out
>they finally made him one
> :') hell yea annon its never too late to change your stars
Never knew why he was such a bro to me.
Seriously made the game x1000 times better. Joined his guild and he showed me how to tank and how to pvp
Landon if youre readung this i fucking love you, man
>mom comes home
>says she has a new game for me
>wow treasure chest
>look at the box
>look at the desc
>need sub
>take it back mom
>bought me a zelda game instead
God this thread its so comfy
>those first adventure feels
I was an affliction lock and they were a tank and healer. All three of us were raid worthy. It took the better part of a day, but we pulled it off.
How is that bad game design? Content is locked behind progression, that's always good
Yeah dude I'm totally sure you were decked out in Naxx gear. :^)
nice try but a tank would get cb'ed by all the mobs, and even if he could stay alive, he couldn't keep threat with all the healing the healer would have to do
>raid worthy while being at least 15 levels below cap
maybe if you said 5 levels this would be a better bait post