What's going to happen to Monster Hunter 5?
Nintendo Switch and Monster Hunter?
Exclusive to all platforms except switch
There'll still be a 3ds version though
>Monster Hunter World confirmed developed by Kaname Fujioka
>I.e the Miyazaki of Monster Hunter
It's going to be the Dark Souls 2 of the Monster Hunter series and likely not a Switch exclusive
3DS/switch, like all other MH games mainline comes out on the highest selling system(s) in japan
next question
Monster Hunter World is single handedly going to sink the Switches sales in Japan.
They're dropping the numbering because it get's stupid after 5
MHW is the new mainline just like 'Portable' was
MHW IS MH5, it's the same dream team who worked on MH4
Nintenkids will still defend their MHXX 3DS port though I suppose
considering this MH is made for more of a western audience I doubt that, plus the fact that it's not on handheld is a huge set back for the japanese market.
regardless I'll get it on ps4 and judge for myself
>Developed by Fujioka
>Not coming to the fucking Switch
>Instead we're getting XX
How the fuck did Nintendo let this happen exactly? This was huge for them, it's one of their biggest franchises, especially in Japan.
Even if there IS Monster Hunter 5, it's going to either be miles away from release or not being directed by Kaname Fujioka (i.e, into the trash).
>considering this MH is made for more of a western audience
What is this meme being peddaled?
It's made by the same team who made MH1/MH2/MH3/MH4.
Who is forcing this "westernized" meme? Is it based on the debunked rumor?
because XX will sell more on the 3ds alone than world sells overall
the rumor got proven right with this being a thing to begin with.
based off what I saw it seems more westernized. pseudo-realistic monsters rather than stylized ones, Open world being more catered to the west, and the bowgun working like a machine gun are all suspect
>the rumor got proven right with this being a thing to begin with.
>Said that there are no quests
Pic related proves it wrong
>Called it "Monster Hunter 5"
It's not called that
The only thing it got right was multiplat + no Switch.
>based off what I saw it seems more westernized. pseudo-realistic monsters rather than stylized ones
Are you retarded? We only saw Dinosaurs which have been in every Monster HUnter game,
Keep thinking that
The PS4 has out-sold the Switch 5 to 1 in Japan, there's no may Capcom will want to take a loss by releasing mainseries MH games on a console no-one owns
the rumor didnt call it MH5 at all.
fuck off.
>because XX will sell more on the 3ds alone than world sells overall
XX sold 3.4 million
No chance does a new HD Monster Hunter on PS4/PC/Xbox One not break 5 million, easy.
those "dinosaurs" are a lot more realistic than any of the previous iterations e.g. jaggis, velociprey, etc.
huh? I said the 3DS not the PS4
*not the switch
gaijins only buy fifa and japs dont plays on consoles.
Stay mad
3DS exclusive with a Switch port down the line
Japan only because MHW kills the franchise on the west
>those "dinosaurs" are a lot more realistic than any of the previous iterations e.g. jaggis, velociprey, etc.
I think they may still make a portable series, otherwise Capcom would be leaving behind a void and it'll be stupid for them to do that
Post YFW
>A team makes Monster Hunter World
>B team makes Monster Hunter 5
It's going to be Dark Souls 2 vs Bloodborne all over again
compare that to gobul or zamitros, the artstyle is clearly psudo-realistic instead of stylized
I would believe this
>Clearly shows the Switch is selling more than the PS4
Holy fuck way to be sabotaged by your own source
nigga are you retarded?
>compare that reptile species to an entirely different species
How about I compare it to other reptiles ?
>MH5 is exclusive to a console
>MHW isn't
So clearly MHW is going to be Dark Souls 2 in this case
1. amphibians arn't reptiles
2. still looks more stylized
>he thinks Monster Hunter is ever going to be a Nintendo exclusive after this
>He thinks it'll be multiplat from this point forward
>He thinks it'll be multiplat from this point forward
Yep, I do.
Seeing as Switch has been cucked BIGLY by getting not only a spin off and not only an OUTSOURCED spin off, but literally an OUTSOURCED SPIN OFF 3DS PORT FROM 2015.
Meanwhile based Sony, based Xbox and based PC get a new HD Monster Hunter made by the literal grand father of Monster Hunter
If he wanted to show an out of place monster he couldve used deviljho.
Too dumb for that though.
I'm fairly certain that's an amphibian
>Ignoring the 3DS exclusive games also made by the grand father
There's going to be a Nintendo exclusive game in the future whether you like it or not user. Deal with it
It's a leviathan you fucking fags
Which are definitely closer to a reptile than Amphibian.
>ignoring the 3DS games
The last one he worked on was Monster Hunter 4.
Literally 4 years ago m8. He's moved on to bigger and better things
Enjoy XX m8, hopefully it doesn't look too much like shit on the Switch.
a leviathan is a water creature how the fuck is it closer to a reptile than an amphibian?
>The year now matters
I'm not seeing it on any other systems, care to tell me why?
>Fucking Wyverns
Neck yourself
>Water creature
TIL - Crocodiles are Amphibians
>The year doesn't matter
Call me when the Switch mainline game gets announced faggot
see you next year for the annual MH game
Difference being MGS sells
If MHW doesn't sell, it'll be right back to handhelds, and you know it
maybe capcom let them have megaman
an alligator doesn't dive underwater and stays on land for a long period of time
wait what the fuck are we arguing about again
Call me when it happens fags
Monster Hunter World is Monster Hunter 5.
Or rather, that's what Capcom is hoping. They're hoping it overtakes the handheld franchise, setting it on a new path that allows the IP to be more accessible to global audiences.
alright I'll see you next year, maybe even tgs
IT'S gonna happen regardless.
Sony was desperate enough to pay Capcom for a MH game, Capcom knows they gonna fuck up if they stop making games for Nintendo.
It'll be lost planet 3 all over again
>It's going to be the Dark Souls 2 of the Monster Hunter series
so its going to be the most hated of the franchise?
nintenbros just assmad that Capcom can finally put down heavier looking graphics because they aren't trying to run on a Nintendo device
I'll take the new direction over the IP withering and dying off as a niche Japanese IP on outdated portable systems.
Plus, we haven't seen any actual gameplay of them fighting the monsters - it was more or less a case of them showing off new gameplay, stealth & environmental mechanics.
The life time sales of PS4 in japan arn't that great. I can see the Switch caticing up to it in a year or two.
>not a stylization of some sort
Go to bed
>I'll take the new direction over the IP
No it'll remain a niche japanese game people still won't buy while alienating their original fanbase
If it was MH5 it'd be called MH5 dumbass. MH5 would have been HUGE news. There's a reason the chose to call this multiplatform westernized blunder "world".
I'm pretty sure they're just looking more "pseudo-realistic" because they are no longer limited to the rendering capabilities (or lack thereof) of a Nintendo console
They announced it at the Sony presentation.
It'll be on Switch. They're probably p,among on using the same models as in World. Would explain why it looks so shitty compared to other Ps4/Xbone games.
counter argument is MHO
>even Capcom knows this isn't a real MH game
>imagination is thrown out the window becaus 'muh power'
I wonder which Capcom exec's head is going to roll once this barely manages to sell 2 million.
name a modern, Japanese-developed game that looks good on and is exclusive to the PC
yes, some things ultimately get cut after the concept because of limited computing power
this is not exclusive to monster hunter
>this delusion
Enjoy XX faggot
Us PC/Xbox/PS4 bros will be enjoying the REAL MOnster Hunter
My guess would be that Nintendo has most likely locked MH5 on Switch, for better or worse.
Otherwise I think ewe would have seen MH5, not "World", today. Capcom obviously wants the series to go multiplatform.
doubt is gonna be hated as XX.
Nigger are you seriously implying Capcom is gonna stop milking MH?
You're fucking stupid, or you're just scared shitless at the thought of Switch getting another MH game. Probably both.
Wonder what 2chan has to say about all of this.
>enjoying the REAL MOnster Hunter
This sounds delusional. It's literally the opposite happening.
I don't even like these shitton games, but you'll be enjoying a spinoff while Nintenbros will be enjoying the mainline "real" titles.
Bloodborne sold 2 million
install base means nothing when your majority of it are dudebros that buy madden cod and other fotm shit
More then likely.
I can see them creating a better looking version of MH with local co-op, a few needed mechanics updates here and there, the more popular things from the world might make it into MH5 but probably not. Oh and avillage building mechanic because...well whatever.
>the amount of butthurt happening because this is not a mainline game
This is fucking hilarious.