This is not Monster Hunter

Has anyone here actually ever played any MH and watched the trailer? The trailer makes it look like the whole focus of this game is on environments (which people already criticize about 4 and X) and luring the monster into a precast trap (a tree for a pitfall-esque trap, under a rock to shoot the rock and have it crushed, clumps of branches in the water to make it slip).

You can always just jump onto the monster, even when it's in a trap. He did not stand in front of it and try to time his attacks properly to hit the wobbling head, no, he just jumps onto it and mashes buttons. Almost everything in the trailer seemed scripted, like a long corridor the monster is chasing you through.

It's not Monster Hunter. It could be a fun casual game but it shouldn't even be called Monster Hunter. There is no winner here. Quit the console warrior shit.

Other urls found in this thread:

Say goodbye to this for the next years. Maybe forever.

Tip: casuals who defend Worlds will have no idea what's going on in this webm and will shit on it.

You've gotten the EXACT same game for 14 years. The EXACT SAME FUCKING GAME except it's only gotten worse with each iteration. How many more games on 240p screens featuring the SAME monsters and maps from over a DECADE do you need? And now all of a sudden one spin-off game by the same devs is a problem. Go stare at your tiny 3DS screen and use Super Saiyan Hunter Brave Arts to kill Deviantart monsters.
t. 2000 Hours Played in FU fag

>same thread
>same picture
600 replies, 80 images not shown

Tip: Worlds will become the new standard for MH
Say goodbye to your PS2 jank forever

You could at least linked it

False cause fallacy. There is no relation between handheld specs and bad graphics and the core gameplay. They could just make a Monster Hunter that plays like 4 with better graphics and presentation but without scripted action, precast traps that seem to be the focus of the game, unreliable, pseudo-realistic animations and open world.

your ancient gameplay is garbage

jewcom is killing off this pathetic excuse and finally embracing actual gameplay


Too bad. New games are mostly shit and PS2 had some amazing stuff.

>Remakes his thread immediatly after getting BTFO in his previous one

You're pretty pathetic OP

Literally made by the same team as Monster Hunter 1/2/3/4

> so join me, producer Ryozo Tsujimoto and directors Kaname Fujioka and Yuya Tokuda for a live chat about this new project straight from E3

Post YFW the GOAT Monster Hunter game won't be on Nintendo systems

Yeah, we've all seen this in this trailer. Jump onto monster, steer it against a tree, press button for magic hookshot, mash attack button while sitting on monster instead of timing anything or doing anything that requires precision.

And of course hiding in high grass.

Amazing. So amazing.

Thank you for ruining another franchise, casuals.

>things that never happened

And Wii Music was made by the same guy who gave us Mario Bros. 3. Shit happens, especially at Capcom. It's like everyone there has this dangerous inclination and tendency toward turning good franchises into casualized trash. Well, they like money and for some reason believe that's the way, I suppose. Fans should show them it's not.

pastebin with all the latest info, with sources

Say goodbye to clearn, even environments without annoying shit and just a fair, unscripted one versus one face-off with reliable animations and tight gameplay without climbing all the time and using magic.


Well said fellow Nintenbro, I will be enjoying the REAL Monster Hunter on my Nintendo Switchâ„¢ this fall. Nintendomination!


Why is everyone on Sup Forums such a miserable cunt ? It's a new MH game finally on a decent console and all you faggots are tearing it to shreds based on one trailer

Bet most of you fucktards will eat it up on launch regardless

They removed the GP into super/ultra anyways

>was going to buy a Switch just for MonHun
Who else /dodged a bullet/ here?

Why can't brainlets into arguments and syllogism?

>playing since MH1
>advocating not buying World which is a shit game
>also hating X and advocating not buying the Switch port because it's a shit game that pushes the franchise in the wrong direction


>tight gameplay
It's on a fucking handheld. It's impossible to play a game that requires any modicum of skill or fidelity on the 3DS.

Monster hunter was casualised after the PSP installments, this looks no worse than all the anime jumping shit in 4, which was still a great game.

I don't even get it. If it was PS4 only, then I could understand I guess, but it's coming to Xbone and PC. A switch owner is guaranteed to own one of those platforms right?
It's not possible to miss out on this game unless you hate video games.

You can still get MHXX and future MHs with the classic gameplay



Yeah, that guy in the webm you quoted is probably using hacks that make the game play itself.

You pay attention to the thread at all? The Switch is the only current system getting a real Monster Hunter, and not this spin-off trash

calm your tits joe, they just showed one scripted bossfight out of of how many hundreds ? lets just hope that the engine doesn't take it's toll on the size of the map.


I mentally prepared myself to buy a switch, but dont need to anymore

Damn, exactly. It's almost like someone who criticizes this game actually does it because he thinks there is something to critize about it (maybe the things pointed out in the OP) and it's not a console warrior drama?

Those almonds are blazing.

No, I'm saying it's fucking retarded to think your babby game is relevant at all when you basically play it on a leapfrog pad at 240p

>Switch getting a 3DS port of a trash game
>everybody else is getting a new game made by the A team

el oh el

youve never played a monsterhunter before have you?

Why not enjoy both?

I'd imagine most people in Sup Forums MH threads don't and just came here to find something to shitpost about.

They showed scripted shit, resources wasted on open world and le epic, realistic traps, animations and Witcher detective abilities and magical hookshots.

They showed everything BUT the old, tight Monster Hunter gameplay (when they showed this in all the last trailers for 4 G, X and XX).

Non-idorts know not the happiness of getting mhxx and mhw

Because that's the wise man's move, and Sup Forums does not have a lot of those. Quick, smear shit on the walls so you fit in.

because my toys are better than your toys so fuck off from my playground

b-but muh cinematic movie tie-in QTE westernized spin-off...

Most people shitposting in these threads haven't ,they're just participating in the latest consolewar since Sony's E3 conference had literally nothing to actually shitpost about.

Not allowed to apparently. You have to either be a shit eating nintendofag manchild or a bowing literal sonybro like in the press conference.

I hate handhelds just as much as you do but you must work on your debate skills. It also doesn't matter since they could make a real console game without pandeirng to the Skyrim audience which is what I was hoping for.

Because one is a piece of shit.

I've been waiting to play MH with good performance, resolution, framerate, and (most importantly) controls. I am never going to play a skill intensive game on some fucking tiny ass screen with some little ass nub and mushy triggers.

And even better that it's the core team working on it and is the main focus. Might be time to jump in. Feels bad for Switchbros, but you should already own a PS4/PC anyways

Can you underage console warriors just leave? This is about actual video games, not your brand loyality.

>implying I was going to buy MH Weeb: The Electric Boogalo 2 even before today's announcement

>normal dev team working on it
>base game elements still intact, such as potions, stamina, health, sharpness, etc
>almost everything said by people have been negative, baseless assumptions
>yet faggots like OP still need to convince themselves it's not going to be Monster Hunter through deeply-infested delusion and the desire to believe a shitty anonymous leak on a chinese knitting board
This shitshow has gotten too ridiculous and it's only been a day. Just full of people making baseless assumptions because, for whatever reason, they actively want the game to be bad.
Nothing that was shown in the five minute gameplay snippit was actively harmful or bad. And if what they say is true and the base game elements are still there, there's nothing to fear.

How do you people even play these boring-ass games

Go back to cod and reddit, retard

No worries, you won't play a skill sensitive game. Just stay in the grass and don't forget to press the hookshot button for awesome.

Also lure the monster to that awesome trap through the corridor with the scripted animations for the monster.

The hiding in the bush meme was pretty insulting to be honest.

I feel like you probably started with tri so I don't care about your opinion. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Here listen to the grapple hook explained:
Need to heal? go to a different map segment for safety.
Need to heal? Grapple hook the fuck out of there

>The map being segmented safety net is being replaced by a grapple hook

Listen, man, why even bother? Sup Forums isn't somewhere to discuss games, especially around E3. You know it's not a good looking Monster Hunter, I know it, tons of fans everywhere know it. But you're talking to a brick wall when you come here. People are only here to play the correct pre-programmed meme at the correct time, period. Game comes on on a different console? Post rage faces, NEVER EVER, etc. Make an argument for or against a game on some specific console? Shill, you're a shill, check out this sweet meme I learned from screencap threads. Nobody wants anything but to be part of the next epic lulz or whatever.

It's not fucking worth it. Just be comfortable with your own opinions. Speaking them here is pointless, and it has been for years. The game will probably fail in Japan, and Japan is their market. It's just a spinoff. Don't worry. It's no worse than that shitshow of a movie we're getting. And the good games of the series are never going away, nor is the community.

In before fucking "reddit spacing" or something. Bunch of faggots.

By not giving a shit to the even more boring latest future cinematic shooters western developers shit out.

autism + lack of skill to play a proper action game like NG or DMC or even Souls

>this trailer looks like a trailer
How about we just wait for a gameplay trailer judge it then

>>base game elements still intact, such as potions, stamina, health, sharpness, etc
Yeah, this is what makes Monster Hunter great. When a game has this, no way it can still be a bad game.

Fuck, I hate casuals.

Stop investing time in video games, you don't understand them. Get swole and fuck sluts instead or something, that's also fun.

>Scripted animations for the monster
So just like every other MH?

>The trailer makes it look like the whole focus of this game is on environments
I'm sure a guy rolling around and smashing the slash button would've made for a great presentation

Play more than 20 minutes of the game you fucking child

actually I would probably play call of duty if I wanted to simulate the monster hunter experience

run around in a circle for 15 minutes looking for something to fight, then have a really boring, anticlimactic fight with it that really doesn't justify its grandiose presentation

>GPing teo's big bang and roars

Neat. I just cart to them.

Why? Literally why? You can sneak past little monsters. So fucking what? In any other game, do you know what you'd do if you didn't need their materials? Sprint right by them and pretend they didn't exist. Unless you're doing a "kill trash tinies" quest. Same fucking difference.

I don't care, Nintendo not gonna get it is the only thing that matter

It still is an unfair mobility buff if they don't update the old monster's moveset

I hope they do

I feel that with the ground monsters
But the grapple will be great for the wyverns

>Yeah, this is what makes Monster Hunter great. When a game has this, no way it can still be a bad game.
But that's true.
Monster Hunter 3 wasn't a bad game because swimming was stupid.
Monster Hunter Generations wasn't bad because of arts or styles.
Hell Frontier has its moments too.
And that's because the base formula ALWAYS remains intact no matter what.

I'm going to give it a chance to woo me with actual gameplay. I thought 4 looked fucking awful after the trailers and it ended up being pretty good even if I still think mounting is stupid as fuck.

>You don't even have to hunt, spam IG and just wail on a defenceless monster for five minutes

>skill sensitive game
>5 inch screen
>played with one nub and a mushy ass d-pad
>low framerate


*breathes in*


I mostly do it so people prove me wrong and I'm happy. Maybe I'm missing something, but there always was this looming tendency toward casualized shit gameplay, just look at the Monster Hunter 4 reveal trailer.

Capcom has lost it. Everyone knows it and Monster Hunter was like the only thing they had left. For some reason everyone trusts them now, though. It's always the same thing with casuals and open world games. First they hype them up and everyone buys this shit, later they complain. People probably also need 30 more Assassin's Creed games to finally stop buying and supporting this garbage.

>No worries, you won't play a skill sensitive game. Just stay in the grass and don't forget to press the hookshot button for awesome.
This is what upsets me.
Monsters are chasing you? Just crouch in some grass and they all instantly lose sight of you.
Monster knocks you away? Just hook shot back onto it, don't even worry about dodging or positioning.
Monster has you cornered? Just hook shot up to the ceiling and you can't get hit!
It literally requires no skill. They're just get out of jail free cards with no disadvantages.

Get out you fucking degenerate

Case in point, Sup Forums is fucking shit. Whether he's serious or false flagging, it's pointless bullshit some sad loser posted between jerkoff sessions for a little giggle. It means nothing and adds nothing, just powering the always-spinning wheel of trash.

I like how weeaboos pretend that MH isn't a horrible game that people only play because of EPIC LOOT. Normies have Destiny, PCfags have Diablo 3, weeaboos have MH.

No, what people mean by scripted in this case is that you cannot even influence the animations at all. Like in that tunnel segment in the trailer. The monster is just chasing you through that tunnel system and you couldn't even fight in it, the game basically turns into Uncharted for a minute there. Or maybe half the fight, who knows?

Imagine if they buff some monsters to counter the hook

>grapple a flying rathian
>rathian turns around and waits until you get close enough
>sends you flying away with a spinning tail attack
>you get sent flying away for what would be worth 1/4 of the map in the old game

>this thread
>nintenbabbies on suicide watch

>game is shown to have more of an ecosystem where monsters actually interact with each other in the world and interacting with the envronment and the environment matters
>stuff akin to the older cinematics they would make for the games
>but Sup Forums is too busy memeing about "muh casualization" that has yet to be seen to appreciate this

Lot of assuming from one trailer there. We really don't know how the stealth or grappling hook are going to work in practice. Maybe there are limitations placed on them.

People only play it because of the combat as far as I know. I've been playing it for like 13 years because the combat is so sick.

Why? Because it's a pretend mechanic you moron that's why.

It's pretend to incorporate a stealth element to the game when in reality there is nothing there. This shit has been in a bunch of movie games recently and it's literally just a poorly concealed way of turning off the AI, there is no depth what so ever to it and it's borderline fucking insulting.

>Enemies go into an animation like they are searching and hunting for you when you literally just walked into a small bush in front of them

Get the fuck out of here.

>You can sneak past little monsters
>past little monsters

Now who is making the baseless assumptions?

Honestly, I think this looks really fun.

If you actually consider what Monster Hunting would really be like, it would be something similar to what they showed in a Fantasy setting.

It's not like FU or 3U won't still have dedicated fanbases and you can still play them.

Monster Hunter was in desperate need of some new lifeblood, and not the anime shit that happened in 4 and X.

This is a guy who played the OG online.

To many people 3 was bad because of swimming and 4 and X are bad because of styles, mounting, vertical environments etc.

No, potions and sharpening are not what makes Monster Hunter good.

Pretty much. Stealth and exploration is not usually done well in the Monster Hunter franchise.


But I play it because I like fighting giant monsters. Getting to use their bones to create giant swords is just a bonus.

What's good about MH combat though? It's just kind of shit.

That's still a false fallacy. Just because a handheld game is shit you don't have to buy a shit game on a console. They could just make a classic, polished, beautiful Monster Hunter game for a console and everyone who likes the series would be happy.

Not some Skyirm shit with hookshots.

You get out, memespouting faggot.

>>nintenbabbies on suicide watch

More parroted bullshit. Did you get this straight from Sup Forums? Did saying it make you happy? Do you fit in now?

>every recent MH game for the past few years is bad because I say so
Then why the fuck are you still here?

pretty much

If this thing is truly open world, I'm gonna be luring a brachydios and make videos on youtube called "Brachydios beating the shit out of everything"

>Lot of assuming from one trailer there.
But all of that is shown in the trailer. Small monsters are actively chasing the player, they hide in grass, monsters lose sight. The new monster knocks the player into the air, but they just hook shot back onto it. At one point the monster gets close to the player, and they just hook shot across the area. It's all confirmed, it's in the trailer. I'm not really assuming anything, we all saw exactly how it is going to work in practice.

>murder massive dragon monsters and skin them to make armor and weapons

sounds like monster hunter to me

That's why I have no strong feelings about the trailer so far. I'll decide when I see combat and not this scripted shit. This felt like it was trying to emulate the opening cinematic of the first monhun.

Everything is weighty, both positioning and reflexes are important. Hit feel great, the monsters usually have interesting movesets, all the weapons feel diverse. It's just great. People jerk off souls combat but I think monhun is a better execution of a similar concept.